The fight against the cursed beast - 21

Now, Hel and I were separated from the lion, who was waiting for the right moment to attack us.

Its attention seemed to be directed towards me, without any warning, it jumped towards me, I dodged it with difficulty, jumping backwards, then tried to hurt me with the claws of his right paw, however, I "saw" its move in advance and then I managed to dodge it, now I was the one to attack, making a thrust towards aiming between its ribs of the chest, however before I could skewer it the lion roared blocking both me and Hel.

The beast raised its left paw and prepared a ferocious blow aimed at my right flank.

'I won't make it in time ...'

Just before it hit me, the effect of the roar disappeared, and I managed to place the dagger between me and the lion's paw.

In the instant before the blow, Hel also managed to make a cut on the lion's side, probably thanks to this, the blow of the lion directed towards me was weakened.

Even so, the blow inflicted on me threw me to the ground, making me roll uncoordinatedly for at least five meters.

I was having a hard time breathing, I probably had cracked ribs. I checked my Hp, I had lost 150.

[450HP → 300HP]


It really hurt.

'The pills….'

Hel and I, of course, had brought both HP recovery pills and the "Full Lunch" bars.

I had the bottle with the pills in my pocket, I took it out and swallowed a pill, and so I recovered 50 Hp.

However, the pain in the side did not go away.

'I have to get up '

For as long as I was indisposed, Hel kept the lion busy alone.

'She's really cool.'

The lightness, and at the same time the accuracy of her shots were incredible.

I got up and calmed my breath.

I went back to the lion and pulled a wind blow, trying to concentrate the wind more.

The blow hit the lion's nape, cutting some of the mane and making a slight cut.

I was tired, I probably could have used my predictive power a little longer, so I would have had to risk a little more.

First, we had to weaken his legs.

"Hel keep it busy for a little while longer!"

As the lion tried unsuccessfully to strike Hel, I cut both tendons of the lower hind legs of the lion. Its lower legs could no longer hold its weight and the lion sat down.

Foreseeing this, I wasted no time and used the lion's back as a ramp, headed for the lion's head, as Hel was about to slash the scythe in the beast's forehead.

"He's about to roar!"

Hearing this Hel retreated a little as I jumped, headed for where I had predicted the lion's head would be.


It stopped me in flight, the lion struggled to its feet and turned towards me, preparing a blow with his right paw, which I had foreseen, I had also predicted that the effect of the roar would end just before I was hit, and I had predicted that Hel would block that lion's hit just before I was hit, I had also "seen" how I would get a step away from the lion's head and how I would stab the beast's head, piercing the sword through the lion's right eye.

The beast after some moaning fell to the ground helpless.

I fell unevenly to the ground, dislocating my left shoulder and losing another 50Hp.

"He-he ..."

"We did it."

The joy of winning against such a strong opponent was truly incredible, even Hel seemed happy.

I received 15 points, while Hel 5.

'So it was really just a level B beast, so who knows how strong the demons are …'

"I got some points too …" Hel said.

"Did you get points too ?!"

"Yes, five ..."

'How strange, in the rules, there was nothing written about the distribution of points in group kills ... perhaps this event also has other secrets'

"Well ... better this way"

"But who knows how the points to be awarded during group kills are decided ..."

" Hmm ... in fact when we fought together groups of zombies they never gave us points for cooperating "

'Maybe, points for group kills are only awarded if the killing was actively assisted... '

"Well, if this is always the case, wouldn't it always be better to attack by cooperating?" Hel asked.

"Actually ... but if you think about it, fighting a beast like this alone is a little crazy."

"Well, this is also true ..."

It was now about seven in the evening, it was starting to get dark, and our attention turned to the two wounded gladiators.

"T-thank you very much! You saved us. " The boy said.

"Yes, thanks." The girl added.

"What do you plan to do with her?" I whispered to Hel.

"Well, she's my target, so ..."

Hel approached Marie with the scythe in her hand.

"You are Marie, right?"

"Y-yes ... How do you kno-"

Marie's face darkened.

"N-No! Please don't do it "

" Oh, so you got it ... "

I felt sorry for the scene, Marie was helpless with a frightened look, who knows how many HP she had left, Hel didn't seem to care that much.

With a blow, she slipped the tip of the scythe between the shoulder and the neck of the victim, who disappeared after a while.

'I don't think I'll ever get used to it ...'

"You, on the other hand, are you?" Hel turned to the other.

"I-I was her target ... my name is A-Albert"

'So these two were fighting when, presumably, the beast attacked them, so unlucky…'

"Ah, too bad, he's not your target." Hel said turning to me.

We then decided to leave leaving him a healing pill, towards our "home", we decided to hunt down my target the next day.

"Anyway, you really are merciless ..."

Hel smiled in amusement.

[Hel +91 pt → totals: 153pt 2nd in ranking

Zeto +63 pt → totals: 108pt 9th in ranking]