The power of a sun - 53

Crossed the wall of Zarater's office, I found myself in a small room with white walls, well lit by clear blue mana balls that hovered free in space.

Then there was a bed with a person lying on it, next to the bed there was then a machine composed of three large rings stacked one above the other that levitated a few centimeters from the ground, with a very thin screen above them, which also seemed to levitate, with various information written on it, which for someone like me did not seem to mean anything.

All this machinery seemed to be held together by a faintly visible stream of mana, which, exiting the floor of the room, then passed through the three rings, then increased in visibility, and finally reached the very thin monitor.

This stream of mana then left the monitor and connected to the patient's head.

I went to see who was on that bed, I could not believe my eyes.

"Hel ..." I couldn't contain my surprise.

Zarater grinned.