Chapter 37

Flynn fisted the back of Gabby's sweater as she leaned in, hovering a whisper from his lips. He'd told her to decide because he didn't know what else to do to fend off this desire anymore, and it seemed she was all systems go. He'd taken her throughout town, not only showing her but telling her all they had to lose by crossing the line.

And here she stood in his arms, smelling like honey and sweet torment, throwing the past twenty-five years of friendship out the window.

Her soft, full lips brushed his and her eyes drifted closed on a sigh. He felt the rush of hot breath all the way to his groin and back. His heart beat a staccato rhythm, his body tensed between hell, yes and don't do this.

She barely touched him, her actions tentative and hesitant as he fought for some kind of guidance she was just as affected. Grazing her lips back and forth across his, she increased the pressure from ghosting to a caress and parted her lips.