Special chapter

Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide




ANIME OP: When My Devil Rises (Man with a Mission)

End of Anime: Kick Back (chainsaw man)

AN: Sorry for the sudden ghosting but I've been busy doing my day job and barely have any time for myself anymore but I'll still try to make time for this fanfic. Thanks for the support, everyone.

Here's a short chapter for you before Gestroyah's birth.


How Godzilla and Battra spent their first CHRISTMAS chapter

It wasn't a secret by the ancient humans and kaijus that Godzilla and Battra have been at each other's throats since they first met. None were sure of why, but they all knew it was personal and only Mothra knew what sparked this intense malice towards each other.

A younger Mothra and Godzilla were asleep after another failed mating session and tried to sleep off the intense urge to rut. It was working until a thunderous boom awoke the two.

Godzilla snarled as he smelled Battra's presence outside his home. Mothra groaned as she questioned how she could be a twin of something so dumb and violent.

"GODZILLA!!!" Battra's roar echoed as he marched towards them. "I have returned. I've come seeking the WEED of UNLIMITED vengeance!!!"

"Battra..." Mothra growled. "Go home brother, you're drunk!" She hissed.

"Whatever it is you seek is not here, fool." Godzilla glared. "Leave."

"DO NOT LIE TO ME WOMAN!" Battra growled as electricity danced around his horns. "YOU WILL NOT DENY ME MY GOODIES!"

The demonic moth then rams himself straight into the unprepared King of monsters and began bombarding him with intense blows. Godzilla reciprocate, causing massive amounts of destruction as the two fought while Mothra just stared before going back to sleep.


If there's one thing Battra wants to do other than eat weeds and interrupt Godzilla's mating (failed) session, then it was sleeping. Strong mind, and strong might as his mother taught him. However, at the end of every year, there was one creature that had made its mission to really get on his nerves by blasting light straight into his eyes.

However, today he had finally caught up to the bastard that kept him awake and would finally end his tyranny.

"ZELIOS!" Battra roared with fury. "Its time to catch these horns!" He grinned in sadistic fury as the giant mutated firefly shivered in fear.

"Battra, please, you must understand. You must see the light!"

"Let me guess, cause I've been spending one day inside total darkness and Mothra told you to keep me awake."

"Don't do this, it's madness."

"The only mad titan here is you Zelios."

The firefly stopped shivering in fear and gained a look of determination and glowed. "Very well," Zelios muttered as Battra went on guard. "Feel the power of MY LIGHT!!!"

Battra quickly covered his eyes with his wings, expecting pain, but when nothing happened, he lowered his wings in confusion and stared at Zelios in disbelief.

While the firefly had illuminated the entire continent, there was nothing else happening other than the inconvenience of being unable to see.

"Seriously? This is it? This is what kept me awake all this time?" The demonic moth was wondering if he had hit his head harder than usual. "It doesn't even hurt."

"Ah~ But it is inconvenient."

"I mean yeah... but...."

"Good. suffer, suffer under my light."

Battra roared, head-butting the firefly before stomping on its head until the light vanished. The evil moth didn't kill his fellow insect, as he knew Zelios couldn't exactly defy his twin. Didn't mean he was going to beat the life out of him partially.

"Godzilla!!!" the evil moth roared to the skies. "Tell Mothra her sorry ass is next."

And that's how Battra spent his new year ever since.


There we go, a special chapter that had been sitting on my hard drive for a while. Hope you like it.