Chapter 43

AllMight was ashamed when he heard what little girl said to her friend.He who is the symbol of hope and a pro hero forget what heroes are supposed to be.He saved the day with touching words that come from his heart and spoke with Izuku which he now know the name of about his quirk One for all.

Long ago All for one,The man with a quirk that can steal other peoples quirk and transfer them to other force a quirk into his seemingly quirkless brother Yoichi.This quirk allow to stockpile power in his body but both of them didn't know that Yoichi had a quirk that have the power to transfer it to another person.Stockpiling quirk and Transference quirk both merge into One for All.Yoichi unlike his brother has the strong sense of justice so he tried to defeat all for one but of course he lost.Before he was defeated he transfer one for all to another person to keep the justice and to defeat All for one.From that moment on One for All successors tried to defeat All for one but only one of them succeeded.Toshinari Yagi a.k.a AllMight after successfully defeating All for one actually did pay the heavy price of suffering heavy injury So he was looking for successor.One for all as a stockpiling power like Eight Gate of Might guy burden heavily on human body.So before successors never live until their lifespan ended because of their original quirk and one for all burdening on their body.But Toshinori who born quirkless was able to handle burden of one for all.

But despite already having unknown powers,Izuku's body condition and vitality are top notch to handle the burden of one for all.So AllMight decided to transfer one for all to this new successor with strong sense of justice.So.He took out a hair and tell her to shallow it.Which get some weird look from her but nonetheless did as she was told.

Once One for all started to enter and tried to assimilate into Izuku body,all hell break loose.Her horns and Tail pop out with pink energy surrounding her.No matter how powerful one for all would be,at the end of the day it is just a power.All quirks and willpowers of successors trying to merge into a bloodline of demon would never end well.Succubus bloodline started devouring all these quirks and consciousness left behind in One for all and even one for all it self to assimilate and cultivate the body and soul.Izuku body form is not changing even her soul isn't but her energy level and body strength is growing off the chart by devouring all these stockpiling powers left behind by successors and even quirks of original successors are getting assimilated.Izuku is becoming one punch man 2.0 unknowingly.

Toshinori watch this scene with jaw dropping to the ground while praying for whatever God out there for actual safety of the world.One person having that much power won't ever be a good thing if that person is not under the control of government or morality.He know Izuku enough but now he need to put all these greater good brainwashing to not let her go to the path of evil unknowingly.This successor of his will be the most dangerous than all for one if something go wrong.

From that day on they started training at the beach to limit Izuku strength and try to understand what Izuku pink energy do.Izuku tried a lot of way to use her energy and figure out that she still has a D.That day she tried to sense her energy inside her and tried to move it into tattoo at her navel.A dick pop out.Toshinari even slackjaw at seeing that.A girl with a D is seriously weird even to Toshinori.

She also tried to cover her fist with that energy and punched random car just to be blown up into pieces.Her serious punch without covering with any energy can already demolish a building So covering her fist with that energy might blow up whole city.

There is also other quirks assimilated in one for all from all of previous users like Danger sense,Fajin-The Quirk that can store kinetic energy as user move and then release as explosive burst of speed and power,Blackwhip The Quirk allowed the user to release tendrils of black energy that can restrict opponent movements and increase user speed,Float-As the name applied the quirk allow user to levitate.

Izuku had so much fun discovering the quirks and her energy usage although she can only use it to pop out her little brother and coating her hand and leg or whole body for defense.Izuku in her full defense can stand still and let AllMight punch with his full strength without moving an inch not hurting a bit.AllMight also lamented the fact that he unknowingly created a monster that can punch the whole city into oblivion.But the fact that Izuku now lost her way to relive her itch with pain and she is becoming a little crazy while trying not to assault someone to relive her horny state .

Just like that Ten months is over in the blink of an eye and today is the day for UA examination.


(A/N Power up arc is now done.Time for explosions and sex in next chapters.Time to watch the world burn...)