Chapter 59

Every morning Chu Yuechan go to Frozen End divine hall to learn The frozen End divine art although she sucks at learning that art actually .

Not like everyone can learn that arts very easily.First of all They need Ice phoenix bloodline or one in a million kind of comprehension to even comprehend a bit about what that arts entail .

Chu Yuechan when she go outside Asgard always wore a veil to cover her beauty although mission fail successfully everytime .One's beauty is measured in body,skin's blemish and of course face in cultivation worlds .There is no idol in Cultivation worlds so when someone with supermodel like beauty appears all Young masters will goes wild just by seeing said beauty .

Chu Yuechan is one of many beauties in Asgard that is hidden from Young Masters .Perky butt and soft looking breast cuz there is no bra to make it firm .White colored dress with skin that look like a beautiful pearl to touch .Neck line that make one want to have a bite and of course tigh* .

Being a cultivation world doesn't mean jiggle physics disappeared. It is there to make Young Masters drool when looking at the females around them Jiggles and primal instincts surge .Well Even in modern world ,Jiggle physics rein supreme in the mind of Inexperienced or rather a lot of men and women .

Young Masters are not that disgusting if you look at their plights .Porn doesn't exist .Internet also doesn't .They have only hands or servants to satisfy their urges or maybe fiances who sometimes aim to main characters or some side characters .

Well Let's go back to topic .Chu Yuechan never cared about anyone except her close one and Asgard .For her , Orders from Asgard are absolute .She will do what sect mistress say ,No questions asked .But Now new sect mistress wanted them to become sex craze demons .A mind boggling choice to make although for Yuechan ,there is none .She love the sect so she don't want to leave .

Do I have to save my sect from her ?Some mutiny thought appear in her mind but she shallow back her thoughts .

"Sister ,You are thinking too much ."

"Yueli ,Sit here .We need to talk ."

Chu Yuechan pat beside her on the bed and Yueli sit down beside her to speak with her .But of course Yueli goes for lap pillow of Yuechan before listening to what she have to say .Yuechan pat her sister head on her lap .

" I am hesitant .I don't want my sect to become dual cultivation sect .I don't want to become one either .Yueli ,Sould we leave the sect ?"

" I can't sis .I was awaken as a Succubus before we came back to sect from Floating cloud city .I don't want to be separated with you .I love you Yuechan .Can you please stay together with me ?"

" I love you too but .."

Before Yuechan keep going on Yueli sit and kiss Yuechan's lips to stop her speech . Yuechan.exe stopped working just from sudden kiss .But of course Yueli make it easier by touching the tip of nipple from clothing and using her index finger to circle it .

Yuechan's resistance weakened after pleasure hit her .Sudden electricity and tongues of Yueli that goes from kissing lips to circling nipples like a octopus's tentacles doesn't help .A virgin who doesn't know the deliciousness of carnal pleasure facing the full blunt of pleasure coming from sensitive nipples sucked and touched by Yueli make Yuechan squirmy in Yueli embrace .Before Yuechan arrive to peak Yueli stopped and look at her sister .

" This is love I am talking about .I know your buried dream .You want a family .You wanted to be a mother .I can make that happen .I already asked Mistress about that . Succubus are infertile because their fetuses and sperm Factory stopped working .They are in stasis .There is a way to stimulate them back to working . It's love .The concept of love .I will try my hardest to become stronger faster for you Yuechan .Can we ?"

Chu Yuechan perk on her sister lips and smile at her sister .

" I love you too little sis .Can we really marry with social norms?What if.."

" We can .I am not human anymore and you are becoming succubus after tonight .Who care about what other peoples think ?Didn't our sect mistress say this before ?She want to rule this universe .Who would dare to say anything when we can just erase them with a sight ."

Chu Yuechan stop hesitating after that .Her little sister loved her more than she thought .She can't be a coward after seeing Yueli's determination to marry her . Yueli is serious .Then she have to reciprocate with her love that she buried too .

" My body,my soul and my heart are all yours from today onwards Yueli .Let's make love. "

Chu Yueli kiss Yuechan with full of love to seal the deal .

(A/N -Is this the first real couple of this book ?I have to read this book from the start to remember if there is other .)