Zeto's target - 22

Hel and I went back to "base" and agreed on guard times, I would have done the first four hours and she would have done the other four.

Hel fell asleep immediately.

'She seems to trust me a lot ... I still have to understand what her power is, or rather, I know that she can use a scythe, that she can lighten her body, and that she can partially heal wounds ... maybe the latter is one of her secondary skills ... '

Then I thought back to the past days.

'Tomorrow I will have to defeat my target, now he is sixth in the standings, who knows how strong he is ...'

The four hours passed very slowly, especially because I was really tired, I also spent an hour training my inner world.

Hel took over, I fell asleep instantly and the next morning came quickly.

"Oh, did you wake up?"

"Mmh ..."

Hel was holding some cookies and milk.

"And those?"

"Oh, I took them from the fridge downstairs."

We had a delicious breakfast and immediately decided to leave in search of my target: Rokalki.

"Do you happen to know him?"

"Mmh ... from what I know he's been in our Tier for a long time, he's very strong in long and medium distance fighting, being a bow user."

'If it is true that he uses the bow ...'

"He probably placed himself on a roof of a building ..."

"I think so too."

The compass instructed us to go to our right. After about twenty minutes the compass rang, indicating that my target was close to us.

"It's here somewhere"

* Fiiihiu

An arrow hit the head of a zombie in front of us, it came from a terrace of the building to our left, a reddish building with exposed bricks, the ground floor, in the past, was probably used as a bar, while the floors above looked like apartments, there was also an iron fire escape on its right side.

"It's him!"

Rokalki saw us and ran away.

'Have you already understood everything, huh?'

"You go up from inside, I use the fire escape!" I told Hel.


I climbed the ladder as fast as I could, a group of ten zombies was following me.

'But how many there are today.'

There were others in the distance running towards us, including three armored.

'We have to finish it quickly'

I arrived on the terrace where my target had been, I went into the room, there was no sign of him.

After a while I heard a noise coming from the stairwell, In the center, the building had an empty circular space with metal spiral staircases with floral movements, full of vines.

Each floor had a parapet that gave onto this internal clearing, with metal bridges that joined them to the central staircase.

I saw Rokalki who was climbing the stairs, he had almost reached the top floor. The chase began.

He saw that I was under him and with a few seconds of preparation, he fired an arrow that seemed inaccurate, but which curved and hit me, making a scratch on my left shoulder.


I didn't have time to think about the pain, and luckily, the arrow didn't seem to be poisoned.

Rokalki came to the door that led to the roof of the building, shot another arrow at me, and then left the building.

This time I dodged it easily.


Below me, I heard a cry of pain from Hel. Hel was also climbing the stairs and was about two floors below me, she had been hit hard by the arrow, which had lodged in her shoulder.

"Hel! Are you OK?!"

"Don't worry about me, you chase him, I'll catch up with you!"

After some uncertainty, I decided to pursue Rokalki again, now more determined to "finish him" than before.

I also reached the roof of the building and checked around, Rokalki was jumping from roof to roof, even making four-meter jumps seem simple.

He saw me and shot two arrows at the same time, one aimed at my calf and the other at my chest. I dodged them with difficulty, foreseeing their trajectory.

Rokalki was dressed in green and brown and had windscreens, the peculiar thing was his hair, he had all his hair gathered in numerous braids.

The distance between him and me was not shrinking, in fact, it seemed to increase, so I decided to throw a wind blow just before he jumped from one roof of one building to another, predicting his future position.

The blow landed and managed to injure both his calves, he still managed to complete the jump, but with difficulty, this made him lose many meters of distance from me.

He seemed to have sprained his ankle, now he seemed to be running with difficulty, however, he had some regenerative pills with him, he took one and started running fast again, however now I was only five meters away.

"My stamina ... ahhh, I'm out of breath …"

I couldn't continue at these speeds, so I decided to throw a gust of wind again, this time he saw it and dodged in time, however, he still lost meters from me.

At a certain point, after completing yet another jump from one building to another, Rokalki turned and shot an arrow at me while I was in flight, however, I suspected such a move and therefore before each jump, I had always activated my power, thanks to this, I "saw" in advance the trajectory of his arrow and was able to hit it with the sword.

My target seemed troubled by this and delayed the resumption of his run, he shot an arrow again at me less than three meters away, I "saw" that too and dodged it with difficulty, I sprinted towards him and with a jab cut his carotid artery. Rokalki disappeared shortly after.

"Ah-ha ... what an effort ... he was really strong ..."

Now that the heat of the moment was gone I felt the pain in my shoulder again, I checked it, it was purple, and I felt it burn.

'So the arrows were poisoned ?!'

I checked my information, I only had 250Hp left, now I wasn't losing much, so probably the effect of the poison was almost gone, I took a regenerating pill.

'Oh, no… HEL!'

I turned to the building where we had separated previously, it was a long way from where I was now, but I could still see the countless number of zombies surrounding it, both on the ground and on the roof, and presumably, there were just as many too inside of the building.


I rushed towards Hel, paying no attention to my wound anymore.