The Lady of the Castle - 23

I was running towards Hel when a notification appeared in front of me:

[Personal Special Event]

I clicked the notification.

[Personal Special Event: The Lady of the Castle.

In this event your princess is trapped in a decaying castle controlled by goblins (zombies) and armed goblins (armored zombies), your goal is to save her within the time limit of 40 minutes.

If you succeed, you will get 30 points.

If you fail, your princess will die. Good Luck!]

Now, in front of me, where previously there was a brick building, a Gothic-style castle arose, with its typical verticality in the construction, the plan of the building, in general, it was possible to simplify it into a composition of rectangles, for the primary structure, and circles, for the various towers.

Throughout the walls, huge vines hid windows that were now cracked and often incomplete.

The walls had a prevalence of blue and dark gray colors, with often buttresses with semi-broken pinnacles which, by means of flying buttresses, lightened the structure.


It was massive and awe-inspiring, but at the same time, it intimidated me.

'Princess ... are they talking about Hel ?!'

I walked over to get a better look at the scene.

"Who knows if I'm the only one who can see all this ... and in any case, this solves the question of whether this game is reality or simulation ..."

Then I remembered that the whole arena had been built in just two years.

'Well, maybe I don't know their technology well enough to say for sure ...'

The zombies surrounding the facility were now greenish goblins. At first glance, they also seemed stronger than the zombies, above all they seemed more agile.

The ones that really frightened me were the armed ones, they had leather armor that covered them almost entirely and they also had a short sword. The "simple" goblins had, however, only a cloth that covered their private parts.

'I need a plan ...'

First I had to figure out where Hel could be.

'Mmh ... if they were inspired by human tales ... she should be in a high place'

I scanned the structure, there was one tower, among many, which was both wider and higher; for now, the top of that tower seemed to me the most logical place for Hel to be. Sometimes, there were holes in the tower, but they were impossible to reach.

'But maybe I could climb from the outside ...'

I looked at how far the vines went, unfortunately even this plan seemed impossible.

'Certainly, I can't enter through the main entrance ...'

I saw a manhole on a side not far from the east wall of the castle.

'Maybe from the sewers ...'

The options were therefore two: either I climbed from the outside up to a certain point and then exploited a crack in a wall to enter, or from the sewers.

I decided, first of all, to see if I could actually enter the castle from the sewers.

'Ahkh, that stinks in here'

I tried to move making as little noise as possible, after a few meters I found myself in front of an intersection of four sewer lines, leaning out a little I observed the lines to my right and to my left.

To my left I saw a semi-open rusty gate with weeds growing at its base, there were only two goblins guarding it. I decided to enter the castle from here.

One guard seemed to be asleep, so I waited for the second to turn around and with a sharp swipe of the sword, I finished him off in one fell swoop, then I immediately killed the second.

'Good ...'

I passed the gate and found myself a staircase that led to a trap door that presumably led to the first floor of the castle, it was rotten and with a broken lock.


I tried to open the trap door slowly but the door creaked just the same.

Luckily the hatch opened into what looked like the castle's old prison, the cells were empty, decaying and the iron that made them up was rusty.

There was only one guard, who was taking a nap.

I snapped the blade of my dagger into its throat.

The prison door was very heavy, luckily the lock was broken, it creaked, so I opened it just right to get through.

I was now in a corridor, there were no goblins, I found the strange thing, but continued down the corridor anyway.

Suddenly a door to my left opened, and three goblins including an armed one came out of there.

I hid behind a rotten wood bedside table, they didn't see me.

They walked in the opposite direction to me, and, trying not to make a noise, I sneaked up to them and with the sword, I stabbed the head of the goblin closest to me, while I kicked away the armed goblin, who fell in a disheveled manner.

Without wasting a moment with a blow, I cut off the head of the second "simple" goblin and turned my attention to the armed one, I tried to catch him in advance with a thrust, however, at the last, the goblin deflected it with his sword.

With a flip back the goblin got up and prepared to fight me.

He sprinted against me, he was very fast, luckily I managed to "see" him in time, and I dodged his blow, however, the goblin was really very agile and so he threw himself back at me without my being ready, I held him at a distance with a gust of wind, which also wounded him in the arm.

'Seems even stronger than armored zombies'

I activated my power, and "saw" how the zombie would rush towards me trying to pierce my right shoulder with the sword, so I prepared earlier for the counterattack. The goblin attacked as expected, I deflected his blow, and in one motion severed his head.

I followed the corridor and came to a large hall with at least fifteen goblins, two of which were armed.

'What do I do now ?!'

I had to hurry, 20 minutes had already passed.

[Day 3, ~15 pm

Zeto: 213 pt → 4th place]