Chapter 36

Gabby chewed on her lip as Flynn drove them through town, her gaze focused out the window at the passing storefronts. The rain had cleared, leaving heavy humidity and light fog. From the driver's seat, cosmic waves of frustration emanated from Flynn, making her stomach cramp harder. A thousand questions flittered through her mind, never connecting to her mouth.

All week things had been off between them. She figured talking it out would cure that, but whatever had tripped his mood wasn't abating. And she had no idea where he was taking her. He'd just ordered her to get in the car and he'd peeled away. He hadn't spared her so much as a glance since.

A few quick turns off the main street and he pulled into the elementary school lot, cutting the engine. Gaze straight ahead, his jaw ticked. His fingers fisted the wheel before finally letting go to sign. "Room 10."

She glanced at their old school, a two-story tower of red brick and wood, and then back to him. "I don't understand."