Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide




ANIME OP: When My Devil Rises (Man with a Mission)

End of Anime: Kick Back (chainsaw man)

AN: Thank you for the support of everyone.



Hearing Godzilla's roar echoing in the distance caused the chimera to look at their child with a smug grin. Shingodzilla huffed but admitted that his fathers have a talent for timing and presentation.

Before Shingodzilla could make another move, Cody yelled. "Why? Why are you doing this? Can't you see this is pointless? This fight isn't getting us anywhere."

His words struck a cord inside Shingodzilla as the evolving beast halted. Odin and Ning turned to Cody, wondering why he would ask such a thing before realizing its purpose. Cody was trying to understand Shingodzilla. He was trying to find the cause of the desire Shin had to destroy them.

Shingodzilla pondered, why did he want to kill them? Was it because his Alpha demanded it? No, it was something deeper. On the day of his birth, he had this burning desire to end someone, and as he grew, he realized who it was. Every minute, all he could think of was hunting down his father and ending them. He didn't hate them, didn't even hold a grudge or fear toward them. He just knew that it was all connected to his fathers. Because it was what his MOTHER wanted, but was it just that?

"I-I don't know." Shingodzilla uttered, "All I know is I have to because it's all I remember.

Gestroyah's eyes narrowed, having a clearer picture of what caused Shingodzilla's desire to kill them. Their heart ached as they watched their child ponder and question his reasons. Cody had another emotion that was on the verge of exploding.

"THAT FUCKIN' BITCH!" Cody yelled, surprising everyone. "This is all her fault! That fucking cunt made this whole shit."

Ning frowned but didn't interrupt Cody's burst of curses while Odin felt suddenly proud of Cody's foul language. Yet both also felt furious as they cursed Mothra for starting this problem. Her last attack hadn't just overwritten their immune system. Shingodzilla was the incarnation of Mothra's desire, her desire to kill Gestroyah. The worst part is their son has zero clues on why he even wanted them dead.

Shingodzilla tilted his head while observing one of his fathers vent his frustration. However, he slightly took a step back when Cody's spiteful glare landed on him before it vanished, replaced with sadness and something else.

Ning and Odin's faces changed into something fierce and for a moment, Shingodzilla had the urge to run. Their demeanor had suddenly changed into one befitting of their status as apex predators. Shingodzilla realized that throughout their fight, his fathers hadn't been on the offensive. They had kept a passive flow of pressure, but now something changed it.

All three heads had the same look of determination. It threw him off. What caused this sudden shift? Either way, it was time for him to go serious as well.

Biollante had finished the last kaiju and was watching the battle unfold only for her to sense another Kaiju, but this one was different. She shivered when her eyes landed on her mate. She never saw him with that kind of glare.

Monster X who was making his way to earth, can also feel his prey about to set loose and he drooled. He can feel it. Their power was about to burst and he couldn't wait to have a small taste of it.

Gestroyah took a deep breath, and immediately all life suddenly felt a sudden loss of hope. If the dread it has submerged them in was suffocating, now it was worse, even

Every kaiju both on the surface and on hollow earth can feel the sudden drop of chill as if a calamity of untold proportions will unfold. Red eyes slowly open, as a kaiju, sitting on a large throne, looks up with a grimace.

Ichigo vs Yhwach Theme - Bleach TYBW Episode 7 OST

With a powerful burst of power, the remains of the city melted as Gestroyah glared at their son with a fierce look. The sudden influx of power rattled the fabrics of reality as pillars of light, thunderstorms, and giant twisters appeared as each step they take caused a minor earthquake. Shingodzilla leaped back in terror. Eyes wide in terror, he knew his father was strong, but this was beyond anything he could expect.

However, his fear was replaced with determination. He will not cower in fear. He will fight till his last breath. Releasing his power, Shingodzilla felt a tingle of bloodlust as he saw Gestroyah had a bloodlust-filled grin. The chimera's aura was a chaotic mix of yellow, purple, and red, while the mutated kaiju was a menacing shade of purple.

They were done trying to convince him. Now they were going to fight him, intending to kill.

The two Kaiju smashed toward each other, causing a bigger shockwave than their last tussle. The two traded blows, tearing off each other's flesh. Suddenly Shingodzilla found himself lifted into the sky. When they were at the stratosphere, Gestroyah released him from their grip. The mutated beast could only look in anger as his fathers glared down at him. As gravity suddenly increased, Gestroyah watched his son descend like a meteor before diving toward him, covered by their protected dome.

With a fierce roar, Shingodzilla unleashes his nuclear ray, but the attack couldn't pierce their shield. Gestroyah stretches out their arm and covered their son's mouth before enveloping it with the same barrier.

With another explosion that split the heavens, the two crashed into the earth, causing massive earthquakes. Gestroyah glared at his son before they replaced their fierce look with regret.


The chimera's eyes widen as Shingodzilla roared with a vengeance, unleashing his nuclear ray out of his scales. Gestroyah hissed as they took the hit before grabbing Shingodzilla by the head and slamming him back into the ground and piercing his neck with a shapeshifted neck.

"Stay down, don't make us do this." Cody pleaded in tears.

Shingodzilla's eyes landed on Cody, tears. His father was crying. Why? They were enemies? Why weep for someone whose sole purpose is to end you? Just as he was about to consider his father's request, another voice, a feminine one, was heard.

'kill them. Obey mother. Sleep. Mother will finish this.'

Shingodzilla pushed Gestroyah back with a nuclear pulse before screaming in pain as his body morphed and twisted. Biollante had an intense look as she observed him. This hatchling... something wasn't right about him and it wasn't his appearance or anything. Something deep inside him was clawing its way out.

They watched as Shingodzilla's body twisted as if it was eating itself before it ended and both titans could only describe it as a grotesque body of lumps of flesh.

It roared while Gestroyah could only look in horror. The link between them and Shingodzilla was gone.

"Who the fuck are you!? What did you do to our son!" Odin growled.

It sneers at them with malice. "Can't you tell, father?"

"Your not Shingodzilla." Ning hissed.

It chuckles. "Maybe for you, but it is the truth." It said before Cody fires his oxygen destroyer.

"Answer the question, ya sick fuck!" Cody growled.

It chuckled. "Oh, your sweet agony is music to my ears. But if you insist, Shingodzilla is dead."

The three heads could only look in horror as they uttered only one word. "Huh?"

AN: Here we go to another chapter for another day. Is Shingodzilla really dead? Who knows? What will Gestroyah do now?