October 22 - 32

That day I woke up a little earlier than usual due to a nightmare of which, upon awakening, I remembered nothing.

I was sweaty and my heart was beating madly, however, I did not remember anything, or rather, I only remembered one word: "Kalmak", however, I did not know what it meant.

The fact is that October 22 had finally come, the day that would officially begin the operation to get out of "here".

It was six in the morning, Liza, Libert, Ron, and I should have met at 9 in the evening, time with more matches played at the same time and therefore also time with fewer guards in the corridors, being busy in the stands and in the playing rings.

I hadn't made any commitments of any kind for that day, so I didn't really know how to pass the time.

'Maybe I should train ... but ...'

In reality, I was particularly anxious about that evening, so even training, I would have trained absent-mindedly.

'Well ... for now I would say to have breakfast ... mmh, I could go to a bar in the arena'

I dressed in my usual clothes and left my room.

'Right! Hel had told me about a place where they made incredibly good crepes' Or so she told me.

However, arriving at the place, I immediately noticed something, I was the only one who was there alone.

'Am I the only ... single here? ...' "Ahhh"

The desire to have breakfast there went away a little, but the sweet smell that came from that place captured me.

I lined up for the cashier, in front of me there was a couple who, without shame, were flirting.

* Smack Mwah… etc etc

I looked away, completely embarrassed.

'It's 6 in the morning ... how can there be so many people ... I really hope it's worth it ...'

When I arrived at the cashier I chose my crepe, I opted for a very classic combo: chocolate and cream. Then I also took a cappuccino.

'Now that I pay more attention to it, this place is really nice ... and very romantic too ... all the couples in the arena are likely to find themselves here ... right? ...'

The place was located in a circular square inside the Arena, and had the main facade composed of a huge window, with the name of the place written in soft and curved characters: "Crepeterism".

I sat outside, which consisted of an almost completely "open" outdoor area, on a wooden table.

Finally, however, it was my time to taste the crepe I had taken.

I grabbed it and brought it voraciously to my mouth.

"Oh, Zeto! You are here too. "

I heard a call from a very familiar voice, it was Hel, dressed, as always, in the dark if not black clothes.

She told me to wait for her and then go and buy a crepe too.

He came back with three crepes, one like mine, one strawberry and cream, and another one flavored with cookies.

"You are hungry I see ..." I said surprised.

"Oh, actually I just finished training … and the crepes here are really good"

'At this time ?!'

She sat in front of me, I could finally enjoy my crepe.

I took a bite, the sweetness of the chocolate and cream, combined with the delicacy of the crepe dough caught the attention of all my taste buds.

"Wo ..." 'Fuck if it's good!'

"It's good, right?" She asked.


She smiled fiercely as if she were proud of it.

"Anyway, do you have plans for today?" She asked me.

"W-why ?!" The question caught me off guard.

"Mmh ... there is no particular reason ... if you have nothing to do we could train together, what do you think?"

'How do I answer ...'

"I can't ... I mean, I'd like to spend the day with you ... I'd be very happy about that..."

"But?" she asked me.

"But, I already have a commitment ..."

'Don't ask me what ... please ...'

"Mmh ... and what?"

'Eh ...'

"Private… things ..." 'Let it be enough ...'

"Do you have to go out with your girlfriend?" She asked me.

"EH ?!"

"Ahem ... no, I don't even have a girlfriend ... where does this question come from ..."

"Mmh... I often see a brown-haired girl walking into your room"

'Who is she talking about ... Liza ?! Um ...'

"She's just some kind of mentor ... she helped me and still helps me increase my control over mana ... nothing more ..."

"Oh yeah?" My answer seemed to make her happy.

"Anyway… you're hiding something from me, aren't you? Today you look less lucid than usual… "

I took a deep breath, took a bite of my crepe, and took a sip of cappuccino. I was a little tired of her questions.

"None of your business ..." I replied bluntly.

She made a face that was both sad and angry.

"Apparently you don't trust me yet ..." she said.

We finished breakfast in dead silence.

I felt a little guilty, but at that moment I still didn't feel like telling her everything about me, maybe it was because I wanted to protect her in some way or maybe she was really right: I still didn't fully trust her.

When we finished breakfast we said goodbye quite coldly.

I went to the gym because I wanted to release some stress. Lifting weights and exercising really helped me to tidy up my ideas.

After that, I went back to my room, had lunch, and practiced meditation until 9 pm, the fateful time.