Manhunt - 19

So Egil, Hel, and I went hunting zombies for a few hours until it was too dark to continue.

Even watching Hel fight I did not fully understand her abilities, she fought using throwing knives and moved with an unreal lightness, maybe she could be so "light" because of her power but, for me, she was hiding something else.

We went back to the building where I had first met Egil, it was still safe.

[Day 1

Zeto: 41pt | Ranked 5th

Hel: 48pt | Ranked 4th

Egil: 16pt | Ranked 3809th]

We had dinner with "Complete Lunch" bars and then we decided on the shifts in which to sleep.

"I think we should take turns with two people who are awake" Egil said.

'So he doesn't trust her, huh?'

"You do not trust me?" Hel replied.

"N-it's not that ... well we don't know each other very well yet"

'Egil's idea wasn't bad, however ...'

"I think it's better to take turns with only one awake on guard, after all, if it's of me that you are afraid ... I am sure that Zeto can assure you that I do not want to hurt you, and then by doing so we would have more hours to sleep "

'that's what I was thinking too'

" I think Hel is right, tomorrow we will need as much energy as possible, with shifts with only one awake, in nine hours we would sleep six hours each ... "

" Well, I trust you Zeto ... "

We then decided on the order, Hel had the first three hours of surveillance, Egil the central ones, and me the last three.

"Are you sure Egil? You wouldn't prefer to get six consecutive hours of sleep? You seem the most tired of us ... "

" N-it doesn't matter, it's not a burden to me. "

That said, I lay down on a blanket found in one of the rooms, sure, it was dirty, but better than nothing.

Before going to sleep, however, I wanted to "visit" my "Inner World"; Liza had told me to train every day with her meditation method until I had a considerable amount of mana, then she would teach me to control it and create skills with it.

I went through the dark tunnel that led to my world, it was different from the first time, in addition to the sand and the dunes there was also a constant pleasant breeze.

'Maybe this is due to my new skill ...'

I walked around my world, the first step, Liza told me, to master this technique was to know your world well, notice the differences that existed from the previous day and try to "feel" how to improve it.

After an hour, without realizing it, I fell asleep.

-I was climbing the wall of a gray mountain, putting one foot at a time, one hand at a time, cautiously climbing this wall, a rope was hooked to me coming from nowhere above me, besides me there was nobody.

There was no wind and I kept climbing, 'to where? For what?' There were no answers to these questions, I just kept moving upward.

Suddenly I looked around, beyond the rocky wall I was climbing there was nothing, I looked down, nothing, I lost the support I had in my right hand and so I fell. However, I was calm, after all, I was attached with a rope who knows where; however, I fell and the rope did not stop my fall.

Now I looked up, the rope had been cut and I was falling, now I felt the air coming against me, now I was afraid.

I woke up suddenly sweating with fear.

* Stiing!


'What happened?! A nightmare? ... '

' Yet the metallic sound I heard seemed real. '

I looked above me, a black metallic half-moon was above me, it was the blade of a scythe, like those of the grim reapers, placed sideways, as if to protect myself, I looked to the side, it was Hel holding the scythe in her hands.

"Zeto, wake up!" She yelled at me.

"W-What's going on ?!"

"Ask him ..."

With her eyes she indicated to look to my left, there was Egil with a distorted look and with my dagger in hand, facing my chest, stopped by the crescent.

"What does it mean?!"

"Don't you understand? ... he tried to kill you while you were asleep ..."

"W-What ?!"

"Egil ?! What does all this mean? "

"I-I ..." He dropped the dagger and fell backwards.

'I couldn't believe it ... he wanted to kill me? ...'

"I still can't understand, I got up from the blanket where I was lying."

"Open the virtual page with your information."

"Mmh ..."

I did as he said.

Everything was as usual.

'What is this'

There was a notice in the form of an email, I clicked it.

[ New challenge for points - Manhunt

your goal is the gladiator Rokalki

take him to 0 Hp and you will receive 40pt

you have until the end of the third day

Good luck! ]

I looked at the time in the menu, it was 1 am on the second day.

'Did it only take an hour for him to decide to betray me?'

"Ahn ... so I would be your target?"

I turned to Egil, he was terrified and a little repentant.

"What do we do with him?"

"Let's let him go…"

"Wha ?! He tried to kill you! "

"I'm not that kind of person…"

"T-thanks Zeto! You are truly amazing! T-thank you ... w-we can continue to be in the same team ... right? "

"Eh?!" This attitude of his pissed me off even more than I already was.

"Mmh, well, fatality, you too are my target..." Hel said smiling. Looking towards Egil

"W-what ?!"

"Oh really? Well, you decide what you want to do with him then… "

Hel approached Egil with the scythe in her hands, with a crazy smile on her face.

"N-you can't! Zeto! I beg you!"

I did not speak, I just looked at him, remaining impassive, with a dull look.

Hel, without any mercy, between the screams of Egil, tore the front of his throat, the Hp of Egil went to 0 and he disappeared, leaving only a few splashes of his blood on the ground.

Now I looked at the ranking, Egil's name was still there, but next to his score was written "dead".

"Mmh? You only earned 10 points…" I turned to Hel, now at 62pt.

"Ops, hehe"

'Oh well, I don't care ...'