Chapter 30: Worthy or weak? King Caesar's verdict.

Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide




ANIME OP: When My Devil Rises (Man with a Mission)

End of Anime: Kick Back (chainsaw man)


As King Caesar approached the two, his gaze fixed on Ymir and King Kong. The kaijus of hollow earth all bowed in reverence, acknowledging their king's presence. King Caesar's displeasure and annoyance were palpable, and his imposing figure only made the situation tenser.

"Why have you brought this outsider to our domain, Ymir?" King Caesar asked, his deep voice echoing throughout the caverns.

Ymir bowed his head in respect before answering, "My king, King Kong has come seeking something that can help us win the war on the surface between Godzilla and Excelsus."

King Caesar's eyes narrowed as he remembered the ancient alpha, Excelsus. "Excelsus, a kaiju around my age. Its ability to terraform planets still fresh in my mind," he said.

He turned his gaze to King Kong, "And what makes you think that you, an outsider with tainted blood, can find what you're looking for here?" King Caesar asked, his tone firm and unforgiving.

King Kong stepped forward, his massive form towering over Ymir, "I am not just an outsider. My ancestors lived in these lands long before any other kaiju. I have a right to be here," he said, his voice filled with determination.

King Caesar's eyes flashed with anger, "You have no right to be here. None have had the audacity to come to our realm with tainted blood as yours. Leave now, before I am forced to take action," he warned.

The tension in the air was thick, and the kaijus of hollow earth all watched with bated breath as King Kong and King Caesar stared each other down.

King Kong stood his ground, unflinching in the face of King Caesar's anger. "I cannot leave until I find what I need," he said, his voice firm and resolute.

King Caesar narrowed his eyes, the intensity of his gaze never wavering. "You dare to come to our ancestral home with tainted blood and make demands?" he growled, his voice echoing across the cavern.

King Kong stood tall, his muscles tense as he prepared for a fight. "I do what I must to protect my home and my people," he replied, his voice unwavering.

King Caesar regarded him for a moment before speaking again. "Very well. If you wish to prove your worth, you will fight me," he said, his voice cold and unyielding.

King Kong nodded, bracing himself for the coming battle. The two alphas faced off, their eyes locked in a fierce stare as the kaiju of Hollow Earth watched in anticipation.

King Kong roars loudly as he charges towards King Caesar with all his might, his fists clenched tightly as he prepares to strike. King Caesar, however, remains calm and composed, waiting patiently for his opponent's move.

As King Kong swings his massive fist at him, King Caesar quickly dodges and counters with a powerful kick, sending the great ape crashing to the ground. King Kong quickly gets back up, but before he can launch another attack, King Caesar charges towards him, his claws glinting in the sunlight.

The two alphas clash once again, their roars echoing throughout the domain of Griesus. King Caesar's experience and expertise in combat become evident as he dodges and counters each of King Kong's moves with ease. King Kong struggles to land a single blow, frustrated by King Caesar's superiority in battle.

However, just as it seems like King Kong is about to be defeated, a sudden surge of energy courses through his body. Lightning crackles around him as he raises his arms, a look of determination on his face. He unleashes a powerful blast of thunder and lightning towards King Caesar, who barely manages to dodge in time.

King Caesar looks at King Kong with disdain, making a snide comment about his newfound ability to wield lightning. But King Kong is undeterred, using his new power to keep King Caesar at bay and deliver a few powerful blows of his own.

The two alphas continue to clash in a fierce battle of strength and will, each determined to come out on top. As their fight intensifies, the other kaiju of Hollow Earth watch in awe, their loyalty to King Caesar unwavering.

King Kong could feel the power of the lightning coursing through his body, and for a moment, he felt as if he had the upper hand in the battle. But that moment was short-lived as King Caesar easily dodged his attacks and countered with devastating blows that sent King Kong crashing to the ground.

Despite his best efforts, King Kong was no match for the experience and strength of the Sheperd. King Caesar effortlessly dodged every attack and countered with swift and powerful strikes that left King Kong reeling.

As the fight continued, King Caesar made a snide comment about King Kong's ability to wield lightning. "Impressive, but ultimately meaningless," he said. "You may have the power of lightning at your fingertips, but you lack the skill and experience to use it properly."

