Chapter 20

Wizards from various guild are waiting anxiously for the incoming threat.Hisui E Fiore is also waiting in front of the now open Eclipse gate that sudden portal coming out between eclipse Gate doors make her startled.

"Don't worry princess,10000 dragons are now going to new world from that portal of mine."


"What!? Dragons are coming out from there?!But my informant say..."

"Your informant is the one who make all that dragons come out of this."

Right at the moment the trembling of the ground make sure that dragons are really coming but portal only 1mm right Infront of eclipse door make sure that dragons are safely and misleadingly going into new world that they originally didn't expect.

"This timeline is completely screw you know? Time paradox and stuff will make sure to fix this timeline right after 10000 dragons are gone.But that's none of my business anyway So...have fun breaking my barrier"

"Wait what ? Stop this right now who are you?!What the hell?!Nobody is here ?! Hey guard ...who was that?!" Princess Hisui frantically look around and see no one but confused guard looking at her like she is gone crazy.

Princess asked nearby guards to make them break the barrier that appears after the voice in her head disappeared but no one can break that damn barrier.And the one of the two wizard that can close the eclipse Gate is inside the barrier while other one is outside the barrier.Princess broke down completely in tears after seeing all this and sit down in despair because now this disaster completely changed from attacks of dragons to the whole timeline is completely screw because of her mistake +some random being interference.

Culprit of incident is now counting dragons one by one from the sky of Nagrand in outland continent.Oh ...The last dragon come in and now she close the portal completely which signify start of fairy tail world's alternative reality's sufferings.That timeline is screw from the start anyway.Its the looping of dragons come out and destroy everything ..Rogue make a deal ..fight Acnologia...all dead and loop started again and again so..

Irene Belserion is now floating beside Grayfia who is happily watching the all dragons in the Nagrand with her dragon wings.

"This is my troop you promised?"

"Yes,why?Not enough?"

"No's more than enough" Irene said with a little restraining smile to the queen.

"Here is the demon book and spell to change dragons in to Hellish Dragons.Show me how you will conquer and dominate all that dragon and prove me your capabilities.Do you think you have the capabilities I think you have?"

"I do"

"Then go and conquer them.."

"Yes Your Majesty"

With that Irene change herself into her new dragon form whose skin is now look like a ruptured volcanic earth with lavas in the ruptures.

She roared and goes directly in to the horde of the dragons that signify the start of one vs 10000 dragons battle which Grayfia is now happily watching with popcorn and Cola in her hand..Oh...the whole of Nagrand is now covered with Demon God level (A level after super devil peak level) barrier with self repair system and land repair system so no matter how much destruction they make environment friendly barrier will make land stay safe and steady.

Grayfia goes back to her battle with the teleportation after she left Irene a portal in the sky when she completely defeat all these dragon and get her power up.

She can burn the dragons with her hell fire that will burn only soul to scatter the sins from victims out which after Irene can eat and power up.Now she is at least at the mid ultimate level so 10000 Dragons might at least take her to the Peak Satan or super devil level with all these sins.She might get some beating here and there though But hey..No pain no gain right?

Grayfia hummed herself in very happy mood because her next world plan is also completely screw like this one so...She is now in very good mood to finally do what demons are supposed to be doing ...


(A/N :: Although this chapter is short I feel completely satisfied with this ...I don't know why but I blame alcohol that is still giving me somewhat dizzy feeling.I drank 1 whole bottle with my friend so..)
