Chapter 33: Partings at the Crossroads

Oliver stared at her, dumbstruck. She had admitted it. He could not believe his ears.

Slowly, he took a step away from her, shaking his head numbly. His anger slipped away from him. He felt like he could think clearly at last.

He had been aiding the worst of criminals – a Tyrant, reviled among all people of Dorne. He had refused to turn her in when he had had the chance, further condemning himself. And he had watched her kill his commanding officer right in front of him and done nothing.

Oliver had betrayed the Crownseekers. There was no other way to look at things. He had thrown everything away, brought his whole world crashing down on top of him. He could never go back to Camp Bracken. He would never see Aldric or Kelley again.

Oliver gritted his teeth and put a hand to his head. The forest spun around him. ‘Traitor,’ his thoughts whispered among the howling wind. ‘Traitor.’