Chapter 41

What happen when someone with unlimited potential and immortality got enhance to the uppermost limit of what human with superpowers are capable of?What will be the result of someone giving the hope of humanity to someone with the most foulest bloodline that is capable of erasing any souls from existence?

Doctor's result was very simple and cliche respond she expected.A mutated quirk that can enhance body strength and vitality with the price of changing one gender even organs to woman's.But Izuku know that this so called quirk's power doesn't end with just strength and stamina.She just know somehow that there must be something very amazing this power can do.Izuku was very intelligent for a shonen protagonist.In fact his calculating and analysis skills are on genius level if not for inferiority complex that come with years of abuses from certain Ball of anger.

Her mother have to do all paperworks and reporting to school, government facilities and Hospital about her strange quirk and abruptly gender change.Izuku goes to school like usual after her homeroom teacher announced Izuku change of gender from sudden quirk awakening and gotten some curious wow and pity from her classmates Izuku sit in her usual seat to listen to her homeroom teacher.If something have to change it would be a certain bully watching her back with piercing eyes that if his eyes can shot out lasers she might be dead.

For Bakugo her feelings are complex if that is the word to describe.She wanted recognization but not like some onahole one can buy from sex toy shop.Not like a property one can own just by buying from store.Like a proper human being that have right to speak as equal even without something special attached to her.But from the reaction and expression she is seeing from Bakugo She won't ever be getting that kind of equality from him.

She and Bakugo didn't talk whole day because of her expression that scream unapproachable aura.She don't have time for relationship nonsense now that she has gotten the power she wanted so much.She need figure out how to use and what exactly change her body and actual powers that come from orb.

But just as she is going back to home from a tunnel.She was embushed by sludge villain who said

"Don't worry I am just hijacking your body.It will only hurt about 45 sec..."

He try to put all his mud into her body from her mouth.No matter how one strength go up to superhuman level it wasn't enough to actually break all these mud surrounding her body so in the end these muds of disgusting creature enter her mouth.Just as she started to suffer from all these mud forcefully entering her,mud villain yell in agony from burning sensation he felt from his body parts inside that little girl body.Intense burning sensation make him get away from that girl in fear.

While he is taking out all his body part,a flame with extreme heat also come out with his body parts and started burning all his mud like body.This pain come from soul not his body So no matter how much he tried to extinguish the flames burning his body He just can't burn all that So he can only scream while suffering agony he never felt before.No..He is not dying.His body is safe but his soul isn't.His soul is getting worst torture from getting purified with hell flames.Of course bewildered succubus right Infront of him didn't know about that.

"There is fire in my body?Why am I okay when he is suffering?How do I take out that fire? Somebody help!!!"

Izuku shouted out loud in fear of villain who just tried to take over her might burn to dead.At that moment Allmight appear and tried to take out the fire with air blast from his punch.Oh...Fire disappeared but..The villain is now just a slimy puddle right there without moving.


Allmight is too surprised to even say his catch phrase.He arrived this place just one minute ago when mud villain was trying to take over little girl.Just as he is about to go in and save the day,Mud villain started yelling in agony and become puddle.He is sure mud villain is still alive.Because he can hear occasional whimpering from mud villain who is still in agony even after fire is extinguish.Is this because of wound? Allmight wonder but he saw that fire.That fire didn't burn the body of villain but his instinct to danger was malfunctioning when he saw that fire.

The hell is this little girl come from?He look at little girl and the little girl is also looking at him with stars in her eyes.Oh another fan huh?...He tried to say his catch phase but sudden pain coming from his chest make sure that he need to leave this place immediately or his secret will be discover.

"Ah..that ..don't worry little girl For I was here."He said and flew away before little girl say anything.He gave the hint to little girl that he was the one who battle with mud villain to not drag little girl into shit hole known as researchers and experiment.He felt like someone is holding his leg so he look down and saw that little girl smiling widely at him while she speak

"I need your help for something else."
