The Union of the Rings - 09

"Well, first of all I would like to make the introductions… we are called "The Union of the Rings" or TUR if you prefer, a group that aims to get out of here, my name is Ron, that is David, the Bestens is called Libert and well, you already know Liza, right? "

'Wha?! In a way I expected them to be some sort of group with the aim of getting out of this place, they gave me this vibe… but, aren't they a bit too direct? And why are they telling me their names so recklessly!? They probably want me to trust them, but all of that ... '

"Why are you risking so much?"

"You know, we want your trust, and the fastest way to get it I think this is it." He smiled.

All this made me restless, if I had been in them I would not have said my name or shown my face.

"And then if you ever say anything to anyone ... well, I'll let you imagine."

For a single second, the air in the room became unbreathable again.

Anyway, this group would give me what I was looking for, strong people with the same goal as me.

'Accepting would only give me advantages, however, this story stinks me a little ... but not accepting it would be a waste.'

"Why would you want someone like me, still a novice, in your group?"

"Well, you made a good impression on us with your first fight ... and then there aren't many of us, so, well, you get it right?"

'This ... could also explain why they are risking so much, they need new members ... but their actions have been too risky anyway'

I noticed something strange, the Bestens, who had never spoken yet, had bright eyes.

'How strange…'

"Sorry, can I ask you a question ..."

"Oh sure"

" Do you know if there is a skill that allows you to somehow erase the memory ... or maybe a skill that allows you to modify someone's memory at will?" I looked at the Bestens.

"Hahaha, you get it so ... well, now you understand why we are not afraid to say too many things" David said.

"Isn't this skill a little too strong?"

I whispered in a low voice, but still everyone in the room heard me.

"Well, this skill only works with people who are much weaker mentally than me" said Libert.

"Well, you complain about a strong skill, your power is much better don't you think?" Liza said.

'So you already understand my power, huh?'


The other three in the room looked at her confused.

'So she kept it to herself, well, better this way ...'

"Back to the main topic ... do you want to join us then?"

'Well, now that I know that saying no will probably make me forget everything, it just doesn't make sense not to accept their invitation.'


"Oh we-"

"But under two conditions: first I would like to know everything you know about the Arena and about your plans, and second, I would like your help to climb the tiers faster"

"Well, we would have done that even without you asking. "

Now, everyone in that room seemed happy, everyone except Liza, but, in fact, she didn't seem like an "easy smile" type.

"Well then, if you have questions of some kind ..."

'Actually, I wouldn't have much time now, Ri is waiting for me ... who knows, maybe I'm making her angry, in fact, I've never seen her angry before ... but ... '

Part of me was actually also very curious to see her get angry.

"Well, do you have any suggestions regarding secondary skills?"

"Hmm, well, has your manager already told you that skills can both appear and be bought?"

"Can they also be bought ?!"

"Yes, you can buy them either in the skill shops, or you can also win them in the casinos, although the latter method is not recommended."

'Oh, shit…'

When he said casino, a light bulb went off in my mind and I couldn't help but smile like a madman.

"Anyway ... in my opinion you would need a mid-range skill, something you can use to either ward off an aggressive opponent, to waste time, or even as a distraction." David intervened.

"About that ... what is the average consumption for a skill of this type?"

"About 5Mp"

"Eh ... this is a problem, I only have 10Mp, and 0.2Mp of recharge per minute".

They made a surprised face,

'Am I really that bad?'

[Updated Zeto stats

Strength: 11 → 15

Agility: 16 → 21

Intelligence: 15 → 16

Stamina: 6 → 11

Favorite Weapon: ???

Mana: 10Mp Regeneration Mp: 0.2Mp per minute

Health: 400Hp → 450Hp Regeneration Hp: 1Hp per minute ]

"Mmh, Liza, what do you think about training him?"

'Huh ?! Why her... well, maybe by getting to know her better I could discover other sides of her ... '


' Ah ... '

"Come on"

"No, you do it"

David approached Liza.

"Please Liz, you are the best of us when it comes to Mana, don't you want to get out of here as soon as possible? Helping him- "

" -Ahhh, Okay, but know that I don't have much patience" She turned to me.

"As if I didn't already understand that..." I whispered it but from Liz's furious expression and the amused faces of the others, I knew they had heard me.

This was the last memory I have of that day.