Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide




ANIME OP: When My Devil Rises (Man with a Mission)

End of Anime: Kick Back (chainsaw man)

AN: Thank you for the support of everyone.


Gestroyah and Biollante were fighting against the seemingly endless wave of clones, each one absorbing their radiation and becoming stronger by the second. The two kaiju were struggling to keep up with the increasing numbers, but they were determined to protect the city and its inhabitants.

Cody was on high alert and warned Biollante to keep the clones at bay, knowing that even one touch could spell disaster.

"Don't let any of them touch you!" Cody growled.

"We can't keep this up," Biollante said. "We're outnumbered."

Ning nodded. "We need to find a way to stop them."

Shin-Godzilla observed the battle from a distance, his eyes narrowing as he studied his opponents. "Attack Gestroyah," he commanded one clone.

Cody noticed the movement and warned the others. "Incoming!" he bellowed.

Meanwhile, Odin used his gravity beam to eliminate as many clones as possible, his attacks causing explosions and sending debris flying.

Ning, Cody, and Odin are still fighting against the clones, who continue to absorb their radiation. Ning suddenly spots a clone sneaking up on them. He quickly reacts, firing his Spiral Ray at the clone, but to his surprise, the attack is absorbed by the clone's body. Before he could react, the clone strikes Ning with its claw, which embeds itself into Ning's head.

With practiced ease, the two heads worked together to repel the unwanted presence, pushing it out of their shared mind. They could feel the invader's frustration and anger as they sent it packing.

As Odin checked on Ning's condition, he asked with a hint of concern in his voice, "You alright, mate?"

Ning rubbed his head and replied, "Yeah, I'm good. What the bloody hell happened though?"

Cody chimed in, his voice calm and pacifistic, "We're not entirely sure, but something invaded our mental link when the clone struck you."

Regaining his composure, Ning focused his attention on the clone that had attacked him. He knew that they needed to be careful now - if the clones had found a way to infiltrate their connection once, they might be able to do it again. With fierce determination, the three-headed monster prepared to face their enemies with renewed vigilance.

Shin-Godzilla, who had been observing silently, muttered with interest, "Interesting. What happened to the clone? It look like it was about to assimilate father..."

With a glint of curiosity, Shin-Godzilla orders the clones to focus on the chimera while the rest make sure that Biollante won't be able to interfere. Biollante tries to aid Gestroyah but the clones were making it impossible.

Mob Pyscho 100 S2 OST - Shigeo vs Mogami Rematch theme

Gestroyah struggled as the clone wrapped its arms tightly around its body, absorbing its radiation with each passing moment. Another clone came from behind and tackled Gestroyah, causing the rest of the clones to converge on the chimera.

With a roar, Odin unleashed his gravity beam at the clone, forcing it to release its grip on Gestroyah. The clone stumbled backward, but quickly regained its composure and charged at Gestroyah once again.

But Gestroyah was ready. With a burst of energy, the chimera kaiju launched itself into the air, dragging the clones with it. As they soared through the sky, Gestroyah began to spin around, trying to shake off the stubborn clones.

The other clones quickly followed, swarming around Gestroyah like a pack of vultures. But Gestroyah was not to be underestimated. Cody used his oxygen destroyer to weaken the clones while Ning unleashed his spiral ray, taking out several clones in a single shot.

But the battle was far from over. The remaining clones continued to absorb Gestroyah's radiation, growing stronger with each passing moment. Gestroyah could feel the strain on its body as the clones drained it of its energy.

But Cody, Ning, and Odin refused to give up. Together, they launched a barrage of attacks, unleashing their various powers on the clones. Odin's gravity beam blasted through the sky, while Cody's plasma cutter agitated the clones. Ning's spiral ray sliced through the air, decimating the clones with ease.

Despite their efforts, the clones continued to close in on Gestroyah. With a fierce determination burning within them, Cody, Ning, and Odin unleashed a devastating combination attack, a fusion of their powers, blasting the clones with a wave of pure energy.

The clones were destroyed, their bodies disintegrating into nothingness. Gestroyah roared in agony as one clone was able to tackle it from the back. The clones had absorbed so much radiation that they had now adapted to flight combat, making it even harder for Gestroyah to defend itself. Suddenly, the other clones converge and pile up on top of the chimera kaiju. They all plummeted back to the ground like a meteor.

As Gestroyah tried to regain its footing, Shin-Godzilla spawned more clones, and they unleashed their spiral ray toward the chimera. Biollante tried to stop them, but she was too late. The clones' attack hit Gestroyah with full force, causing a large explosion that cleared the skies of any clouds forming.

Cody, Ning, and Odin were struggling to stay conscious as they felt the immense pain from the attack.

As they regained their composure, they looked up to see that the clones were still descending from the sky. Cody, being the pacifistic head, suggested using their gravity beam to push them back up, but Ning disagreed. "No, we can't afford to let this continue. We're going to have to kill Shin..." he hissed.

