Walking through a Desert (1) - 54

At the tournament awards they awarded Hariri as MVP, to whom the sword Chrysós should have gone, however, apparently, Hariri refused the sword, asking for "drugs" in its place to improve the efficiency of his meditation sessions.

Reluctantly, the tournament organizers accepted his request.

This only increased Hariri's fame, now, even in the highest rankings, his name was circulating. In the arena, after the tournament, Hariri was the hottest name, everyone talked about it, talked about his power with envy, and his arrogance and his bad temper, probably always out of envy.

On the other hand, after the tournament I almost made it to the Ailanthus tier, having received a total of 100PF since reaching second place in the tournament.

[Zeto: 298PF]

In addition to the PF, immediately after the tournament, we were also given the 610000 PFC we had won, we decided to divide them equally between me, Marie, and Yo, giving a part, albeit smaller, also to Pak.