Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide




ANIME OP: When My Devil Rises (Man with a Mission)

End of Anime: Kick Back (chainsaw man)

AN: I made a rewrite on Chapter 28: Farewell wayward son, The first one was rushed I admit. Anyways if anyone is not happy about Shin-Godzilla isn't permanently dead, I'm sorry but I have more plans for the character.


"Encounter in the Land of Ice and Disease"

Inside Hollow Earth, Manda and King Kong were heading to the great ape's ancestral home as fast as they can. Manda noticed that Kong was looking distracted and asks what is wrong. Kong responds that he doesn't know but he feels like Gestroyah was mourning yet at the same time happy. Manda blinks unable to understand but theorizes it must have something to do with the plate imbedded inside Kong's chest.

As they approached Kong's ancestral home, they noticed that something was amiss. The normally lush landscape was now desolate, and the air was thick with a noxious stench. Manda slithers to the ground and sniffs around, trying to pinpoint the source of the smell. Kong, on the other hand, scans the area, looking for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, a massive shape bursts through the trees, sending both Manda and Kong reeling back. It was a kaiju unlike any they have ever seen before. The creature was covered in white fur, had massive tusks, and its eyes glowed with an eerie blue light. The creature snarls, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth, and charges straight at Kong and Manda.

Kong roars in defiance and charges back at the creature, his fists clenched tight. Manda coils itself around the creature's legs, trying to trip it up. The creature, however, was incredibly strong, and it swipes at Manda with its massive tusks, sending the serpent flying.

Kong lands a punch on the creature's face, but it barely registers. The creature snarls and grabs Kong by the arm, tossing him to the ground. Manda quickly slithers to Kong's aid, coiling itself around the creature's neck and squeezing with all its might.

The creature howls in agony and starts to thrash around wildly. Kong, who was still recovering from the earlier blow, notices that the creature's fur was falling off in patches, revealing a sickly, diseased skin underneath. He realizes that this creature was the source of the noxious smell that pervaded the area.

As the creature continued to thrash around, Manda and Kong noticed that something else was emerging from the trees. It was another kaiju, smaller in size but no less deadly. This kaiju had multiple heads, each one spitting venomous bile at Manda and Kong.

Kong and Manda exchange a quick glance before putting the kaiju in their clutches out of its misery and charging at the new kaiju. The fight was on, and the outcome was far from certain.

The new kaiju was quick and agile, dodging Kong's massive fists and Manda's deadly coils. Its venomous spit hit its mark a few times, causing Kong to stumble and Manda to hiss in pain.

As the fight continued, Kong noticed that the kaiju was not attacking them out of malice but out of fear. Its eyes showed signs of sickness, and its body was covered in sores and blisters. Kong stopped his attack and looked at Manda, who had also noticed the strange behavior of the kaiju.

Manda approached the sickly kaiju cautiously and examined it. He found out that the kaiju was carrying a deadly virus that had spread throughout the land of ice, infecting every kaiju it came in contact with.

Kong understood the gravity of the situation and knew that they needed to find a way to stop the virus from spreading. He turned to Manda and asked if he knew of any cure for the virus. Manda shook his head, saying that he had never encountered anything like it before.

But as they were discussing their options, they heard a loud roar coming from the direction of the mountains. They looked up and saw a massive figure approaching them, covered in snow and ice.

As the figure got closer, they realized that it was a kaiju unlike any they had seen before. The kaiju that had just emerged from the trees was unlike any creature Kong or Manda had ever seen. It was a massive creature, towering over even Kong's impressive height. Its snow-white fur was stained with the blood of its enemies, and its eyes glowed with a fierce intelligence. This was the abominable snowman, also known as the Yeti, and it was not happy about the intruders in its land.

As the two kaijus charged toward the Yeti, they could see that its claws were long and sharp, and its teeth were razor-sharp. The Yeti was not just strong, it was also incredibly fast, dodging their attacks with ease. Kong and Manda tried their best to take the creature down, but the Yeti seemed to have an endless supply of tricks up its sleeve.

Meanwhile, inside the ship that had brought them to Hollow Earth, the human crew could hardly believe what they were seeing. They had never believed in the existence of kaijus, and yet here they were, watching in awe as two massive creatures fought a white-furred monster that was bigger than both of them.

But their amazement quickly turned to horror as they realized that the Yeti was not the only problem. There was another kaiju, one that was the source of the plague that was spreading throughout Hollow Earth. This kaiju was sickly and grotesque, with puss-filled boils covering its skin. Its mere presence was enough to infect others, spreading the disease even further.

The Yeti's snow-white fur glistened in the sunlight as it launched itself toward the Plague, unleashing a devastating blast of ice that froze the Kaiju's appendages in place. The Plague roared in anger and desperation, but it was clear that the Yeti had the upper hand in this battle.

Kong turned towards Manda in concern as the serpent struggled against the cold. Manda's body was not made for the icy environment, and it was clear that he was at a disadvantage against the Plague. Kong knew he had to act fast, and he charged towards the fray, his fists pounding against the Plague's sickly skin.

Together, Kong and the Yeti unleashed a flurry of blows against the Plague, the sound of their attacks echoing through the Hollow Earth. Ice and lightning danced against the tide of disease, and it was clear that the two Kaiju were a formidable team.

As the battle raged on, the humans who had been watching from their ship could hardly believe their eyes. They had never seen anything like this before, and they could only watch in awe and terror as the Kaiju clashed.

