Chapter 9

Aria POV

Although our city only have the population of 300 something .Our city was still very lively if you ignore the occasional sex scenes around the street.Becoming succubus make all former cats more bold and brazen.But when they heard the rumor of my coveted Queen's virginity ,their motivation started to gone through the roof.I know the culprit and I have to go through the self convincing period to recite the mantra of "Everything is for the greater good" Thousands of times and that mantra is now on top of my official shit list.Oh..By the way Now is lunch time so I am going to Dwarven district to eat my meal with Akaneko.I have to bonk her at least once today for making me remembered my suffering I have to go through because of her.I arrived at the Dwarven district and go to the house we own for meal while walking slowly listening to the occasional songs of scream and muffle moans from houses I walked through.The sounds of criminals, rapists, murderer and slave traders wailing and screaming always make me proud of my new race.As some of the neko clan's succubus might already know ,I come from devil race but my former race don't do what their race apply.Rather than punishing the sinners they themselves becomes sinners.Ironic aren't they.

Oh I am arrived.I open the door and saw Akaneko already eating without waiting for me.She is naked and already fucking a blonde haired girl called Aria with her horse dick who is tie in rope and that girl is screaming in pain and ectasy while begging to stop.She is virgin by the way.We always give their virginity back and took back with horse dicks of our and circle keep going on.Ya I know, same name with me but complete opposite of me.When I first read her mind I nearly kill her right there and then.She is the very definition of hellspawn in human skin that belongs to torture department in hell.(A/N ::She is a daughter of unknown Marchant family in Akame Ga kill Manga that appears in first episode.Whenever she saw a beautiful girl or boy she approach them with a kind smile and lure them to her house and drug them to sleep.When they fall asleep she took them to torture room and torture them alive until her victims die.Ohh....her favorite torture methods is skinning.)

Her mother is begging to Akaneko to stop in tears.This is what I live for.I just go to her mother and pull her mouth to deep throat her with force.After that I started fucking her mouth very roughly with my horse dick.Lets start with appetizer first.After I cum I pull out my dick and heal her mouth and throat.Aria sinner's mother sin is not that high just 3/4 %. So may be she might have to live 1 years in dwarven before her sins go down to 1/4 percent .We will sent her back to her world after that.Of course we will broke her mind first before sending back.In fact their mind is already broken too many time from the day 1. But we are experts of soul and mind as the denizens of hell.So we heal their mind ,broke again and heal just like that and it's 5 days already.Demon magic and Dumb down version of Grimoire of hell given to us by my queen help alot.I grinn and started hate fucking Aria sinner's mother with a sadistic smile on my face while taking a taste of their sins bit by bit to savor and satiate my appetite.My Queen told me these are our natural urge as denizens of hell to punish the sinner when we see one.She warn us to only eat at the time of lunch tho.She don't want us to become addicted I think.

When I go back to the palace my belly feel full.I ate too much.My digestive system is now digesting all these sins and bad karma and making them pure lust.She might've finished eating Esdeath when I arrived the palace.Now I am horny again.Yes This is the after effect of full but not satisfied kinda thingy.My Queen is also the same.In fact all succubus have the same symptoms after eating.My step become a little quicker.

When I arrived the room of the queen,I saw Esdeath in her cage fully clothed in her general uniform with extra dog collar in her neck sleeping or rather fainted. Akaneko is already there riding the queen in cowgirl position.Tch...That shitty cat always pissed me off.Queen stop Akaneko movement and show Akaneko who is bewildered to my direction with her chin.When Akaneko turned around and saw me at the door she smile to me and point her anal which is not occupied with her finger .So I just smile wryly and strip my clothes with my magic ,take my dick out and walk to the bed.

POV end

Esdeath ...The sadistic General of Empire

is sitting in front of mirror and drying her hair with the dry towel.She just finished taking shower afterall.Her eyes widen with sudden pain coming from her shoulder.She throw her towel backwards to hit her opponent's face .She rolled sideway from chair to avoid getting stab from the back and stand up to look at her enemy and her eye widen again.No one is there.She look around but she still don't

see her enemy.'May be a teigu that can make someone invisible?' She think.And when she is about to use her teigu.She got hit in the back and fell unconscious.A figure murmur to herself.

"I can see why she want to eat Esdeath"

. Unknown figure took the Esdeath on her shoulder like a sack and disappear again.

Grayfia POV

My delivery arrived in the morning so I give my delivery girl Aka chan..(A/N ::You know who she is.It's her nickname from now on) a dog collar to put on my food's neck.Its for decoration and will weaken their wearer strength to make sure my dog cage is not broken by my soon to be past time amusement toy.That dog cage is normal mundane iron dog cage so I rather don't make another one.

At the lunch time I go back to my room to eat my lunch.When I open my door and go in my food is already looking at me calmly while assessing my strength if she can fight me or not.She also look at my Succubus features but it's just a glance.Maybe she put my features into the it might be a teigu folder.

I walk into the room sit on my chair,cross my leg, took the tea pot and warm the tea with my magic.After I filled the tea in my cup,I turn to watch my food and admire my food while sipping my tea.She is finished assessing and now guessing my intention.We watched each other in the eye.In her eyes is full of murderous intentions and in my eyes is amusement which I want her to see.After she is making sure that I don't have any intention to let her know what I want.She started to speak

"Who are you?"

Chapter end...

It's night time now so I will write next one tomorrow.Sorry for cliff