Chapter 103

The blasted woman smelled like strawberries. Of all things, strawberries. The fragrance filled the small cab of Parker's car and made it extremely difficult to focus on driving her across town. Or concentrate on anything, really.

She'd put her hood up, too. Like it was cold inside his car or something. He'd cranked the heat, but she hadn't put it down, making him suspect she was hiding, not chilly.

He wove out of the short cul-de-sac where the Rec Center was located and turned down a series of streets until getting to Main. Regardless of all the shops being closed and people at home with their families, he drove slowly on the cobblestone road. He snuck a glance at her out of the corner of his eye, but the yellow glow from the lampposts only illuminated her thin frame. Her face was still obscured by the damn hood.