A city without a soul - 15

'Should I try to fight them?'

I looked around, on my left there was the skeleton of a yellow minibus, I decided to get on it to see even more distant.

'They seem to be the only ones nearby.'

I decided to stay on the bus.

"Hey dead!"

The zombies saw me and ran as damned towards me, the first jumped uncoordinatedly trying to jump over the bus but failing miserably and falling into it.

The second tried to climb from the front, while the other tried to climb from the side.

I cut off the arms of the one on the side, which fell miserably to the ground, then I sprinted towards the other who was now almost completely up and I made a ferocious thrust, piercing his head.

Then I got off the bus and finished the one on the ground, I then attracted the attention of the one inside the bus who came out running, jumped trying to bite my carotid artery, but I had already "seen" his movement and so I easily dodged him, he fell to the ground and I finished him off with the sword.

Soon after, I heard a lot of noise from behind the bus, I moved from where I was to see what it was, seven zombies including an armored one were running towards me.

"Oh fuck!"

I turned and started running.

'Maybe I was wrong to fight these three'

I ran back to the alley where I was before, on the other side of that road there was an iron net that went up a few meters, I quickly climbed it and kept running.

'Should I find a hiding place?... But if they find me ... '

I didn't like the idea of ​​being eaten alive at all, so for the moment, I kept running trying to outrun my pursuers.

"Ah-ha ..."

I was out of breath, my stamina, even with the new skill, was still my weakness.

'I can't keep running forever '

I turned around, there was no one behind me.

"Apparently I have to improve my hearing too ..."

I walked down the street where I was now, on my sides I had two gray buildings, decadent and very tall.

'Should I perhaps enter one of these buildings? ... but ...'

I hesitantly approached the entrance to the building on my right, the door had a rusty lock, but in any case, I could not force it, so I decided to enter through a window that had broken glass.


I cut my forearm slightly.

'This place ... maybe it was a hotel?'

I ended up in a room with many tables, probably a dining room, all full of dust and partly cracked.

I went to the kitchen.

"There it is!"

I found a light blue fridge with a blue LED too, with a hologram on it that said "FOOD".

In this event, the only way to get food was to find these fridges, they are located in all the kitchens of the city.

Inside I found some bread, water, and some "Complete Lunch" bars; I ate the bread and drank the water and took with me three bottles of water and eight bars.

In addition to these fridges, there was another help that the game gave you: in every pharmacy, there was a state-of-the-art medicine kit.

'From what I understand after an hour of use these fridges are filled up again with food ... maybe I could use this building as my base, well if it's safe ...'

I walked towards the stairs, they were made of white marble, gray with ash and from dust. Some steps were missing and others were far from safe so I went up carefully.

I also tried to cling to the wooden handrail, bad idea, the wood was rotten full of terms and now, therefore, less robust than polystyrene.

I reached the first floor, the light in the corridor, as well as on the stairs, was dim. I caught my ears and took out my dagger as a precaution.

I didn't know whether to say "is someone there?" or stay mute.

'From what I know, zombies can be everywhere, there are no safe areas'

I looked around the various rooms of the building, it seemed empty, and not just of people, even the rooms were all anonymous, without colors, the beds without sheets, and the wardrobes without clothes.

I also searched the floors above, they too were empty and bare. Finally, I went to the fifth and top floor.

'Same story here too?'


The noise was coming from a room in front of me on my right.

I followed the corridor approaching the room.

"I-Is there anyone?" I said timidly.

"Please don't hurt me ..."

After a while, I heard a frightened male voice coming from that room.

"Don't worry, I don't want to fight other gladiators ..."

A boy younger than me came out of the room.


He snapped back.

'Oh right, the sword'

(when I say sword I mean the dagger, a short-bladed sword)

I put the sword away.

"Hi, my name is Zeto" I smiled trying to calm him down.

He was a little shorter than me, with a very thin build and pale skin, dressed in militarized trousers and a dark green T-shirt, he had a yellow cap with three black stars off-center to the right.

He had a very frightened look, light brown hair and light gray eyes. He looked unarmed.

"I-I am Egil, nice to meet you." He said shyly


David (of the "Rings") - information

Age: 34

Height: 198 cm

Hair: well-groomed black hair, beard, and mustache.

eyes: gray.

Physical: sumptuous musculature.

Power: ???