First match - 39

The first match of the day was won by Team A with a sparkling performance by Pak, known as "Dollmaker".

And now it was our turn.

As the game intended, we all spawned in the spawn area behind our main tower.

'Now that I see it up close ... it's really huge ...'

[3…2…1…Match Started]

"So I'm going to hunt monsters inside the bush," Hel said, not wasting a second of time.

The game map of the Tower game was almost rhomboid, with the six total towers placed in a row on the largest diagonal of the rhombus called the main lane, while, the remaining space of the map was almost bush, where monsters such as wolves and goblins randomly spawned. Inside the bush, however, the two "special areas" are also hidden, which change position from game to game.

At the beginning of the match, each gladiator was provided with a physical map of the game environment, with the position of the members belonging to the same team marked in real-time, in addition, both the positions and the "life" of all the towers were marked, and, after 10 minutes from the start of the game, the position of the "special zones" were also marked.

Our tactics, thought up by Yo, were based on two factors:

Hel, being the fastest and most agile of the group, would have to scout to find the special zones in advance, while the other three would have to manage the defense in 3 against 4.

Hel also had the role of obtaining as many bombs and shields as possible, it was possible to reach a bonus of up to 300Hp with shields, killing the "minor" monsters; arrived to have 4 bombs, Hel was then supposed to come to us to supply us with bombs.

The Tower game also offered a "portable inventory" where you could keep bombs, up to a maximum of 4 bombs.

It was a fairly simple strategy, but it seemed functional to us.

Marie, Yo, and I then headed for the center of the map.

* Swoogh! * Crrack

* Gulp 'If it wasn't for my power…'

I looked behind me, a tree had just been shattered by a sniper shot.

They were aiming at me, but thanks to "Danger Prediction" I saw the shot in advance and managed to dodge it at the last minute.

"What?!" Both Marie and Yo were petrified.

"This ... must have a cooldown, right ...?" Yo asked, visibly worried.

In fact, this one we had just witnessed was supposed to be the skill of someone from the other team, but we didn't know who it was. In fact, before the match, we had checked the abilities of our opponents, but we didn't know that anyone had a similar ability.

["Danger Prediction"] "I saw" another similar blow go towards my shoulder, and so I dodged it.

"This ..." Yo seemed to think about what was going on, however, he was agitated and couldn't seem to think as much as he usually does.

"Calm down ..." I said, "We knew they were strong in fighting from afar, if we panic it's the end ..."

Yo regained himself.

We arrived at the central pitch, within the range of the first enemy tower we saw 3 gladiators.

Two girls, one with blue hair and military dress, whom we identified as Tori, another with hair and white clothing, who was Latia, then there was a little boy with brown hair, whom we identified as Pierre.

However, Ria was missing from the appeal.

"It's probably Ria who fired the bullets earlier ..." Yo said.

"I think too ..." I added.

Ria, a petite but curvy girl, had sniper skills.

She was the only one whose power could explain the earlier blows, in fact, Pierre was adept at sidetracking and throwing knives, Latia had the ability to throw frozen bombs and Tori had the ability to create and control chains.

"Yo, contact Hel, tell her to find Ria…" I said to Yo, "Meanwhile Marie and I keep them busy…"

Yo nodded and hid behind our tower.

The only way to remotely contact a member of the same team was by sending messages with the map provided to us.

However, what we feared came to pass, the team against us stayed within range of their tower, all three had mid-range abilities, yet they stood there waiting for us. Their goal, therefore, was revealed: to defend until a favorable situation was found.

This tactic, in reality, was the daughter of the awareness and humility of the opponents, if there had been an arrogant gladiator among them, this strategy probably would not have worked.

For a while we stood looking at each other, looking for possible openings.

"Ok, I did!" Yo told us.


I pushed Marie away, a sniper shot, identical to the ones from before, passed her side.

"T-thanks Zeto ..."

The opposing team seemed surprised as they were thinking: 'How did you see the shot ?!'

"Well, standing here doing nothing ... it won't get us anywhere ..."

"Do you have an idea?" Yo asked.

"Yes, very simple actually, Marie and I attack them head-on trying to push them out of the range of their tower, and then finish them ..."

"But ... the laser beams of the tower ..." Yo said.

"How many Hp do you have Marie?"

"If I activate my power ... on 1000Hp" She said smiling, maybe he understood what I wanted to do.

"So ... you want to enter even at the risk of being hit by the tower beams ... take the blow and push your opponents out of range of the tower ..."

"Exactly ... and for this, Marie's incredible brute strength and my ability to predict will be the key..."

" Actually, it's not a bad plan… I think… well, I'll have you covered in the meantime." Yo said creating his sparkling bow.

"Well, let's go then!"

Marie and I rushed towards the adversaries, who prepared to fight.

We entered the radius of the tower, while the opponents moved away from us a little, however, they were much slower than us.

I activated "Space Seer" and thanks to that, I saw what to expect: the beam from the top of the tower, a chain that would try to wrap my right leg, and a knife aimed at my head.

I managed to dodge the chain, while the knife thrown at me was deflected by an arrow from Yo, however, I could not completely dodge the beam of the tower, which caused me pain throughout the affected part of my body and took away 200Hp.

'Oh… but so it doesn't always take away 500Hp…' Realizing this, my crazy plan made even more sense.

I threw myself towards Tori, the one with the ability of chains since it seemed to me that she weighed the least, meanwhile Marie was already one step away from Latia, who desperately threw a bigger freeze bomb than usual towards Marie, who she dodged thanks to her monstrous reflexes and speed, and with a kick, she threw her out of range of the tower.

I, after having dodged and deflected some chains thanks to "Wind Cut", hit Tori, first with a sword slash, wounding her left shoulder, and then with a kick enhanced by "Wind Movement", I pushed her out of the radius of action of the tower.

Meanwhile, Pierre was kept busy by the countless arrows fired by Yo.

All three, however, seemed confused by something else, and not by our plan itself.

I saw Tori looking at the bush behind her to her right as if seeking help.

[First death: Ria] the first death was announced.

"Hehe ... Hel made it ..."

With this, the first opposing tower was in our grasp.

[When a gladiator reaches 0Hp, he will respawn after a few seconds in his base, the more a gladiator "dies", the longer his respawn time will be]