But the Yeti and the Plague had a history that ran deeper than anyone knew. The Yeti had been the guardian of this land, and the Plague had brought disease and destruction wherever it went. The two Kaiju had been locked in a bitter feud for centuries, and now it seemed that the time had come for their final battle.

The Plague continued to spew its toxic miasma, but the Yeti's ice blasts froze the poison in mid-air before it could reach them. Kong and Manda could feel the cold emanating from the Yeti's attacks, but they also knew that it was their best chance to defeat the Plague.

The Plague, sensing its impending doom, unleashed all of its remaining energy in a desperate attempt to overwhelm its opponents. It unleashed a massive cloud of poisonous gas that engulfed the entire battlefield. Kong and Manda were struggling to stay on their feet, but the Yeti was unaffected by the poison.

With a roar that shook the earth, the Yeti unleashed a powerful blast of ice that froze the entire area, including the Plague. The Kaiju was trapped in a block of ice, unable to move or harm anyone ever again.

Kong and Manda looked at each other in awe, impressed by the Yeti's power. They then turned to the humans inside the ship, who were still in shock and disbelief.

The Yeti slowly approached the ship, revealing its massive size and snow-white fur. The humans could hardly believe what they were seeing, and many of them had to pinch themselves to make sure they weren't dreaming.

As they approached the Yeti, they noticed that it had a strange glow emanating from its chest. It was then that they realized that the Yeti was also a mutated Kaiju, just like the others.

But the humans didn't have much time to ponder this revelation, as they suddenly felt a violent shaking from the ground beneath them. Another Kaiju was approaching, and it was unlike any they had ever seen before.

The yeti turns toward Kong and Manda. "Come we must leave, my ice will not hold it for long." It said looking at the block of ice that was starting to melt.

Both Manda and Kong wanted to refuse but their instincts told them otherwise and thus decided to follow the yeti's warning.

The three kaiju hurriedly made their way out of the frozen wasteland, the yeti leading the charge. As they ran, Kong and Manda couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They had never encountered such a formidable foe before. The yeti, on the other hand, seemed to know the plague kaiju intimately.

After a few minutes of running, they finally made it out of the icy terrain and back into the lush forests of Hollow Earth. The yeti stopped and turned to face Kong and Manda.

The yeti greeted Kong happily, "Welcome, cousin. What brings you to our home in the underworld?"

Kong stood there, unsure how to respond to the snow-furred beast's friendly demeanor but returned the greeting nonetheless, "Likewise."

Ymir turned to Kong and asked, "What is your name, cousin?"

"I am King Kong," he replied.

Ymir nodded. "A fitting name for an alpha. My name is Ymir. I am the protector of these lands."

"I didn't know there were others like me down here." Kong said.

The Yeti chuckled in sadness, "Oh, so I guess this means we're the last ones... what brings you to our world, cousin?"

"I seek to return to my ancestral home," Kong said firmly.

Manda interjected, "And we are also at war with Excelsus."

"Excelsus, is that the ancient alpha that looks like a spider?" The yeti receives a nod. "No wonder why everyone has been antsy lately."

"What do you mean?" Manda asked.

Ymir explains, "A few days ago, most of the titans have been acting up and causing a lot of problems. I've been trying to keep everything in check, but some managed to slip past me."

Both Kaiju looked at the Yeti in concern as they finally noticed the signs of lack of sleep. Ymir nodded in determination, "You're in luck, cousin. You're not far from your ancestral home."

The Yeti then offers to guide them through the labyrinthine caves and tunnels, but warns them that there are many dangers they will face on the way.

Kong and Manda exchange a look before nodding in agreement. The three set off, moving deeper into the hollow earth. The journey was long and arduous, but the Yeti's guidance proved invaluable. He showed them hidden paths and secret chambers, leading them to places they would have never discovered on their own.

As they walked, Ymir explained that he had been living in the Hollow Earth for centuries, and had seen many things. He warned Kong and Manda to be careful, as the Hollow Earth was full of danger and secrets that even he did not fully understand.

Along the way, they encountered other kaiju, some friendly and others hostile. They fought against a giant crab, helped a group of smaller kaiju fend off a pack of vicious predators, and even met a wise old turtle who offered them cryptic advice.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at their destination. Kong looked out in awe at the vast cavern before him. It was filled with trees and waterfalls, and in the center stood a great mountain, shrouded in mist. The mountain was however taking the shape of a great ape reaching for something.

The Yeti turned to Kong and smiled. "Welcome home, cousin." Yet something drops behind him like a meteorite and immediately the instincts of both Kaiju and human rose up to a new level as red soul-piercing eyes glared at their way.

Manda couldn't believe his eyes as the figure revealed itself. "The shepherd..." The figure was King Caesar is a majestic and imposing kaiju that stands tall and proud, with a muscular build that exudes strength and power. His body is covered in a thick, rough hide that is resistant to even the strongest attacks. His face is a fearsome visage, with sharp teeth and glowing red eyes that seem to pierce through his enemies.

His large, lion-like mane of golden fur frames his face and flows down his back, making him appear even larger than he already is. His long, powerful legs are capable of carrying him over great distances with incredible speed and agility, allowing him to move and strike with precision and efficiency.

Atop his head rests a majestic crown, symbolizing his royal status among the kaiju. His overall appearance is a perfect representation of his power and strength, inspiring both fear and respect in all those who behold him.