Chapter 6 - Surprise

I kept sniffing and coughing when Carlota sprayed his perfume all over the area.

"What are you doing?" I asked, covering my nose, but I can still smell his strong perfume.

"Oh, sorry. I thought I was picking up on negative feelings in my apartment because I constantly see you with that grumpy expression." I sunk my head on the table and pouted even more. "You're ruining the ambience of my lovely home."

"Don't mind me. I'm just disappointed that I didn't get the job."

"Is there already a result?" I nod without looking at him. He didn't release the result, but based on what transpired earlier, particularly his treatment of me, I'm confident I didn't pass. "Would you kindly lift your head and tell me what happened? It's impossible for her to reject you since she's the one who offered you a job."

"I had not even met her."


I adjusted my position, but I was still not looking at him. "What I said is I didn't meet her. She's not the CEO anymore. It was his son who interviewed me. I hadn't even seen Mrs. Vulgari, and his son casually gave me his rejection." I'm practically in tears of frustration. I'm not sure how to manage my finances.

"O to the M and G. OMG! AHHH!" I nearly kick her as I cover my ears with both of my hands. He's so loud that it's hurting my eardrums. "Gosh, Chrizanta. Don't tell me you've met the hottie?" Carlota isn't satisfied with what she screamed and continues to move close to me.

I'm confused. "Hottie?" He rolled his eyes, as if I was asking a stupid question.

"Come on, sweetheart. It's none other than Mejico Vulgari. Shoot, just saying his name makes me wet."

I chose to leave him in the living room and continue my tantrums elsewhere. I could still hear his shout, but I simply kept going and ignored him. Yuck! He's disgusting. Is he getting wet? What makes him wet when that man is too cocky, and remember, he's a playboy. Carlota was entirely at fault. He didn't even explain the company's background to me, despite the fact that he knew the owner. I just knew him as Mejico since that's what he stated, but I had no idea he was a Vulgari. I'm still irritated. Because of what occurred today, I feel even more worthless for that night. He can't remember me, he's arrogant with me, and he may easily abandon me for another girl. I'm literally one of his chicks.

I allowed myself to succumb to silence while contemplating how I could get through my daily life while also helping Carlota with our expenses, but the silence was broken when my phone rang in every corner of my room.

"An unrecognized number?"

I'm not anticipating any calls, especially from people I don't know. I ignored it, but after a few seconds, the caller calls again. I answered the phone in a frustrated mood. I'm not speaking because I have no idea who is on the other end of the line, and I'm not sure why the caller isn't speaking as well. Is this a tongue-in-cheek comment? I was about to hang up when a baritone voice spoke out.

"Ms. Martin,"

"Oh, god!" I shouted, dropping the phone on the ground, but I still picked it up right away.

"I'm not up for any more foolishness."

Hmp, he's still cranky even when he's on call. "What exactly do you want?"

"Saturday, 8:00 a.m. at Vulgari Building," was all I heard before the phone was cut off.


My shock and perplexity gradually turned to elation when I understood why he had called. "Ahhhh!" I can't help but yell in delight. "Oh my goodness, I already got a job. Ahhhh!"

"Chrizanta, what's going on over there? I'll open the door." A second later, the door opens, and I leap to Carlota. "What's all that noise and shouting about?"

"You won't believe it. I'm hired. Oh my gosh, I've been extremely sad since earlier, and my mood suddenly switched to too much joy." I don't care if I'm overreacting, since I'm too overwhelmed. "Mejico, no, Mr. Vulgari called me. He didn't tell me directly that I'm hired, but he did tell me the time and date that I'll start at the Vulgari Corporation."

I noticed his blank expression and was going to question him when he screamed louder than I did. "CHRIZANTA!" I need to put my hands over my ears. "How lucky you are, girl? I don't want to hurt you, but please, just one pinched and I could be lu—"

"Wait a minute," I said when I noticed something. "If that's the case, that means I'll be seeing him all the time. Noooo!"

The last thing I want is to see Mejico every day and be reminded of what we did. I can't stop myself from daydreaming while he's around. It seemed as though my mind were instinctively flashing back to those sins. He's a living lust for every woman, since I'm sure I wasn't intoxicated that night, but he made me weak simply by being there, and I surrendered to his every touch.

"Hello, Chrizanta?" I blinked several times as I saw Carlota's hand waving. "Wait, let's be honest here. I'm getting suspicious of how you react to him, even if you claimed you didn't know him as your boss; tell me, do you truly not know him?" Sweats began to flow, given the fact that it was almost night. I'm at a loss for words when it comes to reacting toward him. I couldn't tell Carlota without feeling embarrassed.

'Hello, friend. 'We fuck.'

That's not just a shame for me, but it's also my downfall.

I faked a yawn and fix my bedding. "I guess it's already late, and we should get some rest."

"Late night? We don't even have—"

I gently nudge him towards the doorway. "Shhh, I'm already drowsy, and I have a class at 7:00 a.m. Let's discuss this again tomorrow."

"You're neglecting the subject, and you don't have class at that hour, Chrizanta. I won't stop pestering you tomorrow." He's still ranting outside, so I decided to cover my ears with pillows. I'll have to deal with him tomorrow, and I need a better alibi or I'll have to inform him that I'm not as innocent as he thought.

Morning came, and I didn't wake up Carlota. I just finished making breakfast for us before I left the apartment. It's six a.m., and my class is still at nine a.m., but I chose to leave so early so I wouldn't be interrogated again. I know him too well. He'd grip me until I couldn't breathe anymore, and then I'd have no option but to tell him everything. I spent my time on the school grounds, waiting for class, but the serenity I sought was shattered when I noticed Natasha approaching in my direction.

Here she goes again.

I gathered my belongings and decided to leave the place, but it was too late because she had already spoken. "I'm not even starting. Scared cat again, Chrizanta?"

"You know who it will be if there's a scared cat here," I remarked without looking at her. She's ready to attack me when a professor pass by. "I'm not breaking any borders between us, so I'm not sure why you've taken an interest in me."

She scoffs loudly, as if I had said something offensive. "For the record, I'm not interested in you. I despise the idea that you sneak around Mejico and pretend to be a virgin saint here at school. You are a pitiful little liar."

Things come altogether, and I understand what she meant. Oh my goodness, this is the exact reason she got upset with me the last time. My eyes widen in terror. We're not friends, and if she spotted me that night at the bar, she'd have no trouble telling the rest of the class. I quickly went by her and ran to our classroom. I can't embarrass myself in front of them; she could perceive my discomfort.

Time flew by so swiftly that I didn't recognize the end of our class. I'm too worried about what Natasha knows, so I try to avoid her glares. Carlota texted me to accompany him to a nearby store since he needed some materials for their project, so I decided to use the parking lot rather than walk with the crowd on the ground. I thought that was a great move, but I'm shocked to see all these students circling a car parked in the center of the parking lot.

'Aren't they embarrassed by what they're doing?'

When I saw Natasha and her company, I hurriedly concealed with another group of students, but my effort to go to the next building was thwarted. All eyes are drawn to the movement of the car, and then gazes move to the God, who is slowly brushing his hair after exiting his car. I'm too startled to say anything. Even though I know he's not nice, I can't help but drool at him. He has every right to be conceited. But I returned to my reverie as Natasha approached him. She came to a halt as she heard a deep baritone voice booming in the area.

"Get in, Chrizanta."

Three words. Those remarks are only a trigger for them to gasp loudly, shift their gaze to me, and drop their jaw to the ground.