Wraith Knights Extinction

Few Hours after the Primordial Scream,

Several Ships crash landed onto the Planetoid Monster, Exploding and killing hundreds of thousands of Cultivators on Impact.

In the burning Rubble, Kudu Desia crawled out painfully- he'd barely survived with the help of a personal Forcefield given by his father.

'What had happened?'

'Why was this happening?'


'I must Escape!'

'Those Bastards out there must have a working ship- I must Leave this Goddamned Planet!'

He dragged his bloodied body out the Wreckage only to stop before someone standing out.

He looked up and cried out in surprise," Father!"

"Father! We must leave this miserable place! It's terrifying!"

He dragged Vide Desia and as he began to run in the Alien Environment hapazhardly.

He saw lumps of skin and long towering tentacles seemed to stretch out in the sky.

He rubbed his eyes and gazed at the sky as a fleet began to land while hundreds of other ships crashing into the planet like flies.

But seeing that fleet descend normally seemed to give some hope of escaping this Damned World.

" Father come- let's Go to- bleurgh",His voice abruptly stopped as he turned to gaze at his who had ripped his throat out, causing him to vomit blood and stare at his father in horror.

His father's face contorted to reveal a Faceless purplish pink skin head with several tentacles drooping down.

Kudu mumbled inaudible sounds of fear as the figure floated before him, unnaturally tall- it's slender arms hiding Terrifying strength.

The Tentacles slowly around as he whimpered unintelligibly as tears seeped out of those Tentacles.

The Monster's mouth hidden behind the Tentacles widened and bit down on forcibly on Kudu's wrapped head as trickles of blood dripped out of them very slowly.



The Tentacles let go of what remained of Kudu- his Empty shattered skull and lack of Eyeballs as an eternal expression of horror and torment remained on his haunted face.

The Monster then turned it's head and floated above to find it's next victim among the graveyard of crashed Space ships.

Soon thousands of similar strange Monsters could be seen hunting for survivors like Hungry piranha following a blood trail.

Sam and his men watched all this silently on the monitor with grim expressions.

"I believe Kudu's killer is atleast Stage 10- and there are thousands of probably even more waiting for us", Sabine spoke out as gazed at Sam for his Order.

Sam mused for a moment and then spoke," We'll divide into 2 Teams- the sword and shield - Viktor you will lead the shield while I will lead sword"

"By us time by any means necessary "

" I will", Viktor affirmed.

"But brother - I think we'll have a better chance if We launch our assault on the Wreckage where these things are slowly concentrating- Survivors Will be an unexpected casualty though "

"Do as you see fit", Sam replied with a sad smile - this would be the last time he would see his brother.

This was a Suicide mission after all.

Viktor then departed with the Wraith Invictus Fleet from the main Armada and approached the Landing Zone- at the heart of the newly formed Wreckage of hundreds of ships.

They could see survivors being torn apart by all those Mysterious Monsters, but they waited-They monitored their advanced Radar to see the monster swarm grow until the number became significant, they engaged their stealth systems and lay in wait in the sky - to their horror they saw multiple flying creatures approach the LZ as well.

However, due to their last-minute shielding upgrade, they managed to remain undetected, as they saw the LZ become a Brutal slaughter-fest.

Humans had become livestock to these various Monstrous Creatures .

These creatures seemed to have Illithid like traits but not completely- there was something horribly wrong here.

Viktor didn't dare to take risks here- he immediately broadcasted a message to switch to Biohazard Protocols.

He then mulled his options to take out the enemies.

- their Last Batch of Controlled Micro Range Fusion Bombs which they had illegally procured.

- Using Banned Flesh Eating Virus Warheads

- Or Use the Seismic Wave Emitters?

'The other 2 options are not enough to make it safe, We'll use CMR Fusion Bombs first!'

The CMR Fusion Bombs would not trigger the backlash of whatever monster that planet had become, due to their small range and quick dissipation without any latent lethal Radiation.

It would be like a small harmless pop to the planet, while killing everything in the blast radius.

Viktor positioned the ships and observed as the survivors dwindled rapidly while the Strange Monster Swarm became extremely thick.

Just as the situation was about to tip in the side of the monsters, Viktor gave the command to fire at will.

The CMR Fusion Bombs didn't give out any sound as the explosions engulfed the area, slowly dissipating a few seconds later- Revealing a Ground that Resembled burnt flesh.

