Chapter 14

A corpse of an elf with wounds all over her body is lying Infront of a man in dark knight armor who is holding a eerie sword with blue light flickering across the blade with the tip pointed to earth.In his other hand held a soul which he ripped out from the now dead elf.He said

"You hinder my path for dominance with your puny pride. Now you will pay for your action."with cold emotionless tone, Companions of now dead elf are being slaughter left and right and her homeland is now being trample to the point of wasteland.

At that time a hand come out of nowhere and stole the soul from the dark knight with the speed invisible to naked eyes and with reflex dark knight slash to the new offender just to be stopped by the bare grip to the blade from said offender which make the dark knight serious at this new enemy.A drop of abyssal color blood come out from his enemy to the ground and black color fire started spreading and burning all the grass.

That figure look at the fire and all the fire stopped spreading which make the dark knight surprise.

All of sudden dark knight yell and let go of the blade and started holding his head in agony and kneel down at the ground.That figure in front of him said

"You make me bleed hmm..Arthas Manethill or should I call you Lich King?I didn't know that frostmourne can harm me.But a drop of blood from Queen of hell is the deadly poison to parasites like you I suppose.I hope you enjoy the last minutes of your life because you are going to suffer the greatest torture no soul ever deserve to suffer after death." with a smile.Dark Knight scream in agony for three minutes before he die in extreme pain.After Dark knight die a soul floated out from his corpse and land in to the hand of his killer only to be crush by her.

"I have no need to torture or even interested in your soul Arthas Manethill.But little Ner'zul or should I call Lich king on otherhand You are going to have so much fun with me.ufufu" while looking fondly at the sword which is now fill with abyssal color flame at the blade.

"Aria ..You took this soul and corpse back."while pointing at the elf corpse she said to a figure with raveling maid costume.

" is time to go back.I have a crown to take."said to a figure that appears after she said and nod her while kneeling and disappear right after.

Grayfia look at the sky while laughing mockingly at the sky.She can sense the God wanna be wanting to break the barrier at the sky and punish her for trespassing their playground.She just took the crown and wave back to the sky in childish manner and also disappear right after.A girl can be childish sometimes.

Sylvanas Windrunner woke up with the view of the unfamiliar celling.She is confused and surprised because she is supposed to be dead now that abomination death knight ripped out her soul in the battlefield.She don't know why her soul was ripped out but from the conversation with death knight before her death, his eyes promised painful torture and inhumane treatment to her soul.Now that she is alive and kicking she started sit and tried to look around to analyze her situation.And she found out that this room of maedival style made her remembered the houses of Lordaeron.When her eyes brushed past the table she saw a very beautiful woman with silver hair looking at her with a smile while sitting on the chair elegantly and that make her startled.

Unknown beautiful woman opened her mouth and say

"Welcome back to realm of livings Sylvanas windrunner" with a smile.

"Ah....yes..I ..wait ..Who are you?! and Where am I ? Did my peoples also survive? Please tell me they did."with the desperation and anxiousness in her voice.Unknown beautiful woman stop smiling and her expression become serious.

"Oh... Where's my manner?.My name is Grayfia. I am the Queen of succubus.You are now at the inn of the Stormwind city of demon world.Your people also have survivors but only from the people of your troop and only females.(A/N ::She didn't lie right?)"She said with all seriousness.Which don't make Sylvanas expression ease.Sylvanas know that only female from her troop surviving mean everyone else is dead.Her sisters and her mother might not be alive anymore.And only female left from her race mean her race is done for which can never porpulate.Being from a immortal race doesn't mean not wanting a child or something.If possible she want to marry and give birth a child for her family one day and now all are gone down to drain with her race.Buf there is one thing she needed to do at all cost.

"Can you tell me how much of my peoples survive your Majesty?and what happened to that abomination after that please I really need to know My queen"She said with respect.No matter what other race of her savior is she still saved Sylvanas and her people.That alone make Sylvanas put kind girl card on Grayfia's head.

"500 rangers from your troop survive.Arthas is dead and the mastermind behind your race extermination is..."She paused her speech and lift her palm upward and blue color soul burning in blue color flame come out and floating on her palm

"Here in my palm, suffering the consequences after doing what he shouldn't have done" and finished her words which make her mouth open in surprised and become O shaped out of speechlessness.


She looked at the queen and soul back and forth for a long time before regaining back her thought.This queen is strong if she can bitch slap the Abomination and his army like the toddler with the proof of blue color flickering soul and Sylvanas being alive .Then there is something that doesn't add on.If she is that strong why didn't she save everyone from her race by becoming allies and why her race pop up in living world.The only succubus she know are the summon creature of warlock and these are not very strong,at least not strong enough to slay that abomination and capture mastermind behind it.Whats her goal and purpose?After she think clearly about it.She look at queen's smiling face and before she said anything queen say

"You have sins."Which make her confused about random conversation come out of her mouth.The Queen took out a book and glass and gave Sylvanas and Sylvanas in her speechless state took it in robotic manner from Queen's hand.

"You will understand what I want after you read this book.But first you need to wash away the sins before you become what I want.So take your time reading and convincing your people.Come to the Palace after you make up your decisions.But remember.."She paused and pointed the blue color soul.

"The privilege to get the most satisfying revenge for you and your people with your own hand depend on what you choose.So do think carefully.My maid will come to your room to lead you to your people later.I am looking forward too your choice Sylvanas Windrunner,The Ranger-General of Silver moon"

After she said all of that she left the room immediately without looking back.Sylvanas look at the book and it's written in unknown language she don't understand.She remembered the glass in her hand so she tried to put on her eyes with great difficulty and look back to the book.Now she is seeing the words on books and it says

[Succubus Biology,written by Grayfia 'The Queen of Succubus']

She started to read the book seriously because it's the only way to get revenge depend on what queen said.