A rude awakening - 08

I was on a very comfortable bed, with clean sheets and a soft pillow, the alarm went off but I didn't want to wake up.

The alarm kept ringing but I was too sleepy.

" ******* wake up, you'll be late for school!"

A female voice was calling me. It was familiar to me.


It was my mother, I lifted my torso suddenly and opened my eyes, I was in my room, it was morning and the sunlight, coming in from the window on my left, was cradling my room with sweet warmth.

"Did I dream everything ?!"

I got out of bed, but everything around me rocked.

I heard footsteps.

" ******* you in?! You're awake?"

"Yes, mom, but my head is spinning a bit"

The door to my room opened and my head started to hurt like it was about to explode.

A woman entered my room, a woman I no longer knew.

In place of the face, there was interference similar to the signal interference of CRT TVs. Now I couldn't even hear her voice anymore.

"Mom?! Who are you? Who are you?! Who am I…?"

I did not remember, a restlessness enveloped my whole body and my emotions, I was afraid, I was cold, now the whole room was as if in dim light, the bed where I was sitting now seemed very hard, metallic.

The faceless woman approached me, I could not escape her, I screamed with fear ...


I woke up all sweaty on a hospital bed, still terrified by the dream I had just had.

Thinking back, I realized what really scared me about that dream: I no longer remembered who my mother was, and maybe, I didn't even know myself anymore.

'What am I doing here? ...'

'ah right ...'

I had managed to win against Vier.

I tried to move, felt no pain, probably my wounds had already been healed.

Apart from me, there was no one in the room.

"Is there anyone?"

I was afraid I was still dreaming.

An automatic sliding door opened and a woman entered the room. At first, I flashed the woman in the dream and I snapped back.

"Zeto? It's me, Ri ... "

" Oh "

" Are you okay? "

"... Now yes ..."

Seeing Ri lifted me up.

We talked about my victory, she paid me many compliments, which made me return to a good mood, at least a minimum.

"When you have recovered, come to my office, after yesterday's victory many are interested in you, we need to discuss your future."


I didn't think a single victory could attract attention.


'Anyway ... I slept for a whole day ... I must have been in really bad shape ...'

Ri left the room, leaving me alone again, I took some deep breaths and tried to get my mind back to reality.

After a while, an android came into the room telling me that I had now been 100% cured and handed me my clothes intact.

I got out of there and I headed to Ri's office.

A girl blocked my way.

"Oh? But you are the one from the other day, right?! "

"Don't talk and follow me"

"Actually, now I can't come with you…"

'Besides, why should I have followed her?'

"I do not accept a no"

She grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me away, I tried to free myself but she was damn stronger than me.

"What do you want from me?"

'Was it about the discussion last time? But I haven't moved strangely since then ... or maybe ... '

"Anyway, I don't know your name yet ..."

"For now you don't need to know."

'Let me decide that to me ...'

We were walking away from Ri's office, headed to an area of ​​the arena where mainly high tier gladiators lived; you could see it from the prices on the menus placed outside the restaurants, from the ornaments in the corridor, and also from the faces of the people who passed us, you could see that they were strong.

"Well, we have arrived"

We were in front of the door of a room of some gladiator. The girl knocked twelve times and shortly thereafter the door to the room opened.

"Oh, you found him..."

"Well, it wasn't difficult."

In front of me were three gladiators: a boy about 1 and 70 in height, red-haired and with green eyes, dressed as if he were going to the gym; a man in his thirties with a muscular build that was anything but indifferent, at least 20cm taller than me with well-groomed black hair, beard and mustache, grey eyes, and dark skinned. Then there was a Bestens with gray fur and brown eyes, very tall but with an agile physique.

The pressure these people put on me was insane, it was hard for me to breathe.

"Well, Liza told us that you are an interesting person ... your name is Zeto right?" the red-haired guy asked me.


It was difficult for me to speak.

"Oh, sorry, you're not used to all this pressure, you're new here, aren't you?"

He grinned. After a while, it was as if all the pressure that previously choked the room had disappeared.

"We need to talk…"