The Monster horde gathering here had been reduced to atoms while the Graveyard contained few slobs of glowing metal scrap remnants of the crashed ships.

All Survivors here had been atomized, but there probably even more ship graveyards around the Planet that had probably become Hunting grounds for these Terrifying creatures.

"We should have 20 minutes or less before more of those things arrive, Sam proceed and ensure the Array works!", Viktor then proceeded to make a circular perimeter around the grave yard with his fleet.

He then turned to his special 'Team'- the former kids, - Ansel, Angelo, Atohi, ErDa and Ekon.

The Five were essential to the array in it's final phase- he had to make sure the Five arrive in time for the Final Phase of Activation while preserving their life.

The Five knew this as well as they inherited Viktor's Personality and Memories through the Neuro SIM procedure.

In the next 180 seconds those monsters would come- They had to survive and KILL as much as possible.

For they were Psuedo stage 10 Warriors like Viktor.

In Normal Times they would be hidden from the world due to Neuro SIM- but now they had to kill as much as possible to buy time!

Every second was worth its weight in Mythic Gold!

Sam immediately docked with the Core ship in the LZ as Corvus and the others quickly worked on setting up the Array.

The Entire Armada was now protecting the Array construction with Layers upon Layers of Vigilant Ships.

Sam quickly began the first Phase of Array Assembly while the others stood guard.

A Large Pentagram with Unknown Symbols had been etched with Enriched Mythril Extract- then the others quickly brought strangely shaped Metallic Devices and Strange Glowing Concoctions of unknown origins as per Sam's Orders to the Pentagram.

They quickly placed them in the specific order that Arrays uniquely have, but there was no trace of anyone or anything coming for them.

An Eerie feeling slowly possessed them as time went by as they completed the first phase.

Sam looked at the Radar Warily, even his Stage 10 Cultivation couldn't detect anything, except the feeling of unease and the feeling of being stared at by a Predator increased.

But the Wraith Knights were not Rookies to fear and paralyzing traumas- they carried on to the next phase undeterred.

" This planet...", Sam gazed into the distance as he saw several Organic constructs towering into the sky for some unknown purpose.

But these structures - looked manmade yet organic?

Sam squinted his eyes briefly and his expression became heavy as he understood.

"Pain engineering... Merciful Empyrean", He muttered as he comprehended a small part of a horrifying secret.

"WE MUST HURRY!", He roared out, as he understood- that Conrad was already aware of what they were doing.

"EVERYONE ON YOUR GUARD! I SEE SOMETHING!", Viktor bellowed as he saw a human appear out of nowhere- just a few hundred meters away from their defense perimeter.

The human figure blurred and reappeared closer- giving Viktor a better look.

It was Conrad- in his human form- wearing a black suit with a Demonic smile.

His eyes gazed at them indifferently.

" Ah! Viktor Manek! A dead man walking - we'll settle our score later but look here!- Heyyyy now what are you trying to hatch here? Array? To kill little ol me- looks like you weren't on the uptake unfortunately "

"Your plan is going to fail- your so called Chosen one is in Naraka, by the time he gets here or anyone who gets here, the Ascension Array will have already started, you are too late my old friends from Rathiel ", He smiled and shrugged.

" Continue the Array!", Sam spoke out loudly interrupting the depressing effect of Conrad's speech earlier.

" Didn't you here me Sam? It's futile, you could just prostrate infront of me and worship me already - "

" Continue! IGNORE HIM!", Sam bellowed again in a more stern voice to his people.

The Wraith Knights immediately returned to work on that order without a second thought.

"*Tch *Tch *Tch", Conrad clicked his tongue.

"Have you all heard of alternate timelines?", he asks them all- and they just gaze at him -confused as to why he would randomly bring this up.

" Actually we can't watch alternate Timelines - Not in this Universe, but the Eldritch are different - they simulate Timelines! Infact they have simulated this very array creation possibility, hah! Do you know what you all sacrifices to do this instead of Tearing the other Star Countries apart? You all will never be remembered, your souls consumed as your plan fails spectacularly "

"Why am I so confident? The Ascension Array will not stop once it starts- and since I am the target entity - the beneficiary to be exact, I will not die! Humanity will witness a new era, as they welcome my Ascension and watch as the Human Fate becomes by Black Crown, I will be Emperor "

"And nothing in this world can kill me- not your array, not that boy who's stuck in Naraka or even the Demi Gods who you all believe in so much!", Conrad smiled as he explained.

