The good of one is the good of both - 17

"Let me see ..."

"It is nothing"

"Yes, right"

I went to Egil, he had a bleeding shoulder.

"How many HP have you lost?"

Egil widened his eyes a little.

"100 ..."

"And now how many do you have?"


'This is a problem, and he is still losing blood, and if he has an infection ... we have to find a pharmacy'

"We have to find a medical kit"

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt so much."

"Mmh, sooner or later we should have looked for him, better do it now, right?"

I smiled slightly to reassure him.

"Sorry ... I'm just a burden ..."

"Don't say that, we're battle companions now, aren't we?"

Egil reassured himself.

"Yes" He smiled.

We wandered through the streets near our "base", as Egil told me, he had a very good sense of direction, so I didn't worry too much about getting lost.

We were on a two-lane street, the sidewalks were full of debris and vines, some cars were on fire, and the buildings were like carcasses of decaying flesh.

However, there was something really strange about this city.

"In your opinion… is this city an old human city? Or did the Slters create it specifically for this event? "

Egil looked at me dazed.

"Now that you tell me this ... in fact if you look at the road signs ... they are all without directions ... it seems to have been made anonymous on purpose ..."

'Oh, I hadn't thought about it ... maybe they modified a pre-existing city, perhaps to make us not remember things they don't want us to remember… but if this city is real and not a simulation… are monsters real too? '

With these questions in mind, we ran into a group of 5 zombies, one was armored.

"W-what do we do?"

'We can't fight them now- Oh'

"Look ..." I pointed to a shop right after that group of zombies.

"It's a pharmacy ..."

'This is a headache.'

"Let's do one thing ... I draw them while you hide among the vines there." There were vines to our right that made a perfect hiding place. "And then while they chase me, you go and take the medicines, when I have sown the zombies I will return to you"

"W-WHAT ?!"


"B-but it's too dangerous ..."

"I know ... but I think it's the only way ... don't worry, trust me ..."

Egil, reluctantly, went into hiding and I went across the street near an entrance to a minor lane.

"Zombies! I'm here!"

The zombies with the foam in their mouths turned and started running towards me, I immediately noticed that the armored one was slower.

I started running too.

'But do I really want to run away ... actually I would like to try to deal with them ...'

But first I had to divide them a little.

I turned into the alley, on the sides I saw some dumpsters, I threw them towards the zombies, managed to slow down 2.

I kept running and entered a building to my left through a broken window.

At the first zombie, who came trying to follow me from that window, I stuck his head, he fell "lifeless".

Two more came, I tried to kill another but I didn't have time, another entered through another window of the building, and was headed towards me, then I started running again.

'Maybe against three I can even manage it.'

So I waited for the first zombie in a room with two exits.

I killed him easily. The other two arrived soon after.

I still had my sword stuck in the newly killed zombie that one of the two just arrived rushed furiously at me and managed to injure my left side.

Right after that, I jumped backwards.

"Well ... ahh-ha, who wants to be first?"

The same who had hurt me threw himself at me, making a jab with his pointed hand from the nails.

I made a thrust with the dagger against his hand, opening it in two, but the zombie, not feeling the pain, did not pull back and rushed towards me trying to bite my neck, using my power I "saw" ahead of time and managed to dodge it by a hair, but I tripped over a broken table in the room.

I fell to the ground, the second zombie jumped on me, and I managed at the last to put the sword between me and its jaws.

I kicked him away, the other one pounced on me and nailed my forehead, I got up quickly after rolling to the side.

'I have to get rid of one while the other is still on the ground.'

So I pounced on what had hurt my forehead and using all the strength I had I cut his neck.

Then with a jerk I headed towards the one on the ground and stuck his head with the dagger.

"Anf .. hah"

My HP had dropped by 100. I now had 350HP

Now I was at 24 pts.

(In chapter 14 there was a translation error, it is 2 points per hour, not every 2 hours).

I walked out of the building and saw the armored zombie looking for me.

'And now it's his turn.'