Chapter 33

"Holy crap, that's loud." Sammy stared at Kerry through round, blue eyes.

Inside the dark, dank saloon in Black Canyon, Kerry turned her head and tried to listen more closely. Ten minutes into the investigation, they'd heard the same footsteps from the other night. Heavy-soled boots on wood planks.

The hairs on her neck rose and she shivered. "They sound like they're right next to you."

Sammy had her feet propped on the table, legs crossed, but dropped them to the floor and leaned forward. "It sounds like they're walking around me. Who's here?" She asked the dark.

A few seconds passed before the distinct sound of glass breaking echoed through the room, causing Kerry to jump. She glanced around, but didn't notice any shattered glass. "Where did that come from?"

"I don't know." Sammy got up and walked behind the bar. "Nothing here." She lifted the walkie-talkie to her mouth. "Did anyone break anything made of glass? Maybe two minutes ago?"