This only fueled King Kong's determination to prove himself, and he continued to unleash his lightning powers with even greater force. But as the fight wore on, it became clear that King Caesar was not even breaking a sweat. He was simply toying with King Kong, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of brutal fighting, King Caesar landed a devastating blow that sent King Kong crashing to the ground, defeated and broken. "You have proven nothing," King Caesar said coldly. "You are nothing but a child playing with toys that you do not understand."

King Kong lay there, defeated and humiliated. As King Caesar turns to leave, King Kong struggles to his feet, bruised and battered from the fight. The other kaiju watch in awe as King Kong stands up, refusing to accept defeat. King Caesar turns back to face him, surprised by his resilience.

"Can you fight in your current state?" King Caesar asks, his voice heavy with warning. "Accept defeat and leave this place, young one."

But King Kong refuses to back down. "Death is better than defeat," he declares, his voice filled with determination.

Ymir watches the exchange, making a comparison between King Caesar's regal bearing and King Kong's raw strength. Despite the great ape's bombardment of lightning, King Caesar barely has any notable injuries. Ymir wonders how King Kong will fare in this battered state against such a powerful opponent.

The tension in the air is palpable as King Caesar and King Kong face off once again, both determined to prove their worth as alphas. The other kaiju watch in awe, sensing the gravity of the situation as the two alphas clash once again.

The tension in the air is palpable as the two alphas face off once again, their eyes locked in a fierce battle of wills.

To the surprise of everyone, King Caesar turns away and admits that he had judged Kong unfairly and allows Kong to enter but gives him a warning not to bring shame on his ancestral land or there will be consequences.

As King Caesar walks away, the other kaiju of Hollow Earth begin to chant his name, praising him for his strength and wisdom. King Kong, still lying on the ground, watches as the shepherd disappears into the distance.

Ymir approaches Kong and helps him to his feet, patting him on the back. "You did well, my cousin," he says, a hint of pride in his voice.

King Kong nods, still catching his breath. "He's strong," Kong admits. "I didn't expect him to be that strong."

Ymir chuckles. "He's the shepherd, after all. He's been around for a long time and has seen and done things we can't even imagine."

Kong nods, understanding. He looks around at his new surroundings, taking in the beauty and power of the place. He can feel the energy of the land pulsing through his veins, and he knows that he's exactly where he needs to be.

As Ymir leads him deeper into the heart of the domain of Griesus, King Kong can't help but wonder what he'll find there. He knows that he's here for a reason, and he won't stop until he's found what he's looking for.

King Caesar continued on his path, his powerful form radiating with an aura of authority and strength. As he walked, he couldn't help but notice the humans riding on strange contraptions below him. Most of them knelt before him in fear and respect, but he noticed that three of them did not.

There were two humans, a man and a woman, who stood their ground, their faces determined and unyielding. And there was also a kaiju, a ferocious-looking T-Rex that snarled and growled at him with unbridled aggression.

Despite their defiance, King Caesar felt a strange sense of respect for these three. They were not cowed by his presence like so many others were, and they seemed to possess a strength and courage that he rarely saw in humans or kaiju.

For now, he said nothing and continued on his way, but he made a mental note to remember these three and keep an eye on them in the future.

Jia watches King Caesar disappear into the distance, her eyes following the majestic kaiju until he's out of sight. Spear approaches her with a warm smile, relieved that they were able to pass through without incident.

Slenra, on the other hand, notices King Caesar's gaze on their group and wonders about his intention. Sparx, the kaiju firefly, chimes in and warns them to be careful, reminding them that the kaiju of Hollow Earth are not to be underestimated.

Jia remains oblivious to the danger, lost in her admiration for King Caesar. She turns to Spear and tries to communicate something, but the words fail to form on her lips. Spear understands her nonetheless and nods in agreement.

As they continue on their journey, Slenra keeps a watchful eye on their surroundings, wary of any potential threats lurking in the shadows. Despite the warning from Sparx, she can't shake off the feeling that something more significant is at play.

Little do they know that their defiance against the kneeling ritual has not gone unnoticed, and the three have made a lasting impression on King Caesar.