Chapter 68

"Hey Let's fight .All 5 of you can fight together against me ."

Qingyue spoke while standing alone pretty far from Huge army lead by 5 dimwits.They looks excited for unexpected chance of duel .

"If you kill me my demons will die .Isn't it great ?You guys have that much courage at least right?"

Not like they are enraged but pretty much annoyed by condescending attitude of Qingyue .

"Celestine sama ,I can go and kill that cocky demon alone .Please let me have the honor ."

Claudia Levantine said to Celestine with determination .

"Let's attack with all we got .We don't know much about this demon queen So I hope you guys don't go and underestimate her .You see how confident she looks? That's the sign to call out idiots like you who just go and enrage by taunts like 5 years old little girls "

Maia said with mocking tone after hearing bird brain's passionate speech which pissed off said individual .

"Are you insulting my honor ?I don't mind a duel to death with you to get my honor back ."

" Stop! We need to fight together against her .If a war can be end with easy way that doesn't need more blood and life to spill then we have to choose it .We princess knights accept your duel invitation demon queen ."

Celestine said with twitching smile because this is the only way to preserve the life of innocent 'men' of this country .She need to strike a conversation while dueling to ask Demon Queen to spare her citizen .

Princess knights all comes down from horse and walk to Qingyue while preparing their weapons .

Qingyue smile after seeing this .Part 1 is done after all .

All 5 of them stand in front of Qingyue while waiting for Qingyue's start sign or Celestine's .

'So called Knights's honor hmm .Do they realized this is war ?"

Qingyue lift her hand and drop down the hand with the speed that is not visible to follow .Just by looking at that speed make chills run down in their spine.

Kaguya throw a tailsman to Qingyue which got brighten with light to blind Qingyue's line of sight .LuuLuu and Maia ,Axe weilder and one hand sword holder hold their weapons tightly and dig the ground with their hind legs for kicking and flew to Qingyue with the kinetic force of their left legs .Claudia runs to Qingyue while following two who flew to their opponent .

Celestine who was left over was preparing the light spell big enough to purify the demon .

Qingyue saw all of these and wait until axe holder who sweep the axe horizontally from right to left aiming for the waist arrived first .Maia is a little behind because heavy weapon users with immerse strength are reliable tanker in most raid .

Qingyue hold the axe slashing at her waist in very fast speed and used Tai chi like movement to let the axe go to Maia who is just split second behind LuuLuu .

Maia who saw the axe coming for her head with brutal strength sweat unconsciously but Claudia put her sword at the axe's trajectory and also her body to not let Maia die from stray bullet .

But of course strength behind that axe swing throw both Maia and Claudia back to Celestine who is casting a spell big enough to purify demon queen .

But not just Maia and Claudia who fly back to Celestine .There is also Loli looking dwarf who was hold by collar after a knock with 30% of Qingyue's strength to neck made her unconscious .And pretty much gotten throw like a rag doll to Celestine who is protected by barrier of Kaguya .

All three of them hit the barrier with enough force one after another that the barrier maintained by Kaguya is now full of crack . Qingyue's sword poke broke the barrier into pieces while making Kaguya cough out blood .

Celestine who was pointed with tip of the sword to the heart tried to continue the spell which was almost finished but a cut to ear stop her casting which broke all these concentrations from pains .For finishing touch Qingyue kick Celestine's belly with enough force to make her roll on the ground in pain .

Qingyue looks at the five knights scattered around her like some weaklings and said the words that come from bottom of her heart .

"How pathetic .Your weakness disgust me ."(A/N ::I wanted to use these words at least once )

Qingyue's threshing of rag dolls finishing means starting massacre so all of succubus under her flew to army with crazy smiles.

All of their bloods boil after seeing their queen's brutal and merciless beat down to her enemies .They are now really blood thirsty enough to fight with 100000 peoples with 3000 of them .They feel more fitting to do so .They are immortals anyway .Who cares some limbs or heads of them flying when they knew all of these would grow back in sec or much better reattaching itself.

But their enemies don't have that kinds of cheat .They have only a head or limbs that can lose .It's going to be fun..All of them thought while throwing themselves into formation of army .