Chapter 33

"Why won't you just be Goddess of death than creation now that your prison is gone?"asked Grayfia to Izanami with a smile after blasting yomi to smithereens with her troops and Free Izanami from it.

"Can I ? I don't have a underworld to rule over now that yomi is gone.Where will all these souls come from?"Izanami asked to Grayfia with confusion.

"From Japan of course,Your believer souls are now coming directly to you after yomi is gone.You now have the monopoly to all these souls coming from Japan anyway.Would you rather let these souls wandering around the Hell and going to my hell?I don't mind but Shinto faction will surely pissed off from it.There will be some stupid gods coming to hell to die from their arrogance from Shinto pantheon.Which will strain Biblical Faction and Shinto Pantheon 's

relationship.Later I and my brother might've to wipe out Shinto faction to nip the trouble from the bud.You would like all that?"said Grayfia with smile.

"I ..rather not..No matter how much I hated Izanagi for sealing me.My childs are another story.Izanagi is now dead anyway.But ruling over all these souls need helper you know?I ..oh I can just create one my self or maybe more.This might work."Izanami say while thinking about all her work from now on.

"It will.I will give you a part of hell and link it so that all these souls from Japan will go directly to you without getting lost to my hell."said Grayfia with a smile.

"Don't worry about reincarnation cycle I blow up from former yomi you can took purified soul into my R.C.P after finishing your job.Although my cycle will not be free of charge to use"said Grayfia with a strange smile.

"Why would you blow up the reincarnation cycle of Yomi?And what price you want for me using your circle?I rather not obey your order or something.No matter what I am still Primordial Goddess of creation after you freeing me of course.But I am from Shinto.I can give up my own life rather than betraying my own faction."Izanami said with conviction to Grayfia

"The faction which throw you away?just saying anyway.I blow up yomi to distribute all souls of this world to every corner of the world from CPU of heaven system created by my brother.You see After we put that souls into cycle all souls will go back to Human world to reincarnate based on their karma and fate calculated from supercomputer of my brother.I trust that mad scientist's creation more than anything in this reality.He is not a ruler Material but creation is his very strong point after all his experience.Your yomi portal is disturbing the balance by putting these souls back to Japan and I rather trust my brother's supercomputer than your descendants fingers calculation."said Grayfia to Izanami which enlightened the goddess.

"And your price is not that big.Its just the same with Ereshkagai.You see Eresh gave me her body to have sex with me whenever I wanted for the price of using my cycle.And I am not joking about this but I am very good at pleasuring someone to the point of euphoria no matter Goddess or demoness.So I see that as win-win for both party."said Grayfia to Izanami with a teasing smile.

"I was married you know? although my marriage was ruined by asshole Izanagi from him sealing me away in this hell hole.Are you really fine sleeping with some used woman?"Izanami asked with confusion

"Ah.. Sengoku era of course their obsession with used woman or what not.I don't give a fly fuck about that.Its not your fault that your former husband is asshole.And if you feel yourself defiled or used recite this mantra."Milfs are wonderful creatures" in your mind to everyone looking at you with that type of disgusting eyes.

"What that mantra mean?"asked Izanami with geniue curiosity.

"You will understand in future "said Grayfia with mysterious smile.

"Go back to your temporary resident in underworld first and after I blow up Hades and all his minions to smithereens with my army and retrieve Lilith remains from his realm to revive and ease Trihexa anger after she get out of seal.We wouldn't want this world to explode like a fireworks right ?"said Grayfia with a excited smile for the prospect of seeing whole world level fireworks to Izanami which make goddess twich her mouth.

"And here my thought being seal was the worse thing that can happen to me.Damn you for saying me that kind of freak accidental shits which can make me disappear out of existence."said Izanami with annoy expression to Grayfia

"You are welcome."

"It's not a compliment"

"It is"