Odin, the aggressive head, growled in agreement. "I'm with Ning on this one. Let's take these bastards down!" With that, they charged toward the clones, using their gravity beam to create a shield around them as they attacked.

The clones tried to absorb their radiation, but Gestroyah had learned from their previous encounter. Cody used his powers to disrupt the absorption process, while Ning used his Spiral Ray to destroy the clones' absorption ability. Odin, being the most aggressive of the three, used his gravity beam to disintegrate the clones one by one.

The battle was fierce, but Gestroyah, with its three heads working in unison, was able to take down the clones one by one. The chimera hovers in the sky, its massive body trembling with exhaustion as it struggles to catch its breath. It scans the chaotic battlefield below, trying to locate any remaining clones. Suddenly, a blinding light flashes in its vision, and before it can react, Shin-Godzilla's spiral ray slams into its side, sending it hurtling toward the ground.

The chimera kaiju plummets down, the wind rushing past its ears as it desperately flaps its wings, trying to regain control. But it's too late, and it crashes into the earth with a deafening thud, sending a shockwave through the ground.

Biollante, having transformed back into her iconic form, watches in horror as her ally falls. Her anger boils over, and she lets out a deafening roar, charging forward and tearing through the remaining clones with reckless abandon.

But Shin-Godzilla ignores her, his attention fixed on the drop site. He spawns more clones, each one firing a spiral ray toward Biollante, keeping her distracted as he moves closer and closer to his goal. The air is thick with the sound of destruction as the battle rages on, with no end in sight.

The spawn of the Crimson devil stood tall, looking down at its defeated father lying on the ground. The mutated monster created dozens of tendrils, which pierced through the chimera's tough hide. Gestroyah roared in agony, while Biollante called out to them in horror and became more desperate by the moment.

Shin-Godzilla dragged Gestroyah closer to its face and asked if they had any last words. Ning smirked and answered, "You might have won this battle, but you haven't won the war yet."

Odin chimed in, "Do you know about the Matrix movie? Because we're the ones who created you."

Shin-Godzilla howled in agony as Cody bit hard on its nose. The mutated monster tried to shake off Gestroyah, but the chimera held on tight, unwilling to let go. The two heads followed suit.

"Let go, old man!"

"Not a chance brat." Ning growled.

"We're ending this here and now!" Odin grinned savagely.

"We didn't want to do this but you leave us no choice."

Shin-Godzilla stood frozen as the calcification process began to spread across its body, locking it in place. Gestroyah, too, began to calcify as the massive amounts of radiation surged through their bodies and into the sky. The air was thick with the overwhelming power of their combined energy, and the ground trembled beneath them.

Biollante watched in horror and awe as the two titanic creatures merged into one being, their energy coalescing into a magnificent tree that seemed to reach up toward the heavens themselves. The blinding light that radiated from the tree was almost too much to bear, and Biollante shielded her eyes as the transformation reached its climax.

When the light finally subsided, all that remained was Biollante, alone on the battlefield. The clones had disintegrated into nothingness, and the tree stood tall and proud, a monument to the power and sacrifice of Gestroyah and Shin-Godzilla.

For a moment, Biollante simply stared in stunned silence at the massive tree, taking in the sheer magnitude of what had just occurred. She felt a sense of grief and loss wash over her, but also a strange sense of hope. Her mate must have a plan if they resorted to this tactic.

With a heavy heart, Biollante waited patiently for her mate to emerge.

Gestroyah and Shin-Godzilla stood in silence, the only sound being the crackling of energy from the walls of the calcified tree. Gestroyah knew what it had to do to save the world, but it didn't make it any easier. The crimson devil looked at Shin-Godzilla with a mix of sadness and determination.

Shin-Godzilla, on the other hand, was in a state of panic. It knew what Gestroyah was planning, and it didn't want to die. The mutated monster looked around, hoping to find a way out of the calcified tree, but it was too late.

Gestroyah closed its eyes and took a deep breath. It summoned all the energy it had left and unleashed a devastating blast of radiation at Shin-Godzilla. The calcified walls shook, and the energy released was so intense that it created a shockwave that could be felt across the world.

Shin-Godzilla howled in agony as it was engulfed by the blast. The mutated monster tried to fight back, but it was no use. Gestroyah's attack was too powerful, and Shin-Godzilla was consumed by the energy.

As the dust settled, Gestroyah opened its eyes and saw that Shin-Godzilla was gone. The crimson devil let out a mournful roar, knowing that it had just killed its spawn for the sake of the world.

Gestroyah turned to look at the walls of the calcified tree, which began to crumble and fall away. The crimson devil stepped out into the open air, feeling the warm sun on its skin for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

Biollante, who had been watching from afar, slowly approached Gestroyah. She could see the sadness in its eyes and knew that it had just made the ultimate sacrifice.

