Chapter 44

It was a normal day like anyone else for Izuku,constantly battling with insanity while trying to be sane.Today is the day UA examination is going to start.She goes to School for exam while thinking about what she is going to do later or how to relive her urges.

Yes that thoughs are eating Izuku too much that she even missed a step while walking to school gate like in canon and her savior try to save her with telekinesis only to struggle with keeping her in air.Izuku body weight is unbelievably high.If Izuku used all her strength to stump at the ground, there would be a lake size disaster blowing up.So its not suprising that her savior is clenching her teeths to keep Izuku on air.

Oh..Izuku just forcefully broke herself from telekinesis hold and land on the ground.She look at her savior carefully,that girl look like a cheerful girl with determine attitude.Simply put Girlfriend material that Izuku can easily flirt to sleep with her.Izuku is seriously having a debate with herself to actually aim this bubbly girl or not.

"Hahhh…hahh..You are pretty heavy you know?Your quirk is strength type?"

"Its something like that.Thanks you for saving me from falling.My name is Midoriya Izuku and you?"

"Uraraka Ochaku is my name and You look like you are holding back from something?"

"Ahh..Its ..How to say it?Can we be friend?"

"Of course Give me your phone"

"Ahh here"

And she put her phone number in Izuku phone and call her phone to exchange their phone number.She is pretty observant when she discover Izuku state although its somewhat wrong.Izuku was holding back herself from her urges.No matter who she is now the fact doesn't change that Izuku was a man and her preference didn't change just by becoming a girl.She still love girls and their curves,tighs and breast of course.She is also a man or girl?She was not sure what she is when she discovered her little brother is still alive and lively.But well..

With that Izuku and Ochaku go to the presentation hall when chatting about heroes and analysis that come from Izuku's obsession with heroes.Ochaku is becoming a lot more comfortable with Izuku by her side.

When they got to their seat tho,there is a wild Bakugo taking a seat beside Izuku by intimidating poor unknown examinee.Bakugo just sit beside Izuku while waiting for presenter to come and speak about their exam.

Presenter Hero Mic go up to the stage and use his quirk to made it more lively but well…All examinees are more or less nervous about what they are going to face or if they are going to be admitted to this UA hero University after it.

Mic just started explaining about what they are going to face by pointing 1 pointer 2 pointer or 3 pointer robots and what this exam is all about.In summary they have to defeat or make robots immobile by using their quirks.

Izuku and Uraraka were analyzing the tactics and quirks that might be necessary to use in this kind of battles when certain self-center examinee interrupt the presenter mic and asked for fourth robot that is still not explained by mic yet and even reprimand UA for whatever bullshit he thoughts of.And he turned to Izuku

"These two girls over there,You two are speaking whole time. Its distracting. If you're here on a pleasure trip then you should leave immediately!"

"Mind your own business blubber mouth,Become a student first before trying to lecture other people.You are also nobody like me anyway"

These words come out from Izuku which make Bakugo who is about to go mad from someone insulting his property paused from disbelief.He turned around to look at Izuku in surprise but she is smiling while sprouting poison from her mouth.He figure out that she changed more than he realized.But don't know why tho.

When glass guy is trying to retort, the presenter mic speak in hurry to explain how this fourth robot work to examinees.Presenter mic was also pro hero So he knew what the outcome would be if the glass guy keep pushing the green hair girl.The outcome is going to be bloody.

After explanation ,Presenter mic let all these examinees go to exam site to let them have real glimpse of how hero business work.At the entrance of the exam site,the glass guy try to strike a conversation with Izuku for bruised ego.Oh The exam site looked like a empty city district.

"You are going to interrupt this exam again?"The glass guy said to Izuku out of nowhere.Even Ochako is somewhat unfriendly now that this guy is targeting Izuku again and again

"Can you make me feel pain?"Izuku asked to glass guy which got weirded looks from everyone at exam site.


"You cant?Thats a pity You see…"Izuku point her hand to the sky and flick her finger to the sky which make shockwaves come out from it.

"I am too strong So I am searching for an opponent who is strong enough to make me feel pain.You don't look strong to me."said Izuku with full of pity which make all people from exam site graps.'This girl is not someone they can mess with'is what everyone is thinking after seeing Izuku's demonstration.Even glass guy shallow saliva when he knew he fucked up.

"Will you shake my hand for a grip of strength?"Izuku asked with a smile to glass guy which he shake his head like a drum.

After these little incident Izuku enter inside exam area and leisurely stroll around for robots when she see a robot she flick her finger to direction of robot with 5% of strength and kaboom robot explode.She is bore.She need more challenge that can make her feel physical pain.But she knew its now next to impossible.So she have to find another way to relieve her urges and that's sex.Sex with a guy is a big no no for her who was man once.So she need a girl and when she finally found a sexy girl with hidden curves some glass guy interrupt her flirting time with that girl.

Oh that sexy girl is working hard.She touch robot here and there to get them float on air and drop down for easy demolishing.Izuku just wave her hand to her when she saw that girl.The places Izuku goes are always isolated.Even if that place is full of peoples when Izuku arrive that place,They scattered when they saw crazy girl walking to them.Human fear insanity when they saw it.

Just as Izuku was about to walk to her sweet lollipop The ground shake and Point Zero robot come out from it.Its more bigger than 8 story building right beside them.That robot appearing out of nowhere make debris flying everywhere and even Ochako was about to be crushed by debris if not for Izuku rushed to her and smash debris around her.Izuku is now pissed off She floted of to robot and give a uppercut that is about 40% of her strength to make that fly but only head parts separated from body and fly to the sky but well..If it work why not.