The armored zombie - 18

"Hello beauty"


'He doesn't seem in a good mood…'

The zombie in front of me was certainly different from the others, he had his whole body, except for the joints, covered by a bluish bone exoskeleton.

As soon as he saw me he made his nails grow ten centimeters and sharpened them.

He didn't attack me right away, he seemed to be evaluating my moves.

'So he's smarter than the others ...'

I walked slowly, waiting for his move.

The fight was in a stalemate.


Here is that the armored zombie attacked, I activated my power, I wanted to use it to the maximum, I "saw" how the zombie wanted to hurt me in the chest with the fingernails of his right hand, and how he would then try to finish me with his left hand.

So I dodged by moving to his right so that he couldn't hit me with the fingernails of his left hand.

I then tried, with a thrust, to skewer my dagger in his neck.

* Sting!

At the point where I wanted to hit him his neck was hardened and I couldn't pierce it, he swiped the hardened part of his neck on my blade and pounced on me trying to hurt my neck with the fingernails of his left hand, but I "saw" him before, I retracted the sword and ducked, avoiding his attack and then slipping the sword under his chin, the zombie was unable to harden him in time and so I managed to stab him.

The zombie, however, still managed to skewer me with my right hand before he fell helpless.

"Fuck! AH… I couldn't see this… "

'Ah, right ... now I also have another skill ... I'm not used to it yet, next time I should try to use it ...'

That hit had taken away another 100HP, and I kept losing HP

'I have to go back to Egil'

I found it hard to walk.

"Hey! Do you want a hand?"

"Eh ?!"

I heard a female voice coming from above me.

A girl, dressed in a completely black goth suit, with half black and half gray hair, gathered inside two tails and front bangs, purple eyes, and a face that bordered on any ideal of beauty, with black high-soled boots, and purple socks, was sitting on the ledge of a falling apart balcony on the third floor of the building to my left; she was swinging her legs.

'Who is this ?!'

She descended by launching herself, while she was in flight she descended with a surreal lightness.

'Am I having hallucinations?'

"You must be Zeto, right?"

"Huh? You know me?"

'Now that I have her in front of me ... I must say that she is very pretty ...'

"Well, when you killed that guy your score went up 5 points, so ..."

'But now that I think about it, this time "first kill" didn't appear ... maybe someone killed an armored zombie before me and I didn't notice ... '

"Who are you?"

"I… you can call me Hel"

"Hel ?! Are you the fourth in the standings? "

I was now sixth and Egil 4336th.

She smiled.

"And why would you want to help me? While I'm in this state you could easily kill me… "

" Well that's true, but I'm interested in you… "

As she said it, she made a heart with her fingers, I blushed involuntarily.

"He he"

"Well, if you want to help me it's welcome"

She brought her right hand to the wound on my side, I was a little reluctant but let her go, she soon closed it.

"W-wow ..." 'is her power?'

"I just closed it, so don't make any sudden movements."

She smiled at me looking into my eyes, I looked away.

'Ahh, I really don't know how to deal with the female world ...'

I walked towards the pharmacy where I had left Egil, while Hel followed me humming a song that was both childish and disturbing.

"Why are you following me?"

"Well, we're on the same team now, aren't we?"

'Ah ...'


We arrived at the pharmacy, there was no zombie in sight.

We entered and saw Egil sitting on the ground, with the wound in his shoulder healed and with the iron bar resting beside him.

"Oh, Zeto! And… "

" This is Hel, well, consider her a new addition to our 'team' ".

"Hel ?!"

"Do you know her?"

"You know how it is, besides you, she is the one who has attracted the most attention among those of our Tier in the last period."

'Oh, I didn't know ... maybe I should be better informed about these things ...'

Egil seemed a little agitated by her presence, but not frightened, so I found that she didn't have a bad reputation.

The pharmacy, inside, was really bare, the floor was full of debris, there were two iron shelves, where presumably the medicines were once placed, which were on the ground.

Then there was a white metal cabinet with a red Greek cross drawn on it, this was what we were looking for.

"Zeto ... I saw that in the end, you fought all five of them ... you are really incredible ..."

"Well, not coming out unscathed anyway."

I opened the cabinet and took out a bottle that read "50HP regenerative pills", with the caveat: "Use a maximum of two every hour, and a maximum of one per shot."

So for now I only took one.

In addition to that, there were bandages and gauze, these less "futuristic" than the pills.

"It's getting dark, should we go back to the previous building?"

Egil agreed.

"Wouldn't it be better to score a few more points first?" Hel said.

'In fact, Egil is still very low in the rankings, but…'

I looked at him, I thought Egil was still scared after he had been almost devoured by a zombie before.

Egil saw my worried look for him.

"D-don't worry about me ... I don't want to be a burden to you."

"But ..."

"Well then let's go and hunt a bit" Hel concluded, with the look of someone who was going to have fun.

I still had some doubts about Egil, but I trusted his decision.