Chapter 37

It was at the Banquet Sirzetch first saw her whom He was fall in love with.She was the most dominant woman he ever met even at that time.But never in his wildest dream he imagine His beloved little lady would directly aimed to conquer the whole underworld and make it hell.Which increase his difficulty to actually make his first love fall in love with him now that She is The queen of his.But there is no giving up in Sirzetch's dictionary.He will still make her his wife no matter what it take.

Today He have to report Military operations and needed funds for new recruit.He is always happy with this kind of reporting when that give him the chance to meet his queen.She is the queen of Hell but for him She will always be his first love and his sweet indolescent memory.

"Do you remember Our conversation at the Banquet ..years ago My queen?"asked Sirzetch to Grayfia with a hopeful expression.

"I do.You said that you will make me your wife.So?"answered Grayfia with teasing smile

"I said that.And I still want you as my soulmate.Am I not worthy to take your hand to declare the world that you are mine?"asked Sirzetch with a sad smile

"It's not about being worthy or not my naive Marshal.Its about your efforts to make me fall in love with you or not.I never cared about status and title for my criteria of spouse.There was one girl I tried to married but she feel content with our current relationship So she refused my proposal.And she is standing right beside of me now."Grayfia said with smile while pointing at her maid

"So I still have a chance?You won't reject my advance?You won't reject my efforts to make you mine?"said Sirzetch with rekindle flames in his eyes.

"You always do.I never restricted individual's decision unless they are my enemy or they are aiming for my life.That will leave bad taste in my mouth.You have all the time in the world to try and make me fall in love with you.Even Rizevim is now trying his hardest to bed with me even though he is failing splendidly with his wrong approach."queen said with amuse smile while Sirzetch is on cloud 9 with his new chance.

"Then Can I get to know you by having a dinner together my queen? Will you accept my invitation for our lovely night we will spend with each other while I try to understand what your heart is saying to me?"said Sirzetch to Grayfia with the most sweetest smile he can muster.

"Nice attempt.But at least you are going somewhere.Okay then When is our dinner is going to be?"Grayfia asked Sirzetch with smile.

"How about Tomorrow night to let me prepare for a dinner worthy of your status and also to show you how much I love you."Said Sirzetch with loving smile to Grayfia.

"Okay I will be looking forward to it.Try your best to make my heart beat faster just by eating with you.I am somewhat curious about love so Don't make me disappointed."said Grayfia to Sirzetch with amuse smile.

"I won't my love..Then I will go back now My queen.I have the operation to watch out for results."said Sirzetch with vigor after hearing Grayfia's confirmation.


"Using the pure love someone have for you will backfire very badly you know?"said Rizevim while coming into throne room from shadow.

"For example this brother ...or rather sister of your now after you genderbend him."Rizevim continue his word while pointing at Euclid Lucifuge.

"I never said I am using his love.I am geniuely curious about love.How can he still love me after all these year?What will he do now that I am more powerful than him in Political or individual strength or even in Army?What approach will he choose?What If I fall in love with him in the process?What would the end result will be?There is more to life than scheming and Conquering all of my life.I am curious.When I am curious I will find out myself to search for ending.I am the avid reader of light novels after all.And I am not just saying but.Rizevim you sucks.His approach is at least more acceptable than your's."Said Grayfia with teasing smile to Rizevim which make his lip twitch.

"Don't worry My queen.I am not made out for soft approaches like that Military man.I am trying my best to let you moans under my bed ...You won't stop me for trying right?"said Rizevim with twisted smile to Grayfia.

"I won't.But you know my bottomlines right?Don't go and push any of my buttons to not burn yourself in the process will ya?"said Grayfia with warning smile

"You know me too well to know that I surely won't.I still value my life afterall."said Rizevim with desire.

"Best of luck to you my advisor.."


Life is still doing well for Grayfia that she still doesn't feel any feeling about loneliness come from reaching the peak.She just chuckle while thinking about all her efforts and missed her adventurous times.But there is reality jump portal she can use whenever she is bore So she is not too worry about not having enough amusements.

(A/N. I feel a little cringe writing this.I have no real experience at flirting.I am single from birth and I am proud of it..I deleted fast of my adventures right..Maybe no one read it..)
