Chapter 12

Grayfia POV

A knock at the early morning woke me up from my sweet dream.I look at up roommate and she also woke up groggy and yawning in her cage.Her cage is now super comfortable with luxurious silk one person futon filled with wool inside.I increase her cage size a bit and my room is big anyway so there's that.

When I give my soon-to-be-having-very-bad-day door knocker permission to enter,Aria enter with a staff while smiling very widely which change after seeing my motherly smile.She walked near me while lowering her head with the staff and offer me her staff with two hands shakily.I just chuckle with amusement while taking her staff.When I held the staff in my hand I feel unknown magic entering my body which will lower my casting time for any spells by at least 20%.Which let's me know that Aria is now grand master level in enchanting profession of world of warcraft.

Before that let's me first introduce you with professions levels of world of warcraft there is 5 level before reaching grand master level of world of warcraft.There is more levels after that but it's for later.Starting from Apprentice-Journeyman-Expert-Artisan-Master and after that is GrandMaster.Someone who started learning crafting is called Apprentice and when they get some proficient in it they will start to go outside of comfort zone namely cites to forest and find ingredients which is journeyman level.And when they have enough experience to craft expert level crafts they become bonafide expert in professions they are learning.When someone become expert of their craft they started to put some artistic touchs to look their craft pleasing to look at and here come the Artisan level.When their craft started to look good they will put effort to learn more recipe to broaden their crafting repertoire and started to truly master their craft which make them Masters of their craft.No one will stop with just Master of their beloved crafting and when their crafts become powerful enough that most powerhouses will salivates is Grand Master level.

There is Gate of Babylon style storage house in Stormwind so all they need to do is go there and type ingredients and rare recipes names that doesn't include in recipe books of professions book in computer and voila your ingredients will come out from portal in front of Storage door.

But unlike from game,there is no rpg system helping any of them so they have to craft anything themselves whichever increase failure rates and took a alot of time to just craft one recipe which make them frustrated.There are occasional sex scenes near the storage house which is not surprising with the never ending stresses come from learning professions.

Now that you know how hard and time consuming to reach GrandMaster level you can understand why she woke me up.I look at the time and it's 6 o clock so I don't really mind but.

I look at her and she raised her palm to her chest level and a palm size fire bolt come out from her palm with incredible heat.Even Esdeath is watching intentively at their fire bolt when heat hit her.I know what she want to show me.Pyroblast,A fire spell when throw to enemy it size will change in mid air depends on distance.But there is a 40 yard distance limit So.Mages can only learn pyroblast when they reach the Archmage level who becomes the bonafide powerhouses.Oh and there is only at to Arch level skill books and GrandMaster level profession books available to succubus in library.I put a invisible barrier to higher level to let them learn step by step.

I snap my fingers to erased Aria's pyroblast which took her out from smug mode.She don't have a smug smile or something but I can read her eyes and understood my maid is in her kid mode when they showing their achievements to their parents.She is feeling proud huh..She should be but....

I get out from my bed and stand in front of her and flick her forehead.With a sudden flick she was flustered and now looking at me with a pout and misty eyes while holding her forehead.

"Don't use fire in my bedroom little lady"

I speak in with a stern face and she nodded while still pouting.I smile at her and sit at the edge of the bed while looking at her anticipation eyes.She want my praise and reward.She don't know if I might give her gifts or praises for her achievements.But she is looking forward to it.

I want to tease her but I can't bear to tease when seeing that kind of eyes so.I said

"Come in front of me and kneel"

She come in front of me and kneel.

"Come closer"

She is confused but she come closer and now she is in my embrace with her head buried in my belly.I held her head and pushed down her head gently in to my crotch and snap my fingers to strip myself naked.Now her mouth is in front of my pussy.Feeling her lips at my fold make her sure that there is no barrier now.So She looked back at me in joy and confirmation.

I smile at her and said

"No penetration okay? and good job "

Esdeath is looking enviously at this scene.