David and Goliath - 25

I had never felt a similar fear before, I was afraid of dying, even if even "dying" I would not really "die", the fear was there anyway.

'Who knows if there is someone at this moment cheering me on from in front of a screen, or if there is someone praying for my capitulation, people who do not understand anything, protected by thousands of miles away, maybe there will be someone who, even having never picked up a sword, seeing me tremble and with a frightened look, he will criticize me, he will say: "if I had been there in his place I would have done ..." people who know nothing, people who see us as puppets who "dance" for their own enjoyment ... '

Waiting for my opponent's next attack, I was thinking about this, strange right?

However, all these thoughts became gasoline that set a fire of anger inside me

'They want a show? I'll give it to them… '

My gaze changed, fear was covered in anger. Perhaps also because of the pain, I lost my mind and smiled like a madman.

"Come on! Fight me!"

I no longer cared about my safety, at that moment I dared, using my power, without thinking about the consequences that my body and my mind would have.

The demon attacked, and the next events would lead to the birth of a new "legend" in the arena.

It all took place in a matter of minutes, however in this very short period of time so many things happened that just explaining these events would cause epilepsy.

The battle began.

The demon attacked similarly the first time, in a straight line, with no frills, but at such a speed that my eyes could not see.

I gave up trying to "see" the future and focused on predicting the parts of my body where I would feel pain in the future.

So I felt the future pain trying to avoid it in the present, this was such a contradiction that my head could not fully understand, I struggled always remaining one step away from fainting, I knew that as soon as I let go of even a little concentration I would collapse.

I felt a pain in my right side, so I dodged to the left, the demon as soon as it hit the ground, it attacked again without hesitation.

'The neck ...'

I withered in time and managed to avoid it, in all this, however, I did not know how to counterattack. The desire to beat him was there, but how?

I felt pain in my right shoulder, I moved leaving the sword outstretched at that point, the demon veered into the air and avoided it, also wounding my right forearm with its claws.

Now when he hit the ground he stood still, he pointed the index finger of his left hand at me, I felt pain all over, so I jumped to the right as much as possible.

From his finger came a storm of lightning that could have incinerated an ox, I narrowly avoided them.

'What was that ?!'

While he was still standing, I launched a wind blow, the demon cut him smoothly with his right hand.

He pointed his finger at me again, which caught me off guard, I didn't imagine he could throw another one so soon, I threw myself as far as possible, but a bolt of lightning struck my right leg anyway.


The demon continued his slaughter, my sword could not even wound him once.

I realized I couldn't beat him in the open, so I sprinted with my little strength left, and with my burned leg, toward the door of a building.

The demon laughed and let me do it.

I got lost in the rooms of the building, I was now in a room on the second floor.

'Wait ... what if he killed Hel ?!'


The floor beneath my feet broke into a thousand pieces, and I was thrown away until my back hit a wall of the room.

"AHhkh ..."

I was bleeding all over, and I couldn't even hurt him once.

Now, a crazy idea came to my mind.

The demon, aware of his superiority, seemed to me in a certain sense arrogant, I had to cause his mistake.

'What if… maybe there's no other way'

* Gulp

'Yes, I have to do this '

The demon laughed in front of me, and threw more lightning at me, but I managed to avoid them luckily.

"Come on!"


The demon shot to its fullest, injuring my right shoulder.

I pissed him off.

"AKh ..."

Having increased his speed again, the demon finished his dash tumbling, crawling uncoordinatedly against the wall behind me.

'He he'

I sprinted towards him with the last strength I had, he got up, attacking me with the claws of his right hand, I perceived them in advance, but I did not move, the demon gave me a confused look, his blow pierced my stomach, then he immediately tried to back away but I clung to him.

The demon, then, directed his left hand against my neck, I firmly gripped my dagger and directed it towards his neck.


Both necks were pierced at the same time, He still seemed to have strength, so with only 1 Hp left to me, I twisted my sword inside his neck, finishing him off.

Soon after, "I lost my life too."

Sometimes even a "David" can win against a "Goliath".