Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide




ANIME OP: When My Devil Rises (Man with a Mission)

End of Anime: Kick Back (chainsaw man)

AN: Thank you for the support of everyone.


TITLE: Unruly neighbors


The group had finally arrived on land, and the sight of the destruction made the three feel nothing but resentment for the ancient alpha. So many died, and so much pointless destruction.

The king of monsters sighed as they made their way to Excelsus, but his mind was elsewhere. He wondered if this was some retribution. His father had rebelled, then he battled against his nemesis, which gave birth to his son. Then his son rebelled and had a child with his queen.

Now his grandson is doing the same, but much worse than Gestroyah. Battra, right when he said his bloodline and legacy were one pile of mess. At least his son didn't destroy unless they fought.

This brat had no self-control at all. Oh, he knew Gestroyah wanted to talk to their son but with what was happening; he knew they failed. The only question that remains is; can they do it?

Can they kill their son without hesitation?

He had done nothing but ensured that the peace his father fought and died for to be preserved. Godzilla was an alpha merely upholding a long-gone era. Desperately trying to preserve a fragile generation for this was all what he had left of his father's memory.

Godzilla had become an alpha too early. He knew it, everyone knew it, and who would follow a leader that follows a dead king? But for the sake of balance, he persevered, fought tooth and nail for it. Yet he can no longer deny, the era that his father created had long since passed.

Battra descended, and the king growled, letting the moth know he was on thin ice, but Battra ignored his warning. "Get your ass moving, old man!" The moth yelled close to his ear.

Holding back a growl, the king glared at the moth with such intensity that it would have set something on fire. Battra glared back, ever defiant to the true king. "Keep looking at me and I'll wipe you out of existence." The moth hissed.

"Your testing my patience."

"Oh no, this isn't testing your patience." Battra grinned and performed the mating dance. Intentionally slapping Godzilla with his wing while making the worst mating call. It was so bad that animals and kaijus alike fled in fear.

Mothra could do nothing but look away from her twin's shameful display. Dear mother why did she not give him the talent to call for a mate? That must be why that self-proclaimed queen kept chasing after him.

Godzilla roared in frustration, throwing Battra off balance, but the demonic moth flew away before the king could grab him. The moth cackles as the lizard glared with fury.

"King of monsters, ha! How about the king of losers? You can't even fly!" Battra cackled, while Godzilla's eye twitched before finally having enough. The king turns around and fires his nuclear ray onto the solid ground. He was like a rocket taking flight.

Battra failed to notice it too late, as Godzilla spreads his arms and body slams the moth. Battra could only cry in terror before being smashed by Godzilla's weight. The king stood up and savored the agony the moth was suffering.

"Since when in mother's name can he fly!? And what the heck did he just do?" Battra wheezed while getting up.

"About a hundred years ago, after we imprisoned you." Mothra answered while giggling as Battra grumbled about overweight flying lizards. Godzilla didn't dare say it, but Gestroyah had a slight influence on him, particularly his style of combat.

His sons were quite versatile and outright insane. Who in their right mind would willingly drop themselves from the sky just to kill an enemy? Gestroyah, that's who.

A brief flash of pain in the back of his head and Godzilla glared at Battra, who was about to throw another boulder or, in their case, a rock.

Whatever Godzilla was about to say was halted when Excelsus made an appearance. "Welcome spawn of Dagon." The spider hissed before noticing Mothra. "Ho... and you brought me a gift...YOU AGAIN!" Excelsus didn't get to continue as Battra rams into him and gets dragged across the city.

"WAZ'UP BITCH!?" Battra yelled with a savage grin before clawing out his blind eyes. Excelsus howled while Battra continued to twist his lodged claw. "That's for taking my munchies!"

Excelsus roared, pushing the moth off of him before swatting him away. "INSOLENT BRAT!" Excelsus growled, only to receive a nuclear ray from Godzilla. Blinded by the attack, the twins rushed and kept up their initial assault.

"Damn pests." The spider growled before swatting the twins and charging towards Godzilla. The King took a deep breath and unleashed two disks of nuclear energy. Excelsus howled in pain as the two disks burnt his flesh.

