Chapter 47

So that's another immortal she talked about huh..MoMo Yaoyorozu thought while looking at Izuku at the door of class 1A.Izuku is succubus like Grayfia so MoMo already mark Izuku as her own.She have to up her game a little to make Izuku's restraints go out of control.MoMo lick her lips while looking at Izuku.

When Izuku opened the door of Class 1A everyone in the class shiver while looking at her.Their self confidence and own strength is not enough to compare with this kind of monster after all.To add something worse Izuku is not very stable.Everyone saw her response to glass guy bothering her and later her strength of blowing up the big ass robot's head to smithereens without any recuperating or whatever.

Can we really compete with that?Hell no.Thats what everyone is thinking while Bakugo is in his own little world.For his feeling about Izuku are complicated.He wanted to bully her when she was a man.Then he got the taste of adult's playtime So he thought Izuku as his own plaything.But that strength.and that instability make Bakugo realized that Izuku is bad new to mess with.She might just blow him up to smithereens when she have enough of his shitty behaviors.Then there is Mineta who don't get the hints about Izuku and is now visualizing about Izuku naked body.

Tenya who just self introduced to Bakugo is coming to Izuku to apologize for zero point robot which Izuku replied with an Okay.

Izuku instinct are telling her to turn around her head so she turn around and she got kissed?Oh The one who kissed her was Ochako so she reciprocated her kiss back which make already wide opened Ochako eyes to lost focus.

Ochako when she saw her best friend run to Izuku to hug her from behind but she never thought Izuku would turn around so they kissed by accident.But hey it's like Master Oogway said.

Their kiss was broken by MoMo who separate both of them from going too far.Izuku's hands are already near Ochako's behind.

"Nice to meet you Izuku My name is MoMo Yaoyorozu and Grayfia,the one who make you become someone like that also said Hi to you"

"Huh? My name is Midoriya Izuku and Nice to meet you also."

Izuku eyes narrow with her Introduction but she didn't say anything about it.They don't need to.When their eyes met they get their answers about what other person is thinking.

"Go flirt somewhere else. UA is hero course So be quiet."

A person in sleeping bag said from the floor he is crawling at which take everyone out of bizarre event.

"It's took 1 minute to be quiet.Time is limited so wear these suits and follow me.I am Aizawa your home room teacher."

After all of them reached the training grounds Aizawa explain about sudden test and punishment for last Although everyone is complaining but they didn't dare to object at the home room teacher.

"Midoriya Izuku right?You are the first at the practical exam right ?."


"What was your best result for softball throwing at the middle school?"

"About 20m or something?"

"Do it with your quirk this time"

"with all of my strength?"


Izuku goes there and stand as Aizawa said.

"I will ask you again You serious about me using all my strength for this?"

"Do you want to Fail this test?"

"Stand back about 20 m from me if you don't want to hurt"

Izuku didn't say anything after this.She channel all her strength including her pink aura into her right hand which is holding the ball and to her left leg which is about to kick the ground for more distance.She kick and dig the ground with her left leg to throw the ball with her whole body strength which cave the ground and crater as big as swimming pool is just created by her leg impact.She held back her strength at the last moment to not make lake size crater on school training ground.

Then she throw the ball with all her strength that make air impact when her hand let go of the ball is too strong that the students and teacher 20 m away from her were blow up away more than another 20 m if not for them using their quirk to stabilize their bodies.

With sonic boom sound the ball travel to outer space and spread the cloud into circle shape when it's reach the sky.

"Oh...not bad for using 80%"

"It's not all your strength?"

"You want to create lake size crater on school's training ground?"

"Oh...that's why you ..Okay You pass.Go back to your friend to wait while I am repairing this crater."

Almost everyone in the class 1A is getting migraines from looking at the crater and result of Izuku softball throwing.Its not infinity but the ball surely goes to outer space while covering in pink energy.Even Shoto todoraki's superiority complex is disappearing after seeing that shit.

MoMo and Ochako surrounded Izuku for girls talk while other students are looking envious at the scene.They dont want to test their luck like these two airheads so they rather treasure their precious life.But girls are approaching Izuku when they saw Izuku's treatment to Momo and Ochako.

They continue the soft ball throwing match after that with Ochako getting infinity while winning Izuku but green hair succubus didn't mind it why would she when the one who beat her is her waifu.

But When momo turn come she first created a golden gauntlet and throw the ball while wearing that.There is no dramatic effect like crater but air impact is more stronger than Izuku that Even Izuku have to hold the ground for it.

These golden gauntlets is not a noble phantasm but sacred gear given to her by Grayfia Regulus Nemea created by her brother with Grayfia's imputs.

Original Regulus from DxD is axe form when it's not in balance breaker state but She made it gauntlets form because she thought it's cool to look at so.

And Yes another ball travel to space while hitting poor satellite by accident.

"Opps.I think the ball I thrown hit the satellite.Tehepero"

MoMo turn around to look at her class and said in cute voice.