One-sided battle - 24

'This is a good time to try to use the new variation of my power…'

A few days before the event, after hard targeted training, an additional variation appeared in the window where there was information about my power.

This variant was called "Space Seer" which, if activated, made me aware of the future not only in front of my eyes but also around me, the only real problem I found in this variant was the fatigue it brought to my mind and body.

I activated my power and its additional variant.

Now I didn't see only with the eyes, I saw with the sensations, with the perceptions, I was aware of the space that surrounds me, of its present and future variations.

The flow of my mind broke away from tangible reality and wandered through the various paths that my future might have.

I immersed myself in the flow of the future actions of my opponents, it was a dance surrounded by the blue of the goblin blood, the mind moved, my body followed it with difficulty.

-1 -2 -3 ... -12 -13.

The goblins fell to the ground from my blade damage.

Now only the two armed goblins remained.

They surrounded me, but at that moment I had "eyes" everywhere.

I felt the future projection of the goblin's knife behind me piercing my left side and so I rotated my torso, grabbing the head of the unfortunate, subsequently throwing it at the other, also ready to inflict damage on me.

The two fell and rolled sprawled for a few meters.

Without wasting a moment of time, already knowing the position where I would have to stab the blade to kill them, I acted and finished them.

It was all over in less than a minute.

My ability dropped shortly thereafter, leaving behind a blue bloodbath and a severe headache.

'My body is shaking, my mind is throbbing ... I won't be able to use this power again today ...'

'I think it should be this way.'

There were probably still goblins inside the castle, so I had to be careful how I moved.

I found a wide circular flight of spiral staircases with a stone marble column rising upward in the center.

'It must be this'

I started up the stairs.

'But how high is this tower?'

I had been climbing the stairs for a long time now, I decided to make an incision with my dagger on the wall to my left and began my climb again.

After a while, I found that engraving on my left again.

'It's like a loop ...'

I didn't quite understand what was happening, I tried to go down the stairs but after a while, I returned to the point of my incision. There were only 10 minutes left, I started running up the stairs, but the result was always the same.

'Am I stuck here ?!... Hel… '

I tried to calm down, I had to think. I looked around me.

'This must also be part of the test ...'

I noticed that the marble column next to me, at one point, started numerous gray ribs in a radial sense, these "paths" all ended after a while, except one, which continued until it become a creeper on a step, that creeper reached the top right corner of a step.

'I see like edges ... it seems like a button.'

I pressed it and after a few twinkles around it, circles appeared on the steps in front of me, one for each step.

I decided to go up the stairs placing my feet only in the illuminated points and after a few minutes, I arrived in front of a door which, even if it was very old, still showed the ancient decorations.

I pushed open the door and a circular room opened in front of me, with circular windows all around that showed a breathtaking view, different from the city I was in before.

The walls and ceiling of the room were decorated with frescoes, these did not appear to have been degraded by time.

Then there was a red bed with a wooden base decorated with inlays depicting flowers of all kinds.

Leaning on it was Hel, her gaze, compared to the usual, was delicate and serene, her dress was different, it looked like that of the princesses of children's fairy tales, but black.


Thinking about that, I embarrassed myself.

"Ehem ... well what now?"

Soon after, the sound of bells echoed around.

A notice appeared in front of me.

[ Well done!

You managed to save the princess!

For you 30 pt]

'That's it?'

The tension I had built up turned into fatigue. I couldn't wait to get back to "base".

However, Hel's clothes returned to normal but she did not wake up, I also tried to shake her but nothing.

So, I decided to pick her up and carry her to our "base".

'These days have been really crazy ...'

With my head in the clouds, I was walking back to the base, trying to avoid the clashes as much as possible.


I felt a disturbance build in me that I had never felt before, images appeared in my mind, of me and Hel with a pierced stomach, as if something or someone had pierced us as they passed through it.

Instinctively I snapped back and, like a bolt of lightning, a small red creature passed in front of us.

'F**k! And this?!'

The little creature was now standing in front of me, he had a sly look, his eyes sparkled with pure malice, and he had two small horns on his head and pointed ears. He was devoid of hair and genitals.

It was giving off incredible pressure, I couldn't breathe well.

The sensation I felt was similar to the one I felt in front of the Rings, it was certainly strong, perhaps stronger than me.

I had Hel in my arms, but I knew that I could not escape from that being.

He was laughing playfully, showing his pointy teeth, but he didn't seem to want to attack me for the moment.

I took this opportunity to place Hel on the relative of a building next to me, luckily besides the being in front of me, there didn't seem to be any other monsters nearby.

'I have to beat him, I have no other alternatives'

I pulled out the dagger, ready to face him, he was different from all the opponents I had faced before, on a completely different level, he was certainly a demon.

'I just hope he's not an expert demon ...'

I blinked, and when I reopened them again, the demon was behind me, and my side began to burn with pain, it had hurt me without me even noticing it, I looked at my side, and I had a deep cut where blood gushed.

I had lost 100Hp with its first attack.

The pain was excruciating, I was now out of breath, aching but I couldn't distract myself.

The demon began to laugh out loud.