A little grown lion - 20

Still shaken by what had happened that night, we decided not to talk about Egil anymore, we had breakfast and prepared the plan for the day.

[6:30 am, 2nd day of the event]

"In my opinion, we should take advantage of the bounty hunt, we are talking about 40 pt, not even killing two cursed level B beasts you do so many! Especially now that they have provided us with virtual compasses to find our targets… "

At 6 o'clock, all the gladiators had been provided with virtual compasses, with the image of the target attached, pointing towards their target.

"But ... I wish I didn't have to fight other gladiators in this event ..."

"But ... you know, don't you? It's not that if you send your opponent's HP to 0 he really dies ... "

" I know that ... "

In reality, for a while, I have been wondering if there were any repercussions in reaching 0 HP, or rather, how it can come healed a wound, such as a hole in the head, without causing repercussions?

"Maybe you're right ..."

Now that Hel and I were a kind of "team", I had to respect her will, and in this case, she had more reasons on her side in this situation.

In fact, this quest was, presumably, given to every gladiator, and, probably, every gladiator had a different target from each other, unless we had been in odd numbers; therefore, this quest acted as a watershed in the ranking, 40 pt, in this event, it was really a lot.

We decided first to go towards Hel's target. Hel's target was a certain Marie, and she was ranked 534th.

During the journey, we decided to use narrow streets as much as possible, which we noticed were less crowded with zombies than the main ones.

Another thing we noticed was that the number of zombies, both normal and armored, had increased a lot.

"Do you think now we could also meet a class B?"

"Mmh ... it could be ..."

* Beep Beep


"Was it the compass?"

Hel's compass had sounded, we took the sound as a warning that we had almost reached our goal.

Now we were in a park, a huge park, located in the center of the city, where nature had taken over, it almost looked like a grove.

* Strr

"What was it ?!"

"d-did it sound like a roar?"

The sound came right in front of us, in addition to the roar, as we approached, we also heard screams, both male and female.

We ran for a few hundred meters until we came to a clearing with no trees.

In front of us now there was a beast, similar to a lion, but much larger, had bristly and brown hair, with a reddish mane, had both jaws and claws very sharp, golden eyes, and two horns instead of ears. It had a ferocious look as if it had been fasting for many days.


'What ?!'

The roar stopped me for a moment, I turned to Hel, the same thing happened to her too.

"This ... is a class B, right?"

"W-I think so ..."

"B-but it has two horns ..."

At that moment we didn't know what to think, how to act ... in front of us, we could have a demonic beast or a demon.

We realized only after a while that in the direction where the lion was looking there were two gladiators, a girl, and a boy.

"That ... looks like your target."

We checked, and she matched the image in Hel's compass.

They were both on the ground dirty with earth and bloody, with their clothes torn at times.

"What should we do?" I asked Hel.

"In your opinion, if that lion kills my prey ... will they still give me 40 points?"

"I don't know ... but ..."

In me a perhaps crazy idea began to be born, I wanted to face it. I looked at Hel with a look inflamed with curiosity.

She looked back at me, and after a while, her confused gaze turned into a smirk.

"You want to face it, right?"

"Would you call me crazy if I said yes?"

"Actually, I think I'd like you even more ..."

"Heh ... so you're with me?"

"Of course"

We approached the lion, after a while, it smelled us and turned its attention to his new prey.

The lion wasted no time in beating around the bush and threw himself at me, I launched a blow of wind, it did absolutely nothing to it, so I stepped aside.

Hel pulled out her scythe.

'Will this also be part of her power?'

She tried to hurt the beast but she didn't make it in time, the lion jumped again towards me, I "saw" its next move in time and I dodged to the side again.

'it's trying to corner me'

Hel then leaped gracefully and slashed the lion's back.

The beast, without batting an eye, turned around, and while Hel was still in the air it struck her with its right foreleg, luckily Hel was able to parry the blow with the scythe in time.

I rushed towards its hind legs, trying to cut one of them clean, but the skin of the lion was too hard, and I only managed to cut it a little.

"Well, for being the first time we fight together, we're not doing badly, it was fate ..." Hel said with a smirk.

"Mmh, but we have to find the weak point."

"So… instinctively, I would tell you the eyes and the belly" Hel replied.

Her answer, even though she couldn't prove it, instinctively, seemed to me somehow correct.