Chapter 32: Raging in the Dark

Oliver and Vamira staggered out the door, pushed onward by the ranks of the fleeing mob. It was like riding on the back of a terrified wave. Oliver kept his feet moving, supported by Vamira, just barely able to keep from being shoved to the ground and trampled.

Outside, the night air was bitingly cold, freezing the sweat to Oliver’s skin. He shot a look behind, trying to see over the heads of the screaming crowd. “What about Odeile?” he yelled in Vamira’s ear.

Vamira kept walking. “She’ll be along,” she said shortly.

Oliver stared at her in disbeleif. He twisted, forcing Vamira to slow down. “We should wait...” he began.

But before he could finish his sentence, Odeile pushed free of the crowd and loped toward them. Her sleek, gray hair had escaped its severe bun and was blowing freely in the wind. But she looked otherwise unaffected by the brawl that had just taken place inside.