The titanic spider growled as silks covered the entirety of his face before gasping for air as Battra rams himself onto his back before hails of thunder bolts struck his body.

Mothra and Godzilla unleashed their own energy attacks, pushing the ancient titan back. Before Excelsus could push forward, he trips because of Battra's silk wrapped around his legs.

The three rushes in but Excelsus unleashes a powerful burst of energy, sending the three flying. Battra rights himself only to find a strand of web on his chest. "This is going to hurt." He muttered before being smashed onto the ground and dragged around, then pulled towards Excelsus's claw.

Battra grits his fangs as he felt his carapace slowly crushed. Mothra, seeing her twin's plight, rams herself to the enemy. While not powerful to cause any lasting damage, it was enough to get Excelsus off.

Excelsus hisses at the twins before grunting in pain as Godzilla's nuclear ray pushes him further away. The two titans roared before rushing towards each other, both glowing in power. The spider unleashed one of its energy spheres before Godzilla roars and releases a dome of nuclear.


Excelsus hissed as the intense heat burnt off some of his scales before grinning when he saw Godzilla's injury. The explosion had scorched the alpha. His bones and muscles were on full display for the world to see. Some of his limbs were missing, as his organs were on the soil.

His blood drips to the soil as he panted. The sight horrified Mothra, while Battra couldn't believe what he saw. This couldn't be real. The bastard king wouldn't die like this. Not for some meager explosion.

/3rd person/

The demise of their protector had caused all humans to lose hope. Their god was dead. His corpse was forever still, like a statue. A morbid, grotesque statue. Some prayed that this was nothing but a bad dream.

Mark turns to one monitor that was displaying Godzilla's vitals. All of them were flat line. The king was truly dead. They lost, now they were at the mercy of this ancient beast or the devil and his spawn.

Many tried to come up with something to revive the king, but there was nothing that can heal such injury. Only another god can resurrect him.

All man and beast alike can feel his demise, as a powerful wave of energy spans across the cosmos. Gestroyah and Shingodzilla's battle had temporarily ceased as the two turned toward where the wave came from.

Shingodzilla then turns back to Gestroyah and said. "Grandfather is dead. What will you do now, father?"

He was expecting a lot of things: anguish, denial, anger, acceptance, even bargaining, but what he wasn't expecting from them was laughter. Why? Why were they laughing as if he had just made a joke?


"Oh, sonny, you don't even know what your gramps is capable of?" Odin cackled.

"What did that spider do? Cut off his head? Ate him?You really have no idea what dad can do." Cody said.


"Listen, son, there's three things you need to know." Ning said.

"One, your gramps is a badass." Cody said.

"Two, he is the embodiment of the phrase 'too angry to die.'" Odin grinned.

Shingodzilla suddenly felt a shiver. Despite the agony he is in, this sensation made him wonder why now? Even under the gaze of his alpha, he never felt this before.


/Excelsus POV/

Excelsus roared to the skies, but suddenly felt something was wrong. Battra and Mothra as well felt there was amiss. All their instincts pointed back to Godzilla's corpse, but to their shock, his heart grew back and began pumping, missing limbs and organs growing, then his skin and scales.

Excelsus could only stare in disbelief, as the alpha revived himself but just like Gestroyah, Godzilla had also changed in appearance. His form was a now a mixture of his other incarnation. To be specific, he had the size of Shingodzilla, the arms and legs of ultima Godzilla and a similar appearance to Godzilla 2000.

When Godzilla opened his eyes, everyone went on guard. His ember eyes glowed with fire, a fury that no one had ever seen before. More than that, he was releasing large amounts of nuclear energy.

"He's fucking Godzilla." Gestroyah's words echoed as Godzilla roared, releasing a powerful burst of power. Weathers suddenly changing to fit his resurrection. To Excelsus, he was like a demon, for Mothra, he was like a liberated king.

But for Battra, he can only grin, for despite his hate for Godzilla, he knew that this time, Godzilla was finally worthy of his title. This was an era worthy of Godzilla.

AN: Sorry it took so long. When I wrote this chapter, I had a writer's block. I had no idea how to make the scene between Godzilla and Battra funny. Also, I wanted to expand my idea on Godzilla, so it took longer. That and my computer is acting up again.