Chapter 18

(A/N This whole chapter is recruitment one so I have to burn alot of my brain cell to at least make my favorite character personality to not become completely ruined.Researching while getting drunk is hella hard as F.)

In front of a Orphanage is a Red hair beautiful woman is crying while she is abandoning her daughter on the ladder.She was looking at her daughter longingly with tears dripping from her eyes.

"Don't worry,She will be properly taken care of Irene Belserion" Unfamiliar voice ruin Irene's tearful farewell.Irene turn around to see the unknown intruder behind her and saw a white haired beautiful woman with two strangely curve horn and a tail in revealing suit.She tried to sense the intruder's aura and started sweating and have to control back her dragon's instinct to not attack the intruder right there and then in fear of getting tear apart to shreds.

Unknown woman aura is stronger than Acnologia and Zeref but her aura is also somewhat wrong.Its like the most foul creature which doesn't belong to human world is standing right in front of her.Irene's insanity is starting to act after seeing sudden threat.

But woman disappear from her sight and with a feeling of blunt force to her ass.She was kick and thrown directly right into the portal that appears in front of her.

After throwing Irene into portal very gently,Grayfia took the toddler Erza and also follow back to the portal because she now have a dragon to tame and a toddler to taken care of.

Irene Belserion is now in very enrage state.She fall Infront of a city gate from the portal and she directly transform herself into a dragon just to be surrounded by nearly thousand of beautiful women in horns and Infront of her is three headed dog same size with her dragon form and one head is spewing flames with incredible heat that even Irene in her dragon form is afraid of.She can feel three headed dog Infront of her will tear her apart in a second if she do even a smallest movement.

Unknown silver hair woman is now on the city wall with Irene baby in her hand.Irene started to change back into her human form.Irene asked her

"What do you want?" to unknown woman and she smile and said

"Let's make a deal"

"What kind of deal?"

"Follow me"is how their conversation goes and now she is following the woman to the palace.All the girls disperse after their conversation and now Irene is following the silver hair woman with dog ears girl beside her and two horns girl behind her which gave Irene Belserion silent warning to not do anything suspicious.

After they reach the throne room and silver hair woman sit on the throne.She started to speak

"I am the Queen of Succubus Grayfia,I have the power to make you regain all human senses."

"And what you want is?"Irene said



"Read this book..give me your answer after you decided your answer." said the queen with a smile to Irene and give her a book.

"Your child will stay with me until you make up your mind,your know the reason I presume?."Said the queen and Irene nod

"Aria,You show her where her room is"With that one of her succubus now identify as Aria come to Irene and took her hand to follow her which make Irene follow her in deep thoughts.

After reading the book about her kidnappers Irene now understand that they truly have the ability to make her feel human again and cure her obsession.But she don't want to become a succubus.Maybe I have to offer my body as a payment ..Irene mused.

If she can live with her child and get the chance to taken care of her child with the price of her body,Irene don't mind feeding them even her soul.

This world she is now in it called Azeroth with four continents namely Eastern Kingdom,Kalimdor,Northrendand outland.Only intelligence beings with capabilities to speak and walk on two legs existed in the city now she is in namely Stormwind existed in Eastern Kingdoms continent.Other area on the map are with animals and monsters like Kobold or ogre living in it.

In other words This world is under the complete control of succubus Queen Grayfia with her absolute power that is capable to wipe out all living being.

She loved her child Erza more than her life.Erza smile bring gloomy Irene Belserion's life color back.

Her obsession to become human back is already lessen with the promise to bring back her senses.She never was obsessed with becoming human back.She was obsessed with the all tastes and normal feelings human can feel with her body now she is incapable of.She can't taste the food.She can't sleep.Her body sensitivity is now higher with dragon body that she feel more coldness in winter,hotter than normal human in summer that she can't even sleep.If The queen is able to give Irene what she promised,Irene have no reason to decline the offer except with the new environment which Erza is now going to grow up from.

This culture is what make gears in Irene brain run with full speed which she never needed to.Her little girl is now going to live in the city full of horny individuals until she grow up.

Then what about culture and education even she feel strangely uncomfortable but somewhat interested nonetheless.

All of them except queen come from another races but they feel like they were born as Succubus from their birth that now they all feel comfortable with culture that all succubus in the city will go crazy if the queen give the order of "No sex" to her subjects

Irene observed and get the result she need after the whole 1 week to give her answer to the queen and now she is kneeling for the first time in her life to other monarch.

"I Irene Belserion greet the queen as her subject.I give my life and death to queen hands as one of her subject.May the queen rules eternity.

"Get up and come here." the queen said and pointed the floor in front of her with a smile.

Irene get up and go in front of her new queen throne and kneel again right in front of her queen.She was the former queen of dragnof kingdom so she know what the queen want without any input.

Grayfia put her palm on Irene Belserion and overwrite Zeref's incompetent shitty magic with her own demon magic which make Irene Belserion's Dragon slayer magic become Dragon Transformation magic.

"Now your magic nature changed from mortals creation to Hell's version.You can change into dragon form anytime you want.When you are in human form you will be a dragon kin and when you change in to dragon form you will be capable to burn all tainted soul with hell fire and eat their sin while they are suffering.The more they suffer the more you can eat faster.Serve me well my new General.I will give you your troop later in the form of a test so I hope you pass and prove my judgement was right of recruiting you.Your child will sent back to you with the seal of my mark today evening."

Irene just nod while admiring her new queen.She was the queen before becoming a dragon by dragon slayer magic so she understand what the new queen is doing.This queen is giving her incentive while controlling the life and death of Irene and her own child in her hand to make Irene obdient and understand her own position.She is just happy with the her new chance to taking care of her child so she don't mind even if her monarch is bloodthirsty as long as he won't try anything funny to her child so she is happy with capable mornarch like this one anyway.But which make her mood become strange is what the queen said before they separate

"I have the habit to taste what I own even when they don't give me any taste now that I ruled over succubus over a long time so....

come tonight to my room after your child sleep.My maid will take care of your child in your stead."

"Yes your Majesty."with the confirmation that now she have to integrate to new culture fast or She will fall into insanity with new challenge faster than her gloomy insensitive periods.

But she have to feed Erza first with her milk of course .That was her dream anyway.