Chapter 56

Frozen Cloud Immortal palace or Frozen Cloud Asgard,The female only sect founded by Mu Bingyun,the younger sister of Snow Song realm Queen.

She left the Sect after she regain her memories.The Grand sect mistress of this Era is Gong Yuxian who is now old enough to call a hag if you're courageous.But of course it's not very wise move to call that to her.Gong Yuxian is chilling in her room while drinking tea.Life is good.

"Hi Grandma Yuxian.I come here to bargain"

Someone Calling her Grandma didn't make Yuxian feel weird.She is old anyway but that smug smile and teasing tone did.Yuxian's lips twitch uncontrollably before she calm herself.

"Oh Isn't this our prodigy coming back.How is your trip Qingyue.But wait Your speaking pattern.Did your frozen heart broke?It's mean..."

"Don't go there yet My sect mistress.As I said before,I come here to bargain with you."

"Hoo...Do tell me what you have in mind"

"Does this words "1000 years Calamity" ring any bells?I have a way to save us all.No I have a sure fire way to make all of you stronger faster and become immortals with a price."

"How did you know about that?!I am sorry.I will rephrase my question.What is the price?"

"Become my subordinates.I want Frozen Cloud Asgard"

"You serious?"


It's time for Qingyue to put final nail in the coffin.

"Do you know the thing that will destroy our sect?It's our beauty.All beings are perverts.One way or another they would try to release their fetish.There is one special fetish that would make them aim for female only sect.Domination fetish.They would want to dominate a sect of man haters with their dicks.No matter what,this sect would still be destroy or acquire by someone with that kind of fetish.I am also one who have such fetish although with different purpose.I am a girl myself although I now can be call both male and female in body and soul.What I want is simple.If you want to be free then get strong.Strong enough that no one can screw you on a whim.Both mentally and physically."

"Why should we be getting rape by someone just because we are beauties?Right?If you have a choice to rape other or getting rape by other what would you choose Grandma?.Will you be a victim or a culprit?This is the cruel reality we are living in.There is no middle ground."

Gong Yuxian is in a daze while listening to Qingyue's logic.So thats what 1000 years calamity is?My whole sect getting rape by some perverts because of our beauties?It won't be just raping if we are talking about cultivation worlds.The girls will be treated like furnaces a.k.a sex toys by perverts.Chain to bed while getting rape everyday.Gong Yuxian is now desperate to save her sect.Now that she know what kind of calamity is awaiting her sect,She need a way out.And there is a way out sitting right Infront of her.

"Can you tell me more about serving you?What kind of position do you want?Sect mistress?"

"A Queen or to be more specific A Master who own the life and death of whole sect.Thats what I would be If you accept my offer.And don't worry I would rather give you guys an order to rape a city of girls than using you guys like some prostitutes.That would be your source of strength if you accept my deal after all."

"Come near me Grandma."Xia Qingyue asked Gong Yuxian.Gong Yuxian go near Xia Qingyue which Qingyue lift her right index finger and touch Gong Yuxian's forehead.

"This is the information about my offer.A race you guys are going to become and how to get stronger or what that race is all about"

Gong Yuxian look weirdly at Xia Qingyue.After all she said passionately,the new race their whole sect is going to become is sex related demons?Well at least no one can drain anything from them when they are the one to do that.Thats why she told me about rape.Yup. That's the point.

"Give me some time to convince the sect.I.."

"You need one better proof that can make everyone from our sect drool just by seeing you."

"Eternal Beauty.Females love to be beautiful.And you looks old."

Invisible arrow stab Gong Yuxian's chest.

"Strip naked Grandma.I will make you younger."


Gong Yuxian strip her clothes robotically until she is naked.

Xia Qingyue strip herself with magic and put the mark on Gong Yuxian.

"Huh??Did you just.."

She didn't manage to finish her work when a tail and horns sprout out.She can feel that her body is changing and becoming very horny.

Xia Qingyue summon Jasmine from her hell and make it so that she would come out naked.

"Why would you summon me naked My lady.I am about to take a nap.Oh this is transformation of new succubus? Interesting"

At first Jasmine say playfully to her mistress but when she saw a seductive demoness with busty body she lick her lips and tried to pop out a boner if not for Qingyue restrictions.

"My turn first.And it's your after that.Go and get fuck."

Xia Qingyue say with a smile to Jasmine which she get eye roll from former star God.Jasmine was brainwashed so much to the point of nearly going insane by Qingyue's logic and common sense that she stop caring about it.Well It's not like Xia Qingyue stop any of her subordinates from fucking her.If someone want her body she is fine with it as long as that someone is a girl and is her subornate.

Jasmine go to the restrained Yuxian on chair with horse dick and sit down straight on the dick.

Xia Qingyue snap her finger to release all restraining and Yuxian Who already gone berserk stand up from chair while fucking Jasmine and lay down jasmine on floor to fuck her missionary style which make it easier for Qingyue.

Qingyue put her dick inside former grandma's pussy to taste.Its tight.Tight enough but not choking her dick so she started changing her dick shape for more fun.

From today onward,Former man haters sect will change to sex crazed girls that are very good at flirting females or taking virginity of females.Its not like succubus hate male but you can see the result of not turning off energy absorption with Yun Che death.And succubus pussy are designed to make any males literally feel like cummin just by putting in.So females that need more gadgets become succubus's prime targets.

Qingyue is making sure of it.To 'save' her sect.Unlike certain someone,she thought herself as a savior.She is going to 'save' Primal Chaos with her dick.