One of the Crownseekers walked forward. “You boys must be lost,” he said. He had a big head that reminded Oliver of a lumpy pumpkin with hair sprouting from the top. His voice was friendly, but he was not smiling.
Oliver opened his mouth to agree. But Kelley overrode him. “We’ve come to see the Tyrant.”
It was difficult for Oliver not to stare at his friend as incredulously as the Crownseeker was. “You and half the city,” the man said at last. “Well, you’ve come the wrong way. Go on back to the Eastern Gate and follow the crowd. They’ll set you to rights.”
Aldric coughed and knocked his shoulder covertly into Kelley’s back. “Let’s just go,” he whispered through gritted teeth.
But instead, Kelley took another step forward. “Sorry, there’s been a misunderstanding. We’re meant to help. We’ve been sent from Camp Bracken to help guard the Tyrant.”