Cody sighed heavily before looking at Ning and Odin. The two heads turned to their pacifistic head with suspicion.

Biollante approached Gestroyah slowly, with a soft, empathetic gaze. She could see the pain in his eyes and knew that he had just made the ultimate sacrifice. She reached out a tendril and wrapped it around his massive form, hoping to comfort the grieving father.

Cody let out a sigh, feeling the weight of the situation on his shoulders. He looked over at Ning and Odin, who were both looking at him with suspicion. Odin spoke up first, asking what Cody had done. Cody revealed a small piece of calcified material that he had salvaged from Shin-Godzilla's body.

Odin asked incredulously, "What were you thinking, Cody? We didn't risk our lives for this!"

"I messed up," Cody admitted, "but I just couldn't bear the idea of killing our son completely. So I saved a small piece of him and made sure that none of Mothra's will lingered in the piece."

Ning remained silent, but after a moment, he spoke up. "I have to admit, deep down I shared the same feeling but Cody what you did was stupid, you put the world at risk."

"I know damn it!" Cody yelled. "I know what I did was stupid but... I... I just wanted another chance...." He whispered.

The two heads became solemn as a memory of their human past resurfaced. A memory filled with tragedy, it was around Jackie's high school years, a teenage dad due to his flings but one day he made a mistake and the infant paid with its life.

Jackie wasn't the same after that, he'd moved on from that but the guilt was buried deep. It's why Cody wasn't just the incarnation of Jackie's innocence, his lust, he was also his deepest regret and trauma. That's why Ning couldn't be angry at Cody. Shin-Godzilla had become Cody's obsession to right their wrong. The obsession of being a different parent... Cody was projecting their son Mark through Shin-Godzilla.

Odin shook his head in disbelief. "You're crazy! Dumb! This is how you end up fucking up a planet - with no sense of reason or morality! Bloody hell!"

Ning shakes his head. "What's done is done. Now we need to figure out what to do with it."

Odin looks at the calcified piece and said, "I'll tell you what we're going to do. We finish it. Shin was our son but look at what he did!"

"No!" Cody yelled looking frantic as he continued, "Ning listen to me, we can still raise him right. We can..."

"Wake up to reality, you damn cunt! This ain't some fantasy your living in! Our son is dead, the only thing left is whatever took over him." Odin roared. "Mark, our beautiful baby has been dead for five years! Shin isn't Mark, get it through your sick head, before you end up in hell."

Odin's words must have gotten through Ning observed Cody somehow snapping out of whatever fantasy he was dreaming.

"I..." Cody's expression was pitiful as he tried to form a reason. "Cody, you need to let go." Ning softly said. Cody stared at him in betrayal, "Odin is right, Mark... Mark's gone. You have to let go."

Cody's eyes dilated as he gets a panic attack, and the memory of a burnt corpse sprung forth. They were right, he had to let go... to live in a reality where they were responsible for killing their son just like this one.

He takes a glance at the calcified piece that oddly resembled an infant human. Ning and Odin could only look at Cody in sadness, the poor guy was a mess now as reality seems to be crashing down.

Yet before he could decide anything Biollante took the calcified fragment from Cody and held it in one of her tendrils, examining it closely. After a moment, she made a decision and assimilated it into her womb, where it would be protected and cared for.

"I will take this piece and give birth to Shingodzilla. He will have a chance to live, to experience the world, and to make his own choices."

Cody looks at her in shame and apologizes. "I should have never done this. I was selfish and only thinking of my own feelings."

Biollante calms him down, "It's okay, Cody. You did what you thought was right at the time. We all make mistakes."

Ning asks if she's sure about this decision. "Are you sure that this is the best course of action? We have no idea what it can do to you."

Biollante looks at him and nods her head. "I may not know the importance of the mutant, but I do know the importance of family. And if this is what it takes to make you all happy, then I will become his mother and give him a chance at life."

Odin fixes his intense gaze on Cody, who hangs his head in shame. "You've gone and made a right mess of things, haven't you, mate?" he says, his British accent thickening. "Biollante's taking a right risk with this, so you'd best not have bollocksed it up."

Cody nods his head in agreement, "I understand. I will do whatever it takes to make things right."

Biollante closes her eyes and focuses her energy on nurturing the fragment and bringing it to life. The other kaiju watch in silence as they wait for the birth of Shingodzilla, the offspring of two mighty monsters.

An: Here's the rewritten version of this chapter and honestly yeah I kind of rushed this but essentially Shin-Godzilla is dead and a new one is taking its place. I admit that Cody trying to save Shin-Godzilla doesn't make sense at first until I look back at my drafts for this scene and missed the small backstory about Jackie's backstory so yeah mc used to be a dad that fucked up big time. No, the new Shin-Godzilla will not be making any appearance right now in this arc.