Chapter 66

Simple and efficient core entirely made up of Magma and irons is in front of Grayfia and Xia Qingyue .Of course Qingyue's whole group of succubus are also learning the practical knowledge of how to destroy a world in the most fastest way .

"We are now standing in front of the the innermost core of a world that doesn't have any life forms to demonstrate how to destroy a world in 3 minutes ."

"Are you still following me my love ?"


"Don't be shy ..I will show you the fastest way ."

Grayfia pull out an atomic bomb and yeet it directly to the core of abandoned world .

They disappeared after yeeting the atomic bomb and appears light years away from it .

With very very loud booming noise the world they were observing exploded into pieces with a shockwave large enough to impact the barrier of creation goddess .

"This is every kids's to do list when they grow up.Phew ...That tooks all the boredom out of me ."

"You just destroyed a world because you were bored ?"

"You don't ?! How boring your life would be ?! This won't do ..!!"

"No!No!..Stop whatever you are thinking .Just stop okay?! I don't mind you destroying whatever you wanted to but I would prefer it to be bed.So Yes our kinks are not the same.I got it .Let's go back before you broke all common senses of my sect ."

They all go back to the ruined Iris fort and saw the scene of Prim Fiorire the younger princess knight fucking her older sister Alicia with strap on .

Well Qingyue just stopped caring about it and go to the throne room to sit back and relax .

Grayfia sit on Qingyue's lap and kissed the lips of annoyed gf .

They still have a whole country to massacre and slaughter .Not the whole world they will slaughter but this world can be the farming land for more strength .

The girls of this world becoming futa and slaughtering leftover males and monsters because Qingyue will brainwash them before going back .There is just no way Qingyue would let go of the best farming land she envisioned to be wasted .

Female population Qingyue enslaved in this fort were not very happy about it including nuns of church . Qingyue killed all the males from 20 years of age and upper .But she give a choice before dying .

Get gender change or die.80% choose to death out of stupidity that Qingyue can't kill them because of politics and backlash . Qingyue killed all of them to shut up . Children weren't killed but just gender changed .

This world need more motivation and reason to be united against common enemy and struggles . Qingyue gave them one ,Slavery .The female population are now treated like sex slaves to succubus .No matter whoever succubus see they will fuck and broke the mind until rage and despair swell in their deepest parts of the brain .

The thing about Humans is once they got suppressed by something or someone tyrannical .They want to be free .Wanting freedom more than anything else and desire for overwhelming strength is burning unknowingly inside the minds of citizens.

Succubus never treated them gently or pleasureable because of Qingyue's orders .

Succubus treat humans like a disgusting species that don't deserve their rewards of sex .

That attitudes pissed off all citizens for sure .

And this is only one fort Qingyue took control of .There is 6 more to conquer and enslave . Qingyue is looking forward to more mind breaking and screwing with emotion to bury the seed of revenge inside Kuroinu world's female .That will make future endeavors more easy to operate .

(A/N It's 32 hours I didn't sleep .Well because of binge reading some animes and mangas .Now very sleepy .I used all my will power to opened my eyelids and write for promised one chapter per day at least .bye friends .I will go to sleep now .)