D Team (2) - 38

Marie dodged my sword stroke and with a hook tried to hit my chin, however, I "saw" her blow in advance and for this, I dodged it by lowering myself, and, thanks to the "Wind Movement" skill, I pushed away from her.

However, before putting my feet on the ground, Marie sprinted towards me and hit me with a jab straight on my nose, breaking it and knocking me back a few meters.

[600Hp → 520Hp]

However, Marie's attack did not stop there, and while I was still airborne she jumped at me and kicked me directly in the back, and knocked me to the ground, causing me a lot of damage.

[520Hp → 400Hp]

"AHKh" 'Fuck! And I also used "Wind Movement" to cushion the impact ... '

I had to compose myself, so before she could attack me again, I did an acrobatic somersault backward to get up.

Fortunately, during all the blows I had received, I had not lost my sword, still tightly held in my right hand.

I threw two "Wind cuts" towards Marie, and "observed" how she would dodge them, then I launched towards where she would go.

"Wha ?!" Marie exclaimed, seeing me a step away from her.

I launched a front blow of the sword, however, with a really unnatural movement Marie almost completely dodged it, suffering only a superficial wound to the left cheek.

After that, she flicked backward, however not wanting to give her room to maneuver, I instantly sprinted at her.

However, Marie was ready for it, indeed, she probably expected it, in fact as soon as she put her feet on the ground she tried to hit me with a side kick aimed at my head, however, I had already "seen" her move in advance, and therefore, I did a sword thrust where I knew her kick would go, and using both "Wind Movement" and "Fairy wind" to support my blow, I managed to pierce her foot.

"Ouch!" Marie exclaimed painfully.

I thought I had the victory on point and so I immediately attacked her again with a swipe of the sword, however, rotating her body at an absurd speed, Marie kicked my back and hit me in the stomach, thus managing to escape.

"Heheh… I'm really enjoying this battle…" Marie said in pain.

"Yeah ... a really nice fight ..." I said.

The fight went on for a long time and finally, neither of us got the better of the other, our skills denied each other, and, after almost half an hour of swords blows, punches, and kicks, we both fell exhausted to the ground.

"Ahhh ... nice fight!" Marie said happily.

"Haha… yeah…" 'It was from the demon fight that I didn't get so exhausted…'

"Well, it ended up in a tie," Yo said to Hel.

"Yeah ... I really underestimated Marie ..." She said visibly surprised.

"Well! I guess we have victory in hand with you three, hahaha" Yo said happily.

To further improve our teamwork and team cohesion, we decided to go for dinner together in a seafood restaurant.

"Anyway ... I'm really glad you are my teammates for this tournament ..." She attacked Marie always smiling.

"I think so too," Yo said, "Also because… I have to be honest… with you three on the team, we could be the strongest team in this event…" He added.

"Don't underestimate yourself," Hel replied.

"In fact, you are the only one who can cover us from afar, we are counting on you for tomorrow ..." Marie added.

Yo smiled a little embarrassed.

Watching them talk so friendly made me feel good, but also a little sad at the same time, after all, I was happy there with them.

'Do I really have to get out of here? ...'

The fact that my fate would probably have been far from the Arena caused a pang in my chest, after all, I was happy there.

* Ting

The bracelets of all four rang at the same instant, we knew immediately what it was.

[Tournament of Novices - Game of Towers - Match 2 November

We inform Zeto, Member of Team D that the first Match of the Tournament will be against Team E, at 3 pm tomorrow, we wish you and your group the best of luck.

Links for more detailed information on upcoming matches: ****]

"You guys too…" Yo said.

We all nodded.

"Team E, do you remember who it is made up of?" I asked.

"If I remember correctly, Ria, Latia, Tori, and Pierre," Yo replied. "Anyway, it should be written ..."

Yo pressed the link attached to the message.


Match 1: Team A (Pak - Koffie - Katrin - Loftus) vs Team F (Blanca - Noir - Bol - Jou) at 10 am

Match 2: Team D (Hel - Zeto - Yo - Marie) vs Team E (Ria - Latia - Tori - Pierre) at 3 pm

The two winning teams of Matches 1 and 2 will face each other in the semifinals.

Match 3: Team B (Bina - Joè - Hariri - Anna) vs Team C (Panter - King - Facto - Samba) at 6 pm

Match 4: Team G (Fesi - Pirlo - Yun - Ze) vs Team H (Subara - Garcia - Yuan - Izo) at 9 pm

The two winning teams of Match 3 and 4 will clash in the semifinals.]

"Anyway, doesn't the organization of this tournament seem a bit strange to you?" Hel asked, "I mean, they tell us everything at the last moment..."

'Indeed ...'

"You know, I once asked my manager what the most viewed and loved games by Slters were ... and you want to know what those games had in common. ? " Yo asked.

"Hmm, if I really have to guess I would say games in which ... individual ability is shown?" I said. 'If so then all of this would make sense'

"Exactly!" Yo replied.

"Ah ... if so then it makes more sense ..." Hel added.

The only one who seemed not to understand the meaning of our talk seemed to be Marie, whose facial expression visibly asked for explanations.

"Think about it ..." Yo said, "Being told everything at the last moment they don't allow us to prepare very tactically and not even on the teamwork side, this will lead the game and therefore the tournament to be very much based on the individual characteristics and abilities of the individual team members. ... "

" Oh! " Marie seemed to have understood Yo's speech.

"Anyway, it went pretty well for us as far as the team we're up against…" Hel said, looking at the names of the Team E members.

"Yeah ..." Yo said.

"But all four are mainly medium and long-range fighters, so we have to be careful anyway tomorrow ..." Marie said, surprising everyone with intelligent reflection. Seeing us all surprised by that, Marie "burst".

"Oohh, look I'm not that stupid!" She said a little offended and pouting.

We all laughed.

"Ugh ..."

"Well, tomorrow let me break through the enemies ..." I said.

"Are you sure?" They asked me.

"After all ... my power is made for this" I replied smiling.