" You all should be proud- I didn't want to kill you all myself but sometimes you just have to do things yourself or watch on as your enemy eats you up"

" If you were expecting a protracted battle,- with my forces- then I am sorry to disappoint, My Eldritch Illithid Hybrids need to be kept for few special guests- as for you all", he grinned maliciously at them and merely raised his palm.

" I am Sorry - Activate Object Rho", Sam immediately revealed a Metallic Silver Orb from his space ring and it sent out a Mythic Power Pulse outward- killing almost Everyone in the vicinity as Conrad watched on in amusement.

The Five kids, Corvus , Sabine and the other Wraith Knights died in an instant as their flesh bodies exploded and merged into the Artifact Object Rho within a second and Sam threw the Artifact into the Array Core.

He then fell to his knees as he watched the Object Rho assemble the array in a few seconds.


The Array flashed with a Bright Crimson light - forming a Black Pyramid with glowiyred runes engraved upon it.

What stood out was a small child's arm sized hole that lay in place.

But nothing happened- it simply floated in the air.

Conrad then curiously beckoned the object to him as Sam simply gazed in a stunned manner.

"How curious - this is supposed to kill me?, heh- hehe Hahaha! What a useless Artifact! You- you basically my job for me- you killed everyone here apart from your brother - who seems to be in a catatonic state, but you did it!", Conrad grinned in a fiendish manner as he played with the palm sized black Pyramid.

" Your Artifact - I will destroy it", and then he attempted to crush it but to no avail.

"Tough but to crack-that Tricky Bastard Mirror has always made such fucked up things! So be it, I'll discover another way to destroy you after my Ascension!"

He then tossed the pyramid onto the ground and bellowed,

"Cursus!- keep this Artifact with you- we can't have anything that ruins our plans!", with that tentacles sprout out of the ground, wrapping the Black Pyramid and dragging it deep into the monstrous planet.

"Well that's taken care of now- about you two- the sole survivors! So many elites died in an instant you muttered those words- the great Wraith Knights, now almost extinct! You should have very few assets left in the other systems - Probably running sabotage now to cripple the other Star Countries... You know, if they never came here- they would have struck such terror into the hears of the Ho- Hax Sector and beyond! Truly a shame"

" Still... You have played very well the both of you!But this is where we must end this little fun activity - now do you know the Words of Mythic Power? Well what can I expect from fools who couldn't breakthrough it... Just die", A dull red light came out of his mouth as he muttered the word die.

Sam's eyes went dull as his heart stopped and he fell flat, in his final moment he could see his granddaughter walk in the sun, in a beautiful green plain with a sweet innocent smile.

* Click

His hand pressed something like a button before going limp as he died with a single tear falling from his left eye

The ship's suddenly powered back on - an entire armada lit up and let out a high pitched noises.

" Huh?", Just as Conrad narrowed his eyes to the sudden change, Viktor immediately held him tightly, his brain going extremely mad in the Mecha.

" You know- You can only hold me if I allow it-", Conrad retorted and simply pierced through the mecha with his arm and ripped out a decaying brain.

"Your attempts are simply futile, you have courage Viktor, but you have such a stubborn brain- refusing my Word of Power- it's a glorious achievement"

"Now die"and he crushed the brain into paste and watched on the Ship supercharging , almost about to blow up.

" It's been fun, though this spaceship attack is simply", As he spoke the spaceships exploded out- Massive Energy bubbles formed from the spaceships, from the mecha and from their huge forbidden weapon stash.

The Energy Bubbles suddenly began to fuse together until a Massive Energy Bubbles formed- Reaching into outer space.

It then collapsed into it self and exploded in a terrifying blast that sent a tremor across the Planes.

But the Planet Remained mostly unaffected- like it had been absorbed .

Conrad gazed at ruins with an unimpressed expression," *Sigh- all cleaned up here- let's not delay the Ascension Array!"

After saying this he simply left, disappearing into the void.

The Wraith Knights were now over the entire Rathiel Fleet had been wiped out with no survivors.

Master Mirror gazed at the scene and spoke, "you held up your end- now chess piece has been planted,- I can't wait to see his expression when he realises his folly, how fun!"