Who is "me" - 33

I arrived in Libert's room at 8:30, all the others involved in the operation were already there.

"Perfect," said Ron. "Now that we're all here, we can go over the plan."

Everyone, including me, nodded.

At that moment I understood why Ron was considered the leader of their group, he spoke clearly and decisively, which gave him great charisma.

"First of all, as you know, this plan is mainly based on two factors, the illusory power of Libert and Liza, and our speed ..."

In the last few days, there had been countless revisions regarding the plan to follow, however, these two factors remained the main constants.

"You and me," said Ron, pointing to me, "we would enter the SLTER laboratory, while Lise will remain on the lookout and cover us, staying out of the laboratory, Libert, instead, will take care of corrupting the memories of those we would knock out."

Then, when we arrived at the laboratory devices, we would have to connect the data collection device to the Slter computers, hoping that this device would work, and then wait 10 minutes for the data collection.

"This plan should last no more than 15 minutes, just so we wouldn't arouse too many suspicions."

A little anxiety returned to me, after all, I too had a fundamental role in the plan.

At 9 o'clock we started moving.

We arrived shortly after at Lab46B, there were two guards outside.

"It's your turn Liza" Ron said.

Liza approached the guards.

"Expansion of illusory reality," she said.

As soon as Liza said that, Ron dashed over to the two guards and knocked them out in an instant.

"Come on Zeto," He told me.

After using the fingerprints of one of the guards to open the laboratory door, we entered.

Inside was another corridor, which would lead to the actual laboratory.

Ron, as we ran, turned to me.

"Anyway ... did you ask yourself why we wanted you in this operation?"

"Actually ... yes"

"Heh, as you know too ... about sheer strength, we're still light years away from you."

I nodded.

"Do you know what is the most important thing for the success of a complex plan like ours?" Ron asked me, referring to the plan to escape the Arena.

I looked at him confused, it just didn't seem like the time to talk about this.

"Trust?" I asked him.

In fact, I had thought about why they had asked for my participation in that operation, and the only thing that came to mind was: to consolidate my trust in them and vice versa.

"Hehe… exactly," he said. He added no more.

We finally reached the main room of the laboratory, there were three other guards and five researchers.

The laboratory was very small and circular.

The thing that mainly surprised me was the Slter technology.

All the very advanced computers, of which I did not understand absolutely anything, were connected by LEDs to a cylindrical case in the center of the room, in which, inside, there was only a golden flower, immersed in a transparent liquid.

'Could it be a source of energy? ...'

"Zeto, you take care of the researchers, don't let one escape."

He told me.

We parted ways with the work, he arranged the guards, with disarming ease, and I knocked out the researchers.

'He's really strong ... I probably wouldn't have been able to fight those three guards at the same time and he did it in less than a minute ...'

"Oh, you're done here I see"

Libert had joined us.

"We leave them to you," Ron told him.

"Well ... now ... where do I put this thing?" Said Ron, pulling out the data collector.

Suddenly, the device glowed red and, attracted by an "invisible force", levitated and attached itself to the cylindrical case in the center of the room.

"Well, it did it all by herself, better this way ..."

Now we just had to wait.

The more I was in there, the more I felt something strange in me.

The more I looked at that flower, the more I felt something familiar in it, the flower began to call me towards it.

I could no longer think clearly and my body moved closer and closer to the case.

As my vision darkened, I reached out and touched the case.

"Zeto?" Ron called me back confused.

I stood there, with my hand resting on the case, I could no longer hear any noises around me.

My mind and my conscience were as if transported to another place.

I found myself in space, now, in front of me, I saw a planet, it certainly was not the Earth.

The planet was small and half of it was completely dotted with buildings with a combination of white and gold.

The other half was mainly composed of forests of trees with golden foliage and an ocean of water also with golden notes.

Somehow, that planet was familiar to me, even though I had never seen it before.

"Slterya", I knew this was his name, it was the home planet of the Slters, however, how I knew it, was inexplicable to me, it was as if those pieces of information had always been in me.

After a while, I returned with the consciousness in my body.

"Zeto ?! Wake up, we have to leave." Ron was telling me while shaking me.

"Mmh?" My head hurt, like when you suddenly wake up from a deep dream.

"We have to leave," Ron repeated.

I saw that he had the data collector in his hand, it was now illuminated in green.

"Y-yeah ..."

I followed Ron and Libert down the corridor leading to the lab exit, still bewildered by what had happened to me.

"Zeto ..." Libert called me, "What happened in there ... we tried in every way but it was impossible to wake you up ..."

I looked at him, my head was really heavy.

"I-I don't know ..."

'That planet ... why I felt it like ... "home" ...'

Luckily we got to Liza smoothly and then we finally ran away from the laboratory.