The event begins - 14

Even in my third match, I won without problems, so, as agreed, Ri signed me up for the survival event.

'There are only a few hours left ...'

I went to Ri's office, and she greeted me coldly and led me to the area set up for the event.

It was a room with all white walls, with me there were another hundred people. From here we would be teleported to the real scenario of this game.

In all, of my own Tier, 4602 had signed up, they would be my rivals for the next seven days.

"Well then, see you ..." I said to Ri.

She looked at me upset and waved at me.

'After that evening ... I kind of regret saying those things'

After I asked Ri what would she do if I asked her to let me out of this arena, she began to treat me more coldly.

'I must have really put her in trouble'

But there was something about all this that made me hopeful for the future, and that was that Ri, after the question, seemed more torn with herself than angry with me, it was as if my question had raised a doubt that was already present in her.

In recent weeks I have evaluated Ri as a kind person, and the question I had asked her a few nights before was not totally airy-fairy, I really wanted to know if in the future she could become my ally, and from her reaction I understood that maybe a little there was a chance.

'Well, now I have to focus on this event '

The walls of the room began to generate a dazzling light, I instinctively closed my eyes and when I opened them again I found myself in a narrow street of a city, it looked like one of the streets of the metropolis where you would not want to find yourself after a certain time of day, with a dumpster on fire in front of me, and the buildings to my right and left mostly decaying, luckily I didn't see any monsters yet.

I took out my latest purchase, a dagger costing me 5000 PFC; now my balance was only 1280PFC.

In the last few days I trained a little in sword fighting, and thanks to my power I wasn't doing so badly.

"Welcome to the Survival Game, sponsored by Faretery, a carbonated energy drink with a vuapa* flavor, to always stay on top!"

[*sweet fruit typical of the green planet of Skor]


"Well, let me introduce myself, I am Sytir, presenter of this event for the gladiators of the Laurel Tier, all the gladiators present here are either novices with the desire to show their strength or veterans with the desire for redemption, so get ready for endless emotions! Well now on video you will see the rules of this event ... "

'Ri told me that this event would be broadcast on all the streaming platforms of their empire, who knows how many people will be watching it now ...'

* Diing

" whAh! "

In the sky the rules of this game were displayed, in addition to those that Ti had told me, there were also the classification of the various zombie monsters that you could meet during the game with the points for killing them alongside.

[ Simple Zombie (D) - 2 pts

Armored Zombie (C) - 5 pts

Cursed Beast (B) - 15 pts

Young Demon (A) - 50 pts

Expert Demon (S) - 500 pts ]

Two other ways to score points were later put on the "screen".

[ Every hour of survival will be awarded 2 pt, killing another gladiator will be awarded 10 pt. ]

The final classification would have depended on the number of points obtained.

Especially the last part of this information I did not like, we already had to beware of monsters.

'The other gladiators are also my enemies ...'

The rules did not state that it was forbidden to make alliances, but with this last rule, making them would have been very complicated.

'Well, for now, I'd like to observe the situation.'

Or so I wanted to do, I heard a very throaty grrr behind me.

I whirled around and saw what I identified as a zombie.

'Already?! Well, it could have been worse. '

Above the zombie's head was a D, so what I had in front of me was a simple zombie.

To be safe, I let the zombie make the first move and relied on my power.

I dodged his uncoordinated attack and aimed for his neck, cutting him clean.

Now number 2 has been displayed above me.

'So I can always know my points… but can other gladiators see them too?'

After a while, After a while, in the sky, where previously game information was displayed, it was written "first simple zombie kill: Zeto".

After that, the current ranking of the event was displayed with me at the top, with 2 points.

The zombie's body did not disappear as if it were a video game.

'Who knows if these monsters are real or some sort of illusions, this city too ... is it real or are we in some sort of simulation?'

I was curious but now was not the time to think about it.

I walked towards, where the alley where I was seemed to merge into a larger street.

"Oh ..."

A decadent city opened up in front of me, the kind you see in post-apocalyptic films, not that I remembered many of them, with half-destroyed buildings, flames everywhere, skeletons of cars, vegetation that had grown almost everywhere.

It looked like a man-made city, but I didn't recognize it.

* GRRr

To my right a group of three zombies walked aimlessly, they had sunken eyes, greenish skin, rotten and decadent that at times allowed a glimpse of the skeleton, their step was melancholy and sprawling.

Now that I looked at them better I realized that they were really scary.