Chapter 45

Mr AllMight face coming out of anvelope make sure Izuku is admitted to UA.Not like she is bore in waiting time,there is a bubbly girl called Ochako she can chat with.She and Ochako are now BFF for real.She started to know about why Ochako wanted to be a hero.Ochako parents company is about to go bankrupt So She have to take a hero course to become hero and get money for her family crisis.Its acceptable for any reasons.Nothing in the world is free or fair.If you want fairness you can go ahead and become chaos incarnate that will make you fair.

She tried to asked for sleepover with Ochako tho.It didn't succeeded.But there is dorm room for females in UA so Izuku don't worry about that too much.There is so much time to savor the process.

-At MoMo Yaoyorozu room

Momo Yaoyorozu is excited to go to UA.Just a day before going there to learn make somewhat sleepless tonight.Should I change my hair style or shampoo to be more presentable?She thought while looking at her phone about cosmetics.

"So much potential wasted from limited knowledge huh..."

Unknown woman voice appear out of nowhere make MoMo jump with fright.She drop her phone accidentally.She look at the intruder while taking out Bo Staff from her hand.Her quirk creation give the ability to create any non living object from her exposed skin by transforming fat cells from her molecules.The more she eat the more material she have to work with.In order to create something she need to understand the molecular structure of what that material is made of.

"What do you want?Who are you?!"

Momo asked with fear.She can feel it.Her instincts are telling her to not pick a fight with this woman.Its like standing in front of a tiger cage in zoo.Although you know that tiger is incapable of harming anyone.You still fear the apex predator somehow.And she get the weird feeling that this woman is not a human.

"I am not going to tell you...Yet.You need more strength or power to know what I am or who I am.I just come here for curiosity but now you got my attention. So I have an offer for you.That would cover your quirk's weakness and also increase your strength."

Momo is interested but not really believing someone who just broke into her house at the middle of the night.And getting treated like some weakling that doesn't even have the privilege to know the name of intruder somehow irk her too much.Because I am weak?What the hell.

"Let me show you demonstration of what your quirk can actually do.A decision that will change one life would need to be think very clearly after all."

With that said she put her palm upward Infront of her chest and glowing circle appear.And from there a sword comeout.That sword is radiating too much pressure that momo is feeling her body getting squeeze by it.But the woman snap her finger and pressure magically disappear.

"This sword name is Demonic sword Gram and later known as Balmung after reforging original sword.Noble Phantasm wielded by Sigurd who slain Dragon Fafnir with this.I created this sword with improved version of your quirk to show you what your quirk is really capable of.You will be able to create alot of legendary weapons like this if you take my offer.The Noble Phantasms created by you cannot be wield by anyone else because they are prideful little toys that won't accept anyone else other than their creator.So You up to listen what my offer is?Oh There is a price to pay if you accept this.Nothing is free after all."

Momo is drooling while listening at her words.She as a avid reader know what Gram is or who Sigurd is.Its not like mythologies don't exist in her world so She know alot.She can create cool and magical weapons like this?Hell yes.But there is a word price that make her hesitate.

"Tell me your price and your offer please"

"That's my girl.Here you see this golden cup filled with water in my palm?This is called fountain of youth that I aquire from a world with fairy.This will give your regeneration ability which is too broken that you might never die from anything.That is one.And I can transfer knowledge about how to create noble phantasm to you.Its two now.Last thing is magical energy need to create noble phantasm.You see this blue pill here?This will give you Dragon heart that will pump out more than enough magical energy to let you throw noble phantasms infinitely at poor villains.This is three.The price is simple.You are virgin right?You and I, on this bed ,will do something a boy and girl do to make babies.Isnt it a simple price?"

She mean sex.But does this unknown woman have equipment to make her lose virginity?Using fingers?Weird fetish if momo have to describe.But hey If it works then whatever that suit you.Momo think about the offer.Does she need this kind of strength and improvement for her hero debut?Yes she does.Hero business is not all flower and fairy tale like anyone imagine.Its gruesome when you lost to a villain.For a girl with curveous figure, she can imagine what villain will do to her when she lost.Then why did she choose to become hero?To save peoples.As simple as that.But reality is not really that simple so She have to grasp an opportunity when she see one.

"I agree but You giving these kind of incredible powers to someone will make the world unstable you know?The price is not really high enough compare to what I get back in return So are you ?"

"No I don't belong to this world.And the reason I give these powers to you is simple.Amusement.When something is broken you have to fix it by smashing that thing to dust and I am doing exactly that.You see this world is so boring.I like entertainment and real life drama.But too much drama suck."

This woman is nut.Damn you for smashing theory that doesn't make any sense.Thanks God she is not a villain or not looking like someone villainess.If she really is one then this world is screw.So My powers have to come first or I won't pay the price.

"Then about the powers you will give me?"

"Okay let's finish that first."